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Create a standalone title

  • All content submitted through Prime Video Direct is made available/licensed at the sole discretion of Prime Video. For more information, see Licensing consideration and title review.
  • Available locations are based on the metadata language selected when creating a title. To add a new location, add the corresponding metadata language.

A standalone title consists of a single video that isn’t part of a larger episodic collection. For example, feature films and short films are standalone titles. Review Content Policy Guidelines, Asset requirements, and Licensing consideration and title review prior to submitting content. Submission of your content doesn’t guarantee it will be selected for licensing or published by a given date.

Create a standalone title

  1. Sign in to the Prime Video Direct website, and then click Your Videos.
  2. Click the Standalone tab.
  3. Click Add Title.
  4. In the Title box, enter a name. Title names can't be offensive, include inappropriate capitalization (all caps), or special characters.
  5. In the Category list, select a category that matches the content you’re submitting. For more information, see Categories.
  6. Select a Title Metadata Language.

    Note: Available locations are based on the metadata language selected when creating a title. To add a new location, add the corresponding metadata language. For supported languages by location, see Location Requirements.

  7. Click Continue.

Enter catalog information

The Title, Category, and Title Metadata Language you previously entered are added to the Catalog Listing tab.

  1. On the Catalog Listing tab, in the Synopsis box, enter up to a 400-character description. Synopses can't be offensive, include inappropriate capitalization (all caps), or special characters.

    Note: Some language alphabets (i.e. Japanese) contain letters and symbols that count as more than one character. The counter below the text box provides an accurate character count.

  2. In the Genre box, enter at least one and up to three genres. Prime Video may add or remove genres to improve customer discoverability. For a complete list, see Genres.
  3. In the Country of origin box, enter at least one country where the production company responsible for this work was established.

    What is country of origin?

  4. If your title doesn't have an official rating, you must suggest a rating based on the video content.
    1. In the Rating system list, select a rating system.

      What is Rating system?

    2. In the Rating list, select the assigned rating. If your title isn't officially rated by a rating system, select Suggested Rating – Title is not officially rated.
  5. For Rating reasons, select up to four reasons per rating system. This provides detailed information about the type of content contained in a movie or TV show. If you're not sure what to select, leave this blank. Note: Prime Video reserves the right to update Rating reasons as necessary.
  6. Optionally, in the Original language list, select the release language.
  7. Optionally, in the Original release year, enter the release year.
  8. Under Graphic Assets, click Browse to add key art (16:9 and 4:3) and a background image. Please provide all graphic assets in the .jpg or .png file formats. You can add files from your computer or a linked Amazon S3 account.

    • Standalone content
      1200x1600 (3:4) and 1920x1080 (16:9)
    • Background images
      1920x1080. These appear on device detail screens. This image conveys the mood of your content.

    High quality images are used to showcase your title in search results and detail pages.

    Images shouldn’t be stretched, condensed, padded, or otherwise distorted to meet the required image aspect ratios or resolution.

    For additional details and examples of key art, see Art requirements and the Graphic Assets Guide.

  9. Click Save.

Enter Cast & Crew information

A minimum of one crew member must be added, but we recommend that you also enter at least key actors for improved search discoverability on Prime Video. If you're submitting a movie or TV show, then you must provide a director.

  1. On the Cast & Crew tab, under Studio/Creator, enter the name as it will appear on Prime Video.
  2. Enter at least one crew member.
    1. Under Crew, in the Name box, type the crew member’s name.
    2. In the Role list, select the crew member’s role in the production.
    3. Click Add crew member.
    4. Repeat these steps for each crew member you want to add.
  3. Cast members are optional, but for videos with characters or voices, we highly recommend entering at least the main characters. The top two to four entries appear as "Starring" actors on Prime Video.
    1. Under Cast, in the Actor box, type the actor’s stage name.
    2. In the Character box, enter the character portrayed in the video.
    3. Click Add cast member.
    4. Repeat these steps for each crew member you want to add.
  4. Click Save.

Re-order or delete Cast & Crew information

After you've entered a cast or crew member, reorder the list by using the up and down arrow buttons, or delete an entry by clicking X. For cast members, the top two to four entries appear as "Starring" actors on Prime Video.

Add video assets

Video assets include your mezzanine (video) file, captions file, and an optional trailer. Files can be added from your computer or Amazon S3 account. When adding files from your computer, don’t close your web browser window until the file transfer is complete.

If your upload is interrupted (including browser crashes, exiting a tab, or loss of Internet connectivity), select the same file, click Save, and the upload will resume where it left off.

To add video assets, do the following:

Add mezzanine

  1. On the Video Assets tab, under Mezzanine file, click Browse to select a file to add. This is your main video file. You can add files from your computer or a linked Amazon S3 account.

    For more information, see Mezzanine requirements.

    What is a mezzanine file?

  2. Select the language of the audio in the video.

Add captions

  1. Under Captions, click Browse to select your captions data file. You can add files from your computer or a linked Amazon S3 account.

  2. Captions are required for all titles submitted in the U.S. and Amazon Prime titles worldwide, except Japan where Japanese captions are currently unavailable (Japanese titles require burnt-in Japanese subtitles). For titles with no dialogue or extended scenes with no spoken content, add descriptive captions that describe the background or foreground audio elements or use [no audio] before silent scenes.

  3. To synchronize the captions file with the video timecode, select the Frame rate and time code method in the lists. This should match the frame rate of the video/mezzanine for best results.

    For more information about captions, see Caption (timed text) Information.

  4. Select the language of the captions file

Add trailer (optional)

  1. Under Trailer, click Browse to select a trailer mezzanine file. You can add files from your computer or a linked Amazon S3 account. While the trailer is optional, we highly recommend you add it to your content.

  2. Trailers must not include any auditory or visual "call to action," including the following:

    • Theatrical release timeframe   "Theatrical Release Date"/"Coming Soon"/"This Summer."
    • Distribution format or services   "Now on DVD & Blu-Ray"/"Available on iTunes."
    • Rating Card   "This trailer has been approved for all audiences."
    • Website/Social Media call outs, @mymovie,
  3. Click Save.

Specify availability

  1. In Your Videos, on the Standalone tab, click the title.
  2. On the Availability tab, select in which territories and how you want make this title available to Amazon customers.

    Make your titles available to rent or buy through Prime Video in the U.S. and other locations—on all supported devices—Fire TV, phones, tablets, game consoles, smart TVs, and on the web. Eligible locations are based on the metadata language selected when adding a title. To add a new location, add the metadata language that corresponds to the location you want to submit to (i.e. German metadata language for Germany or Japanese metadata language for Japan).

    For each offer type you select (Rent or Buy), Prime Video reserves the right to decide which ones to approve for licensing.


    If you select Rent or Buy, you're asked to choose between Preset pricing and Custom pricing (advanced). Preset pricing includes Value, best for older and back catalog videos, and Base, best for balancing cost with wide audience appeal. Note: Amazon reserves the right to change prices.

    Note: For information about royalties, see Royalty Information.

  3. You can choose individual availability windows for each territory where you are making your title available. Click the three dots to specify availability windows.

    Note: Titles must be available for at least 30 days if you’re scheduling an end date.

    As soon as possible (ASAP)
    Advanced options
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Submit for review.

Submit title

Please ensure your title is eligible for publication consideration prior to submission by reviewing our Content Policy Guidelines and Asset requirements. For more information, see Licensing consideration and title review.

When you are ready to submit your title for licensing consideration, click Submit for review.

Note: You must save your changes first. The Submit for review button is available after you've saved and when all required files and options are selected (the tabs will change from blue to green). Also, you must have Payments and Banking information on-file, including approved Tax Information.

All content submitted through Prime Video Direct is made available at the sole discretion of Amazon. Before a licensing decision can be made, we assess your submission through a series of automated and manual reviews which can take up to three weeks. Submission of your content doesn’t guarantee it will be selected for licensing or published by a given date.

Content isn’t licensed indefinitely and may be removed at any time at the sole discretion of Prime Video.

Note: You aren’t authorized to market the availability of your title to buy or rent on Prime Video until it has been selected for licensing.

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