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List of contents 

  • The Misadventures Of John Nicholson-Chapter I - In Which John Sows The Wind
  • Chapter II - In Which John Reaps The Whirlwind
  • Chapter III - In Which John Enjoys The Harvest Home
  • Chapter IV - The Second Sowing
  • Chapter V - The Prodigal'S Return
  • Chapter VI - The House At Murrayfield
  • Chapter VII - A Tragi-Comedy In A Cab
  • Chapter VIII - Singular Instance Of The Utility Of Pass-Keys
  • Chapter IX - In Which Mr. Nicholson Accepts The Principle Of
  • The Body-Snatcher
  • The Story Of A Lie-Chapter I - Introduces The Admiral
  • Chapter II - A Letter To The Papers
  • Chapter III - In The Admiral'S Name
  • Chapter IV - Esther On The Filial Relation
  • Chapter V - The Prodigal Father Makes His Debut At Home
  • Chapter VI - The Prodigal Father Goes On From Strength To
  • Chapter VII - The Elopement
  • Chapter VIII - Battle Royal
  • Chapter IX - In Which The Liberal Editor Re-Appears As 'Deus
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