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Connect or remove security containers in Jira

Once you’ve connected a security tool to your Jira site, you can add security containers to your project and view vulnerabilities in the security feature.

Each container shows the name of the security tool it belongs to, and how recently it was updated. Select a container to view more details, or go to your security tool to manage it.

Connect security containers to a project

You can connect as many security containers to a project as you like, and to more than one project at a time.

You’ll need project admin permissions to connect or edit a security container.

  1. Make sure the security feature is enabled in your project.

  2. From your project's sidebar, select Security.

  3. Select Edit security containers in the top-right of the screen.

  4. Select the add connection button () next to the security tool.

  5. Choose a container from the list, then select Add.

To avoid multiple teams seeing the same vulnerability and doubling up on work, we suggest connecting to one project.

Remove security containers from a project

You’ll need project admin permissions to remove or edit a security container.

  1. From your project's sidebar, select Security.

  2. Select Edit security containers in the top-right of the screen.

  3. Hover over the container in the list and select the more actions icon ().

    1. Select Load more security containers to see the full list.

  4. Select Remove connection.

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