Europa Universalis IV

Europa Universalis IV

Vanilla Expanded by Zsombi
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] Mar 20, 2021 @ 11:36am
Bug Reports
You can help here report us the bugs that you find .
Thank you for the download and help !
Last edited by 🔵Zsombi🔵™; Mar 24, 2021 @ 6:51pm
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Showing 1-15 of 52 comments
national ideas do not change if I become a Latin Empire (maybe this bug is not only for it)
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] Apr 17, 2021 @ 11:41pm 
Thank you for the report but i think we dont use this file because its from another mod and we slowly delet those things for our mod but we will chnage it. ( we started this mod for our selfes to create a mod pack and some of the elements are still in the files but not using them ). Yes we now its a bug . If you use any mod in the game and form a new nation you dont get the national ideas at the first time so we created a decision called “Idea Bug Fixer” or something like that that summon the “New ideas” event again and if you do it you will get the new ideas. We will make this decision for a single mos i think because we can halp for many other mods this way . Thank you for the report and i hope you enjoy the mod. :D
country_event "ideagroups.1" must be after tag change in script
Last edited by Сергий Любомудр; Apr 18, 2021 @ 12:09am
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] Apr 18, 2021 @ 12:27am 
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] Apr 18, 2021 @ 12:29am 
OMG its so obvious. Thank you very much !
Domion May 2, 2021 @ 12:17pm 
Apparently most but probably all nations (haven't checked them all) have the mission lines The Great Peacemaker as well as The Three Sisters, both of which are native American ones. And you can't form and lead a Federation when you're France (for example)
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] May 2, 2021 @ 1:26pm 
Originally posted by Domion:
Apparently most but probably all nations (haven't checked them all) have the mission lines The Great Peacemaker as well as The Three Sisters, both of which are native American ones. And you can't form and lead a Federation when you're France (for example)
Sorry about that i will be honest. I built this mod with my friend totally alone. But this is the most chellenging thing that we ever see. Those **** missions are nowhere, they arent in the game files they arent in the mod files we just cant find them. So sorry but they will stay a bit beacuse we just simply cant edit them or enithing because they are not in the files :(
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] May 2, 2021 @ 1:27pm 
for real if enybody find those missions can please tell us because they are gone
Domion May 3, 2021 @ 5:58am 
So where they are is pretty simple, they're part of the vanilla Iroquoians mission tree. You'll find them there, why they are is a different question, I'd guess it has something to do with Paradox being stupid and simply putting in
Originally posted by Paradox:
potential = {
is_iroquois = yes
#has_dlc = "Leviathan"

instead of something like "tag = [tag]" or "primary_culture = ". But I don't know why other mods with new/changed mission trees like Mission expanded or Flavor Universalis don't have the same problems


Okay so I've looked into it a bit, basically, you need to update your version of 00_scripted_triggers in "common", as the original leviathan version defines which tag is iroquois there
Originally posted by Paradox:
is_iroquois = {
OR = {
tag = TIO
tag = TAH
tag = ATT
tag = AGG
tag = ATW
tag = ARN
tag = OSH
tag = STA
tag = ERI
tag = WEN
tag = MOH
tag = ONE
tag = ONO
tag = CAY
tag = SEN
tag = TSC
tag = IRO

your version overwrites it without defining that tag, that's most likely the problem
Last edited by Domion; May 3, 2021 @ 6:13am
Domion May 3, 2021 @ 6:13am 
having tested the mod with the iro trigger added to your version of scripted triggers: you can scratch that "most likely"
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] May 3, 2021 @ 7:28am 
yes thank you very much we found it and the patched version is out. Our problem was that we uploaded this file somehow to our cloud but the cloud didnt show us that file and when we reinstall the game inst instantly uploaded to the cloud xd
Thank you for the report and the sub by the way i hope you like the mod :D
CombatWalrus May 6, 2021 @ 11:23am 
Every time I launch the mod I crash on the nation select screen. I'm trying to look around at all the new religions but it always crashes in under 20 seconds
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] May 6, 2021 @ 11:31am 
ohh sorry about that. Is it the only mod taht you use ?
CombatWalrus May 6, 2021 @ 11:33am 
Yes, I've tried it twice and it's the same result
🔵Zsombi🔵™  [developer] May 6, 2021 @ 11:35am 
Are you play with the 1.31.2 update ?
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