Hello SGAC Friend!

Are you a scientist with an artistic soul or an artist with a scientific vision?

If your answer is yes, then channel your imagination and send us your inspiring poster ideas while staying at home!

Check the details below for how you or your socially distanced friends can collaborate virtually to participate.

The dinosaurs never saw it coming, but we know the damage asteroid impacts can create for us and our planet. We just need heroes to come forward and defend our planet! 
Do you have what it takes to be a Planetary Hero? 

Quarantined with your thoughts during this tough COVID-19? Do you know that your ideas can save the world? You do not need to leave home to save the world!

Just take your imagination to outer space and bring this experience back to us by sharing your ideas as posters to save us from NEOs before
May 5th, 2020!

We are looking for very creative life, planet-saving solutions which will originate from a combination of art and science together. It doesn’t matter if you're a scientist with an artistic soul or an artist who is a scientific visionary! You can also collaborate with your friends to create something new!

The SGAC Near Earth Objects (NEO) Project Group is inviting online poster submissions from students and young professionals all around the world. This competition provides you an opportunity to showcase your artistic talents by presenting your imaginative and original creative ideas related to Near Earth Objects (NEOs) in space. While maintaining social distancing, you can also collaborate with 2-3 friends interested in space and art fields to send us your ideas as posters.

To participate in this competition you just have to design a poster, pick a suitable title that represents your poster idea and post it on the
SGAC NEO PG Facebook and SGAC NEO PG Twitter page. We will select the topmost creative and plausible ideas to be SGAC’s 2020 Planetary Heroes.

Don't forget to mention your name, co-artists or co-creator's name (if any), country and poster title with the hashtag 

We are inviting your original poster creations on the following 3 topics:
  1. Planetary Defense Heroes : How would you defend our planet from an asteroid impact? Show and tell us how you would save lives on our planet from an asteroid impact.
  2. New Near-Earth Alternative Destinations: What does your second home on a Near-Earth planet or an asteroid or a moon look like? If humans had to leave the earth in an emergency, for what destination in outer space would you take us and how would you make it all possible until we are safe in our second home.
  3. How asteroid impacts led to the extinction of the Age of Dinosaurs ? Share with us how 65 million years ago a massive asteroid impact could have contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs and 75% of life on Earth.
Based on the originality of creations, scientific content and artistic description of concept we will select winners in the following categories : 
  1. People's Choice Award:  Decided by the most votes, likes, comments, retweets and reposts on the posters posted by applicants on  SGAC NEO PG Facebook and SGAC NEO PG Twitter social media pages with hashtag #SGAC_NEORenaissance
  2. Most Scientific Award: Decided by NEO PG, PG Leads and SGAC judges
  3. Most Creative Award: Decided by both social media interaction and NEO PG, SGAC judges
The winners will be announced with their posters, ideas on SGAC website, social media and news! So, what are you waiting for? Be a hero and protect our mother earth from space threats. Entries are open now. Get thinking!

Smiriti & Yolanda
Near Earth Object Project Group Co-Leads
SGAC Friend, do you have something to share?
We welcome submissions on interesting space or SGAC topics from any member or affiliate.  Email it to 

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The Space Generation Advisory Council is a global non-governmental, non-profit (US 501(c)3) organisation and network which aims to represent university students and young space professionals to the United Nations, space agencies, industry, and academia.

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Phone: +43 1 718 11 18 30

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