
May 6, 2021:

6:49 PM Ticket #6144 (Profiler 1 is broken) closed by wraitii
fixed: In 25394: […]
6:49 PM Changeset [25394] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/Game.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/Profile.h
  • ps/trunk/source/simulation2/system/TurnManager.cpp
Fix Profiler1 "time per turn". Actually call Turn() when a turn is …
5:41 PM Ticket #5214 (Siege engines should not be able to pickup treasures) updated by Silier
Milestone changed
4:25 PM Changeset [25393] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Builder.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Health.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Repairable.js
Allow toggling repairability. Useful for trigger maps. Differential …
10:22 AM Changeset [25392] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUI.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUISetting.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUISetting.h
Change GUI settings to explicitly be member variables. Completes work …
10:12 AM commands.txt attached to Ticket #6171 by Freagarach
9:59 AM Ticket #6171 (Units try to capture an owned building.) updated by Freagarach
Indeed an interesting bug. What you see is the entities trying to …
9:42 AM Changeset [25391] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/ModelDef.cpp
Fix mistake in rP25387 I last-minuted a "X = X * Y" into a "X *= Y" …
9:41 AM Ticket #6172 (Errors AutoQueue) updated by Langbart
Replying to Freagarach: > You also had a foundation …
9:38 AM Ticket #6172 (Errors AutoQueue) updated by Freagarach
Owner, Patch changed
You also had a foundation selected, which doesn't have the …
9:36 AM Ticket #4636 (Territory Manager should exclude 3 territory tile border) updated by wraitii
Description changed
9:27 AM 6_may_21.zip attached to Ticket #6172 by Langbart
9:27 AM AutoQueue_errors.jpg attached to Ticket #6172 by Langbart
9:27 AM Ticket #6172 (Errors AutoQueue) created by Langbart
While playing a game with two humans against three AI's, I got some …
9:17 AM Changeset [25390] by Stan
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/structures/athenians/siege_ram.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/structures/spartans/siege_ram.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/units/athen_siege_ram.png
Differentiate a bit the spart and athen rams. - Use Athenian Shields …
8:57 AM capturing-bug.zip attached to Ticket #6171 by Stan
8:57 AM Ticket #6171 (Units try to capture an owned building.) created by Stan
Reported by Alistair on r25379 […] Not sure whether it's a regression
8:50 AM Changeset [25389] by Stan
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/SDL2.dll
  • ps/trunk/libraries/win32/sdl2/include/SDL/SDL.h
  • ps/trunk/libraries/win32/sdl2/include/SDL/SDL_assert.h
Revert to SDL 2.0.12 They have a bug with Alt+Tab / Windows + D …
7:17 AM Ticket #6170 (Tried to change to non-existent state 'RETURNRESOURCE.APPROACHING') updated by Freagarach
Owner, Patch changed
5:47 AM Changeset [25388] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.
5:34 AM FAQ edited by Langbart
added mod disabling remark (diff)

May 5, 2021:

9:40 PM Ticket #6170 (Tried to change to non-existent state 'RETURNRESOURCE.APPROACHING') updated by Stan
Summary changed
9:38 PM interestinglog(4).html attached to Ticket #6170 by Stan
9:38 PM metadata.json attached to Ticket #6170 by Stan
9:37 PM commands.txt attached to Ticket #6170 by Stan
9:37 PM Ticket #6170 (Tried to change to non-existent state 'RETURNRESOURCE.APPROACHING') created by Stan
Playing with rP25379 mysticjim got a bunch of errors
9:37 PM Localization/es_ES edited by jorgman1
9:36 PM Localization/es_ES edited by jorgman1
8:13 PM Ticket #6169 (Muskox doesn't have idle/walk animations.) created by pszemsza
When a muskox is added in Atlas it is rendered as a static model when …
7:37 PM Ticket #5214 (Siege engines should not be able to pickup treasures) updated by Stan
Patch changed
7:31 PM arcadia_treasures.xml attached to Ticket #5214 by pszemsza
Map for testing
7:31 PM arcadia_treasures.pmp attached to Ticket #5214 by pszemsza
Map for testing
7:26 PM Ticket #5214 (Siege engines should not be able to pickup treasures) updated by pszemsza
Owner, Status, Cc changed
6:20 PM Ticket #6168 (Cursor changes icon far away from dead elephant) closed by wraitii
fixed: In 25387: […]
6:20 PM Changeset [25387] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/ModelDef.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/SkeletonAnimDef.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/SkeletonAnimDef.h
Fix bounding boxes after rP25306 Skinning calculations must happen in …
5:39 PM Changeset [25386] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/campaigns/load_modal/LoadModal.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/pregame/MainMenuItems.js
More broken implicit conversions. Differential Revision: …
4:37 PM Ticket #6168 (Cursor changes icon far away from dead elephant) updated by Stan
Patch changed
12:06 PM FAQ edited by Langbart
Adding information on how to kick observers (diff)
11:31 AM elephant_bounding_box.jpg attached to Ticket #6168 by Langbart
11:31 AM Ticket #6168 (Cursor changes icon far away from dead elephant) updated by Langbart
Description changed
added changeset 25306 to the description
11:05 AM Ticket #3004 (Update some bundled win32 libs) updated by Stan
In 25385: […]
11:05 AM Changeset [25385] by Stan
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/SDL2.dll
  • ps/trunk/libraries/win32/sdl2/include/SDL/SDL.h
  • ps/trunk/libraries/win32/sdl2/include/SDL/SDL_assert.h
Update SDL2 on Windows to 2.0.14. Make it possible for Phab:D3429 to …
10:52 AM Changeset [25384] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/XMB/tests
Ignore test .cpp files in ps/XMB
10:51 AM Ticket #6168 (Cursor changes icon far away from dead elephant) updated by Langbart
> Haven't found the changeset where this problem first occurs, update …
10:25 AM Changeset [25383] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/libraries/osx/build-osx-libs.sh
Fix macOS boost compilation Bintray has moved. Also upgrade to 1_76 …
8:21 AM Ticket #6168 (Cursor changes icon far away from dead elephant) updated by Langbart
Description changed
8:20 AM Changeset [25382] by Freagarach
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/icons/autoqueue-off.png
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/icons/autoqueue-on.png
Fix mime-types on images introduced in r25381 / rP25381.
8:20 AM elephant.gif attached to Ticket #6168 by Langbart
8:20 AM Ticket #6168 (Cursor changes icon far away from dead elephant) created by Langbart
When testing rP25380, watch the cursor in the GIF below, it changes …
8:18 AM Alpha25 edited by Freagarach
8:12 AM Changeset [25381] by Freagarach
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/icons/autoqueue-off.png
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/icons/autoqueue-on.png
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/credits/texts/programming.json
Enable production entities to autoqueue. This adds a new command …
7:17 AM Ticket #6167 (Kushite Bolt Upgrade In Arsenal) updated by Freagarach
Component changed
5:55 AM Ticket #6167 (Kushite Bolt Upgrade In Arsenal) created by Dizaka
Kushites should not have a bolt accuracy upgrade in arsenal, as they …
5:45 AM Changeset [25380] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.

May 4, 2021:

11:30 PM Ticket #6045 (Mapbrowser search Random map always first.) closed by nani
7:50 PM Ticket #6166 (multiple definition errors when compiling with gcc 10 or 11) updated by Stan
Milestone changed
6:40 PM Tickets #6045,​6165 batch updated by wraitii
fixed: In 25379: […]
6:40 PM Changeset [25379] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/maps/MapFilters.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/maps/mapbrowser/MapBrowser.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/maps/mapbrowser/controls/MapFiltering.js
Map browser fixes and improvements - 'Random' map is filtered …
5:22 PM Ticket #6165 (Map browser, map select not working.) updated by wraitii
Priority changed
Issue is that mainland is a random map, not a skirmish map. Not an RB …
5:17 PM Changeset [25378] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUI.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUI.h
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/ObjectBases/IGUIObject.cpp
GUI cleanup: XML & child handling. - We only need an XMBFile, not a …
4:01 PM Changeset [25377] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/XMB/XMBStorage.cpp
Fix warning in rP25375 GCC complained, even if the path cannot be taken.
3:59 PM Changeset [25376] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesettings/attributes/GameSpeed.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/Pages/GameSetupPage/GameSettings/Single/Dropdowns/GameSpeed.js
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/Game.cpp
Gamesetup: make sure GameSpeed is a number The dropdown converted the …
3:02 PM Changeset [25375] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/build/premake/premake5.lua
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/MapReader.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/ObjectBase.cpp
XMB Improvements, parse JS into XMB, make strings more efficient. XMB …
2:33 PM Changeset [25374] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Trigger.js
Enable specifying the trigger action independently of the trigger …
11:47 AM PortA24ToA25 edited by wraitii
r25373 (diff)
11:46 AM Ticket #52 ([PATCH] Trigger system) updated by wraitii
In 25373: […]
11:46 AM Changeset [25373] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Foundation.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ProductionQueue.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Treasure.js
Simplify trigger event naming scheme. Reduces confusion and string …
11:21 AM Changeset [25372] by Stan
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/campaigns/labels/greece_argolis.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/campaigns/labels/greece_attica.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/campaigns/labels/greece_boeotia.xml
Remove castshadow from decals.
11:06 AM Changeset [25371] by Stan
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/props/units/blood_01.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/actors/props/units/blood_whale.xml
Disable shadows for blood. Since they are decals it doesn't seem to …
11:04 AM Changeset [25370] by Stan
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/ActorEditor.exe
Update the Actor Editor, it hadn't been in long while
10:58 AM Changeset [25369] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/Controllers/LobbyGameRegistration.js
Fix error when hosting lobby game. Revealed by rP25365. The fix also …
7:23 AM Alpha25 edited by Freagarach
Phab:rP25368. (diff)
7:18 AM Changeset [25368] by Freagarach
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Attack.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Resistance.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js
Let entity react on target death directly. Don't let entities waste a …
5:49 AM Changeset [25367] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.
2:37 AM summary.jpg attached to Ticket #5940 by Langbart
2:37 AM Ticket #5940 (Population summary and graphs) updated by Langbart
> Suggestions and comments are welcome! Could you include the …
12:02 AM Ticket #6166 (multiple definition errors when compiling with gcc 10 or 11) closed by Andy Alt
12:01 AM Ticket #6166 (multiple definition errors when compiling with gcc 10 or 11) updated by Andy Alt
Thanks, that worked!

May 3, 2021:

11:34 PM Modding_Guide edited by pszemsza
Typo fixed (discription -> description) (diff)
11:12 PM Ticket #6166 (multiple definition errors when compiling with gcc 10 or 11) updated by s0600204
Andy, you'll need to run make clean (or delete …
10:05 PM Ticket #6166 (multiple definition errors when compiling with gcc 10 or 11) created by Andy Alt
A change in [http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc-10/changes.html gcc …
6:07 PM Changeset [25366] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/MapReader.h
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/tests/test_LOSTexture.h
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUI.h
Split ScriptRequest in its own header. We often only need to include …
5:44 PM Changeset [25365] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/Controllers/GameSettingsController.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/Pages/AIConfigPage/Controls/AISelection.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/gamesetup/Pages/GameSetupPage/GameSettings/PerPlayer/Dropdowns/PlayerAssignment.js
Throw errors instead of warnings on wrong implicit conversions. This …
4:03 PM Changeset [25364] by Freagarach
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/credits/texts/community.json
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/credits/texts/programming.json
Add some missing credits. @mysticjim and @Sundiata manage the …
3:32 PM Ticket #6094 (Do not use let or const in global scope unless strictly necessary.) updated by Freagarach
The idea is that the GUI will become completely OOP-writen, hence …
1:55 PM Ticket #6165 (Map browser, map select not working.) updated by wraitii
Priority changed
1:54 PM Ticket #6101 (Formation is forgotten) updated by wraitii
Can you describe the problem a little bit more? It's 'normal' that …
12:58 PM Ticket #6165 (Map browser, map select not working.) created by nani
Steps: 1) Have skirmish map set in gamesetup. 2) Open map …
12:56 PM Ticket #6101 (Formation is forgotten) updated by nani
Box formation for both.
12:54 PM Ticket #6094 (Do not use let or const in global scope unless strictly necessary.) updated by nani
The values that I mean are the next ones, take into account I'm not …
12:43 PM screenshot0016.png attached to Ticket #6062 by nani
12:40 PM Ticket #6060 (Unit production panel button lag.) closed by nani
fixed: Tried with the current svn revision 25463 and it I can't reproduce it …
10:54 AM Changeset [25363] by Freagarach
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/maps/scripts/TriggerHelper.js
Allow triggers to spawn turreted entities. After r25123 / rP25123. …
9:26 AM Changeset [25362] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/l10n/tr.engine.po
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/ast.public-maps.po
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/de.public-gui-other.po
[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.
5:51 AM Changeset [25361] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.
4:03 AM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) closed by Langbart
invalid: Nice! Enjoy the game :) (similar Tickets #6159, #6120 and #6049)
3:53 AM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) updated by teramech
Thanks alot! changing the user.cfg file worked out for me.
3:36 AM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) updated by Langbart
> cannot mouse click menu options on mac version Hey, can you follow …
3:36 AM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) updated by teramech
I've attached the interestinglog file to this ticket, could you …
3:33 AM interestinglog.html attached to Ticket #6164 by teramech
interestinglog.html file

May 2, 2021:

7:40 PM Changeset [25360] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/TerritoryTexture.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/maths/Fixed.h
  • ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/CCmpObstructionManager.cpp
Further reduce usage of TERRAIN_TILE_SIZE in non-terrain components …
7:26 PM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) updated by Stan
If you installed a version on this machine before it's very likely you …
6:29 PM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) updated by teramech
No, this happened right after I installed the game and ran it for the …
5:45 PM Changeset [25359] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/ShaderProgram.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/lobby/XmppClient.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/lobby/glooxwrapper/glooxwrapper.h
Fix some warnings. - rP24553 added 'override' to a method in …
5:43 PM Changeset [25358] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/scriptinterface/ScriptConversions.cpp
Allow implicit JS boolean -> string conversions. false becomes …
5:27 PM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) updated by Stan
Hey do you have any mods See …
5:15 PM Ticket #6164 (cannot mouse click menu options on mac version) created by teramech
below are the error messages: Last login: Sun May 2 23:07:26 on …
10:24 AM Ticket #6162 (Mercenaries are duplicated) updated by Freagarach
Owner, Patch changed
9:13 AM Ticket #6163 (Improper visualisation of the attack area) closed by Freagarach
duplicate: Do notice the circle is an approximation (and was advertised as such, …
9:08 AM Changeset [25357] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/SettingTypes/CGUIString.cpp
Remove debug code left in rP25353 Reported by: Freagarach
9:05 AM Ticket #4951 (Long range capturing) updated by Freagarach
Since r25235, they should only be able to attack once from too far …
8:53 AM Ticket #6162 (Mercenaries are duplicated) updated by Freagarach
This is a nice one. It depends on the structure you garrison the …

May 1, 2021:

9:44 PM options_range.jpg attached to Ticket #6163 by Langbart
9:44 PM Arrow_shoot.gif attached to Ticket #6163 by Langbart
9:44 PM Ticket #6163 (Improper visualisation of the attack area) created by Langbart
The tower can shoot arrows across the circle that is supposed to …
7:40 PM Changeset [25356] by Silier
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Promotion.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/tests/test_Promotion.js
Do not transfer xp twice on Promotion ChangeEntityTemplate used by …
6:59 PM Changeset [25355] by Vladislav Belov
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/Camera.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/graphics/Camera.h
  • ps/trunk/source/renderer/Renderer.cpp
Moves terrain independent code for viewport bounds calculations to camera.
4:04 PM Changeset [25354] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/GUIManager.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/Game.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/ps/GameSetup/GameSetup.cpp
Replace ScriptInterface::Call* with new ScriptFunction functions …
2:38 PM Changeset [25353] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUIText.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/CGUIText.h
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/GUITooltip.cpp
Generalize icon-specific tooltips to a tag, streamline code. We can …
2:30 PM Ticket #6162 (Mercenaries are duplicated) updated by Silier
Milestone changed
no release blockers on backlog pls
2:13 PM Changeset [25352] by Vladislav Belov
  • ps/trunk/source/renderer/SilhouetteRenderer.cpp
Fixes unused CCamera argument in debug rendering in SilhouetteRenderer.
11:02 AM Changeset [25351] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/TriggerPoint.js
TriggerPoint - default required component is '0'. Differential …
10:12 AM 2021-04-30_0003.zip attached to Ticket #6162 by Stan
10:12 AM Ticket #6162 (Mercenaries are duplicated) created by Stan
Steps to reproduce - Garrison mercenaries - Do the upgrade to lvl2 - …
10:01 AM Changeset [25350] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/pch/simulation2/precompiled.h
  • ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/ICmpAIManager.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/simulation2/components/ICmpCinemaManager.cpp
Migrate DEFINE_INTERFACE_METHOD_* to the ScriptFunction wrappers. The …
8:04 AM Ticket #6063 (Large number could be abbreviated.) updated by Langbart
Owner, Patch changed
8:02 AM Ticket #6150 (Increasing the maximum camera zoom in normal game mode) updated by Langbart
Another user nicknamed F-in-the-chat_ also expressed interest in …
5:45 AM Changeset [25349] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.

Apr 30, 2021:

6:52 PM Changeset [25348] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/af.public-gui-campaigns.po
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/af.public-gui-other.po
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/af.public-simulation-technologies.po
[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.
3:20 PM Changeset [25347] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/Scripting/GuiScriptConversions.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/Scripting/JSInterface_GUIProxy.h
  • ps/trunk/source/gui/Scripting/JSInterface_GUIProxy_impl.h
Implement FromJSVal<IObject*> safely By making all GUI proxy objects …
9:26 AM Changeset [25346] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/l10n/sk.engine.po
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/mod/l10n/sk.mod-selector.po
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/l10n/ar.public-simulation-auras.po
[i18n] Updated POT and PO files.
8:46 AM Alpha25 edited by Freagarach
Phab:rP25345. (diff)
8:24 AM Ticket #643 ([PATCH] Add current gatherers count next to player's resource count) updated by Freagarach
In 25345: […]
8:24 AM Changeset [25345] by Freagarach
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/ResourceGatherer.js
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/UnitAI.js
Count resource gatherers also when returning their resources. …
5:43 AM Changeset [25344] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.
5:31 AM FAQ edited by Langbart
added Gameplay remark (diff)

Apr 29, 2021:

10:58 PM Civ:_Macedonians edited by Carl-O
Adding edit history notes, wonder information (diff)
2:09 PM Alpha25 edited by Stan
Some art fixes (diff)
9:42 AM Alpha25 edited by wraitii
r25343 (diff)
9:38 AM Changeset [25343] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/source/renderer/OverlayRenderer.cpp
  • ps/trunk/source/renderer/TerrainRenderer.cpp
Fix large slowdown in rendering on some configurations. Usage of …
9:35 AM Changeset [25342] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/rome/army_camp.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/rome/siege_wall_gate.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/rome/siege_wall_long.xml
Unify pierce resistance of defensive structures. Defensive buildings …
9:32 AM Changeset [25341] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_ship_quinquereme.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_siege_stonethrower.xml
Buff stone throwers: increased range and HP. Patch by: borg- …
9:29 AM Changeset [25340] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/special/player/player.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_fauna.xml
Introduce a specific limit to domestic animals pop. - Prevents lag - …
9:27 AM Changeset [25339] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/bench.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/column_doric.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/structures/column_doric_fallen.xml
Unify resistances of non-buildable structures. Resistance is unified …
9:26 AM Changeset [25338] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/hoplite_tradition.json
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_civic_civil_centre.xml
Introduce an Hoplite tradition tech for Athens/Sparta. Similar to the …
9:22 AM Changeset [25337] by wraitii
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/technologies/archer_attack_spread.json
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_military_forge.xml
  • ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_unit_cavalry_ranged_archer.xml
Increase archer spread slightly, introducing a compensating …
5:43 AM Changeset [25336] by autobuild
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.exe
  • ps/trunk/binaries/system/pyrogenesis.pdb
[Windows] Automated build.
1:25 AM Ticket #6124 (No replays available) updated by Langbart
One more with the nick Gurken Khan in the forum: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.