Support the Museum

We care and pass the memory of Sybir to future generations. Support us in our activities!

Together, we create the Sybir Memorial Museum! It’s not only a place, but most of all, the people, their memories and the memories related to it.

Even the smallest amount of money allows the institution to keep developing and helps saving from oblivion the history of thousands of the Sybiraks.


Expressing our thankfulness to the Friends and the Donors of the Sybir Memorial Museum, we remember about them while praying during each Mass booked on Sunday proceeding the anniversary of the second deportation (April 13, 1940). A tribute to the people supporting the Museum is also Donor Day, organized in September within the International March of Remembrance of the Siberian Deportees.

Well-deserved donors are honored with a statue and permanently remembered in the space of the Sybir Memorial Museum.

Thank you!


Support the Sybir Memorial Museum

  • number of the bank account: 30 1240 5211 1111 0010 7179 4667,with the information: payment of donor for the statutory aims of the Sybir Memorial Museum
  • phone number: +48 795 650 800
  • e-mail:
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