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President of UOKiK signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with his counterpart from the Armenian Competition Protection Commission

< poprzedni | nast�pny > 11.10.2022

President of UOKiK signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with his counterpart from the Armenian Competition Protection Commission
  • MoU between UOKiK and CPC concludes the previous contacts between the two institutions and sets a framework for the future cooperation
  • Document was signed during the study visit of Armenian delegation to Poland which comprises series of workshops in Warsaw and Bydgoszcz

During the visit to the UOKiK headquarters on October 4th, UOKiK President Tomasz Chróstny, together with CPC President Gegham Gevorgyan, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation between the offices, which outlined the framework for further cooperation. At the ceremony, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to Poland, Mr. Samvel Mkrtchian, was also present.

“The agreement solidifies our continued cooperation and emphasizes activities such as exchanging information on legislative developments in the application of competition law or sharing technical expertise in the area of competition investigations. (…) The contacts we make through collaboration with our counterparts are very valuable professionally - they allow us to source ideas and solutions, mobilize us to seek innovation and broaden our horizons,” President Tomasz Chróstny said.

The study visit of CPC delegates to UOKiK took place October 3rd - 7th 2022. During this visit, experts from the CPC took part in workshops in the area of payment gridlocks and contractual advantage. The workshops were held at the headquarters of the UOKiK in Warsaw and at the UOKiK branch office in Bydgoszcz.

This visit of Armenian experts was part of the project entitled "Institutional reinforcement of the Republic of Armenia in the development of the competition protection system" together with the Armenian Competition Protection Commission. The project is financed by the Polish Aid Programme.

The project aim is to create a framework for building a professional administration in the field of competition protection in accordance with the standards / best practices of the European Union.

The signing of the Agreement was the culmination of cooperation with the Armenian office, which has been intensified in recent years based on the funds of the Polish Aid program. Last year, the UOKiK implemented a cooperation project through which it developed its legislation and activities in the field of consumer protection. This year, the project aims to strengthen the Commission's competence in antitrust procedures and share UOKiK's experience in the areas of payment congestion and contract advantage.

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