SOLCRESTA Original Soundtrack [SRIN-1181]

SOLCRESTA Original Soundtrack [SRIN-1181]

Price: JPY3,300

Weight: 230g

Item description

■BGM and sound effects from the shooting game "Sol Cresta" are included.■

Sol Cresta" is the first installment in the Neo-Classic Arcade series from Platinum Games.
It is the first in a series of neo-classic arcade games from Platinum Games, a company that has taken over the spirit of the classic Moon Cresta and Terra Cresta games released in the 1980s.
It's a new kind of shooting game.

The music for this game was composed by Yuzo Koshiro.
While being conscious of the "Nichibutsu Sound" at the time of "Terra Cresta", which made full use of FM and PSG sound sources, he also created music with originality as "Koshiro Sound".

The booklet contains comments by Yuzo Koshiro, Hideki Kamiya of Platinum Games, and Michi Hamada of Hamster.




Total 43 tracks/2 CDs

CD official page
(C)PlatinumGames Inc. / (C)HAMSTER Co.
(C)(P)2022 Ancient corp,