Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of FAQ

Apr 20, 2021, 1:49:18 PM (3 years ago)



  • FAQ

    v6 v7  
    2424|| Game is lagging || Yes, this is a general problem with the game. It will lag on most machines it is actually CPU bound, not your GPU. Try to play on smaller maps & limit population. The game will only run as fast as the slowest CPU allows in multiplayer games. ||
    2525|| Frame rate - CPU and GPU workload || (1) Every frame that is calculated by the GPU is "prepared" by the CPU, one of them will limit your frame rate (FPS). When you select graphics effects, you create additional workloads for your GPU and CPU, causing your framerate to drop. Current PCs are mostly CPU limited in 0 A.D. because the game is not yet multi-threaded. That means they usually only use 1 core. Since graphics effects mostly affect the GPU, you can (on newer PCs) choose the higher graphics effects without sacrificing performance. [[BR]](2) Heating up the hardware leads to thermal throttling of the hardware. This effect is especially known for mobile PCs. If the hardware gets too hot, it throttles its performance until the hardware cools down again. Therefore, a limited but constant frame rate is usually better than a frame rate that fluctuates due to thermal throttling. [[BR]](3) VSync will also limit the framerate to the framerate of the monitor (I estimate 60 frames/Herz).[[BR]]See forum thread - [ Recommended FPS Throttling?] (16/Dec/20) ||
    2728== Gameplay ==