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These fashion entrepreneurs are stretching activewear beyond yoga pants

Nina Faulhaber, cofounder of tech-infused clothing brand ADAY, told Mic that cheap, disposable, easy-to-produce fashion is a “sick, eternal cycle.”   So, Faulhaber and Meg He — a former colleague of Faulhaber’s from Goldman Sachs — launched ADAY, a tech-infused clothing startup striving to make fashion both mindful and cross-functional.

The core mission, said Faulhaber, is to help people go from “consuming things to more consuming experiences.” By providing capsule clothing made of fabric that’s as high-performance as the people who wear it, the clothes are meant to outlive all seasons in both quality and style while simplifying one’s wardrobe. Read more

In collaboration with FedEx

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“I have struggled with food my whole life. I’ve been a binge eater for 13 years and it took 10 for me to realize it. I’ve lost and gained weight so many times I’ve lost count. Over the years and through every form of this body I’ve lived in I’ve...

“I have struggled with food my whole life. I’ve been a binge eater for 13 years and it took 10 for me to realize it. I’ve lost and gained weight so many times I’ve lost count. Over the years and through every form of this body I’ve lived in I’ve built an army of stretch marks, an overhang belly, and nipples that point down from sagging skin. So many times I remember looking at my naked self in the mirror and saying — I’m so young, I shouldn’t look like this. … But this isn’t about my physical body, it’s about my internal strength. We all have our secret habits and tendencies we’d rather not fall into or show others. Mine is food. … My yoga practice has helped me grow to see how strong and capable I am and given me a healthy outlet, but I am not above and beyond and fall into my old habits when I can’t find my strength. … I’m sharing this not for reassurance, not for encouragement. I fell, I’m back up. It’s life. I’m here only to say that the path is not linear, but I am (we are) moving forward. People ask me how I’ve changed my mindset, it’s a conscious choice everyday. I am putting in the work. Being honest with myself. Coming back to my path when I steer off. Forgiving myself often. Celebrating small victories with big love. Remaining grateful that I’ve learned so much and have so much room to grow. Every time we fall it’s the perfect opportunity to rise a little higher when we get back up. Say it out loud: I’m doing my best.” THISSSS #rg @nolatrees ✨💫✨💫

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