Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Mar 29, 2024
Jan 26, 2024
Sep 1, 2023
Dec 23, 2022
Oct 28, 2022
Feb 25, 2022
Oct 29, 2021
Jul 30, 2021
Mar 26, 2021
Dec 18, 2020
Nov 19, 2020
May 29, 2020
Oct 26, 2019
Jul 2, 2019
Sep 1, 2018
Jul 28, 2018
Jun 30, 2018
Policy Rationale

Authenticity is the cornerstone of our community. We believe that authenticity helps create a community where people are accountable to each other, and to Facebook, in meaningful ways. We want to allow for the range of diverse ways that identity is expressed across our global community, while also preventing impersonation and identity misrepresentation. That is why we require people to create a Facebook account using the name they go by in everyday life. Our authenticity policies are intended to create a safe environment where people can trust and hold one another accountable.

In order to maintain a safe environment and empower free expression, we remove accounts that are harmful to the community, including those that compromise the security of other accounts and our services. We have built a combination of automated and manual systems to block and remove accounts that are used to persistently or egregiously abuse our Community Standards.

Because account level removal is a severe action, whenever possible, we aim to give our community a chance to learn our rules and follow our Community Standards. Penalties, including account disables, are designed to be proportionate to the severity of the violation and the risk of harm posed to the community. Continued violations, despite repeated warnings and restrictions, or violations that pose severe safety risks will lead to an account being disabled.

We do not allow the use of our services and will restrict or disable accounts or other entities (such as pages, groups, and events) if you:

  • Severely violate our Community Standards.
  • Persistently violate our Community Standards.
  • Are closely linked with a network of accounts or other entities that violate or evade our policies.
  • Coordinate as part of a network of accounts or other entities in order to violate or evade our Community Standards.
  • Represent Dangerous Individuals or Organizations.
  • Create or use an account that demonstrates an intent to violate our Community Standards.
  • Create or use an account by scripted or other inauthentic means.
  • Create or repurpose an account or entity to evade a previous removal, including those assessed to have common ownership and content as previously removed accounts or entities.
  • Create or use an account that deliberately misrepresents your identity in order to mislead or deceive others, or to evade enforcement or violate our other Community Standards. We consider a number of factors when assessing misleading identity misrepresentation, such as:
    • Repeated or significant changes to identity details, such as name or age
    • Misleading profile information, such as bio details and profile location
    • Using stock imagery or stolen photos
    • Other related account activity
  • Impersonate others by:
    • Using their photos with the explicit aim to deceive others.
    • Creating an account assuming to be or speak for another person or entity.
    • Creating a Page assuming to be or speak for another person or entity for whom the user is not authorized to do so.
  • Are under 13 years old.
  • Are a convicted sex offender.
  • Are prohibited from receiving our products, services or software under applicable laws.

In certain cases, such as those outlined below, we will seek further information about an account before taking actions ranging from temporarily restricting accounts to permanently disabling them.

  • Accounts misrepresenting their identity (Facebook and Messenger only) by:
    • Creating an account using a name that is not the authentic name you go by in everyday life
      • Using an inherently violating name, containing slurs or any other violations of the Community Standards
    • Providing a false date of birth.
    • Creating a single account that represents or is used by more than one person.
    • Maintaining multiple accounts as a single user.
  • Compromised accounts.
  • Empty accounts with prolonged dormancy.

User experiences

See some examples of what enforcement looks like for people on Facebook, such as: what it looks like to report something you don’t think should be on Facebook, to be told you’ve violated our Community Standards and to see a warning screen over certain content.

Note: We’re always improving, so what you see here may be slightly outdated compared to what we currently use.

Universal entry point

We have an option to report, whether it's on a post, comment, story, message, profile or something else.

Get started

We help people report things that they don’t think should be on our platform.

Select a problem

We ask people to tell us more about what’s wrong. This helps us send the report to the right place.

Check your report

Make sure the details are correct before you click Submit. It’s important that the problem selected truly reflects what was posted.

Report submitted

After these steps, we submit the report. We also lay out what people should expect next.

More options

We remove things if they go against our Community Standards, but you can also Unfollow, Block or Unfriend to avoid seeing posts in future.

Post-report communication
Update via notifications

After we’ve reviewed the report, we’ll send the reporting user a notification.

More detail in the Support Inbox

We’ll share more details about our review decision in the Support Inbox. We’ll notify people that this information is there and send them a link to it.

Appeal option

If people think we got the decision wrong, they can request another review.

Post-appeal communication

We’ll send a final response after we’ve re-reviewed the content, again to the Support Inbox.

Takedown experience
Immediate notification

When someone posts something that doesn't follow our rules, we’ll tell them.

Additional context

We’ll also address common misperceptions and explain why we made the decision to enforce.

Policy Explanation

We’ll give people easy-to-understand explanations about the relevant rule.

Option for review

If people disagree with the decision, they can ask for another review and provide more information.

Final decision

We set expectations about what will happen after the review has been submitted.

Warning screens
Warning screens in context

We cover certain content in News Feed and other surfaces, so people can choose whether to see it.

More information

In this example, we give more context on why we’ve covered the photo with more context from independent fact-checkers


We have the same policies around the world, for everyone on Facebook.

Review teams

Our global team of over 15,000 reviewers work every day to keep people on Facebook safe.

Stakeholder engagement

Outside experts, academics, NGOs and policymakers help inform the Facebook Community Standards.

Get help with account integrity and authentic identity

Learn what you can do if you see something on Facebook that goes against our Community Standards.