Deliver the best message across the web with responsive display ads

September 10, 2018

Great display ads assist consumers using rich images and useful information. However, showing the most relevant and engaging ads across millions of sites and apps isn’t easy. That’s why we’re rolling out responsive display ads. Responsive display ads (RDA) combine your creativity with the power of Google’s machine learning to deliver relevant, valuable ads across the web, at scale.

Just provide a few simple inputs about your business-up to 15 images, 5 headlines, 5 descriptions, and 5 logos. Google uses machine learning to test different combinations and show the ads that work best. On average, advertisers see 10% more conversions at a similar CPA when using multiple headlines, descriptions, and images with responsive display ads (versus a single set of assets).1

Best practice Best Practice: To help your brand stand out, add a logo to your responsive display ads. In addition, add dynamic feeds to your campaigns. This helps you show more tailored ads to people who previously visited your site or app.

Once your responsive display ads are up and running, you’ll want to know how each asset is performing. With the asset report, you can quickly see performance for your headlines, descriptions, images and logos. To access the report, just click on Ads & assets and then View asset details. The performance column will show a “Learning,” “Low,” “Good,” or “Best” rating based on how well an asset performs.

Responsive display ad asset report

The asset report helps you identify top-performing creatives relative to one another.

Let’s say you’re an online florist. You might discover that descriptions including “Free shipping” are rated as “Best.” You can then use this insight to double down on your best performing assets, like free shipping promotions. And if you find assets rated as “Low,” you can replace them to improve results over time.

Rakuten Travel is the largest online travel brand in Japan. Using responsive display ads, it drove a 3X increase in sales compared to its standard image ads alone.

Rakuten Travel responsive display ad

Different versions of a responsive display ad.

Responsive display ads are rolling out over the next few months to all advertisers globally. To get started, visit the Help Center and check out our display best practices.


1. Internal Google data, September 2018.

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