Demand Content Guidelines

Last modified: July 5, 2024

At Verve, we have zero tolerance for ads from advertisers that could disrupt user experience or put the credibility of apps at risk. Every advertiser creative has to mandatorily follow the content guidelines listed below to be considered eligible for ad serving. The guidelines fall into two categories depending on the nature of the content. 

  1. Ad creatives that contain prohibited content will not be served by Verve. 
  2. Ad creatives that contain restricted content will be permitted in certain markets or geographies depending on the government regulations.

1. Prohibited Content

Advertisers and DSPs are prohibited from using Vervedemand services to serve creatives that promote or contain links to the following content:

  • Adult sexual content, including full nudity or depictions/descriptions of sexual acts in the ad creative.
  • Graphic or excessive violence including, but not limited to, physical assault, injury to human beings or animals, and all acts of terrorism.
  • Harassment, bullying, threats, or content that be categorized as hate speech that advocates violence or hatred against any group, organization, or individual.
  • Discrimination by race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, disability, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
  • Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. This includes illegal drugs, recreational and herbal drugs, and accessories associated with drug use. This is a global prohibition, except for country-specific exemptions in the case of Canada and the United States. See Restricted Content below.
  • Internet abuse including, but not limited to, the use of spyware, corrupted files, or other materials that are intended to damage or render inoperable software or hardware.
  • Illegal internet activities including, but not limited to, pirated software and digital games, counterfeit goods, etc. 
  • Content that violates or infringes upon any third-party intellectual property rights or any other third-party rights. 
  • Weapons and weapon accessories including, but not limited to, guns, gun accessories, and explosives.

2. Restricted Content

Advertisers and DSPs are allowed to use Vervedemand services to serve creatives that promote or contain links to the following restricted content, provided they inform us about the restricted content in time before the creative is to be displayed. The restrictions are based on the product or service being promoted and has to strictly adhere to the country-specific regulations or laws where the campaign is being targeted:

  • Tobacco products and accessories including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, and e-cigarettes.
  • Online and offline sale of alcohol beverages including, but not limited to, beer, wine, and spirits.
  • Illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia. This includes Illegal drugs, recreational and herbal drugs, and accessories associated with drug use. This is a global prohibition, except for country-specific exemptions. Advertisers are required to inform us about the restricted content in time before the creative is to be displayed.
  • Promotion of gambling or content promoting online or offline casinos, sports betting and social casino games are restricted based on the country specific regulations. Advertisers are required to inform us about the restricted content in time before the creative is to be displayed.

3. Advertiser Landing Page Behavior

Advertiser’s destination URL must link to an actual mobile web page with content relevant to the applicable advertisement and must follow the guidelines below:

  • Advertiser’s destination URL must be viewable in mobile web browsers.
  • Advertiser’s destination URL  must link to a working mobile website written in a supported markup language (XHTML, WML, CHTML, or HTML for PDAs).
  • The advertiser may not link to an email address or a file (for example, an image, audio, video, or document file that requires an additional program or application to open or run).
  • The landing page for advertisement cannot be under construction.