Steam Link

Steam Link

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Using an Xbox One Wireless Controller FOR FREE with Steam Link and VirtualHere
By JeffResc
Allows you to pair your Xbox One Wireless Controller with your Steam Link using the Xbox One Wireless Controller Adapter
Doing quick research the only way I found this possible is to download VirtualHere For Steam Link and to pay $11.99 for a feature that should already be included for free. I did now find a free work around to using the Xbox One Wireless controller dongle directly plugged into the Steam Link.
Step 1: Enable SSH
Following the guide over at the Steam Link SDK repository[] you'll want to Enable SSH on your Link. The guide reads:
Originally posted by ValveSoftware via GitHub:
You may need to enable ssh access to the Steam Link for advanced debugging. You can do this by putting a file called enable_ssh.txt on a USB drive under \steamlink\config\system, inserting it into the Steam Link and power cycle the device.

The root password is steamlink123 and should be changed using the passwd command the first time you log in.

SSH access will remain enabled until a factory reset.
Step 2: Logging into your Steam Link via SSH
You'll need to download an SSH client to your computer in order to do the next step.
OS X and most Linux-based operating systems already have one built-in,
but if you're running Windows,
I'd recommend using PuTTY[].

In order to tell your SSH client where to connect to, you'll need to have your Link's IP address. To obtain the IP of your link, you'll want to check your router's clients. Logging into your router is usually at or, but your router may vary. A tutorial for viewing clients on a Linksys brand router can be found here[].

Fig. 1 Once you've grabbed the IP, input it into PuTTY as shown in Figure 1 and hit "Open" to establish the connection. You can click "Yes" to the pop-up that will appear.

Fig. 2 Now login to your Link. If you missed it from Step 1, the username is root and password is steamlink123. Once logged in, a screen will be shown like the one below.
Step 3: Downloading and installing the VirtualHere Server Software onto your Steam Link
Once you're in, you'll want to run the command This will download and run the VirtualHere server software on your Link.
NOTE: Please be sure to keep the SSH connection running to ensure the VirtualHost server is still running on your link.

Once you've run everything, it should look like this:
Step 4: Downloading and Installing the VirtualHere Client Software onto your Steam Computer
Now you'll need to download the VirtualHost client software onto your Steam computer. The software can be found here[] for OS X, Windows and Linux machines.

Installation is self-explainatory and will not be described in this guide.
Step 5: Starting the VirtualHere Client Software
Launch the VirtualHere client software and the server should be found on your local network. If not, you can right click USB Hubs, select Specify Hubs... and specify the IP of your Link that we found in step number 2.

When connected, it should look something like this:
Step 6: Configuring your Xbox One Wireless Adapter
Plug your adapter into your steam-enabled computer and pair the controller regularly. Once successfully paired, plug the adapter into the Link.
Step 7: Establishing the Connection Between Your Computer and the Adapter
Once the adapter is plugged into the Link, you should see XBOX ACC show up in the VirtualHere client software on your steam-enabled computer. Right click it and select "Use this device" as this will stream your controller back to the main computer.
Step 8: Bingo!
Once you have clicked to use it as your device, you should be able to re-pair your adapter and controller and play just like normal! Woohoo!
Step 9: Running the Server on Startup
Reported by user Fo3sk0 (Thanks!), we can enable this to run on startup.

Simply create a file
Then, make it execuatble with (Reported by user Saethum - Thanks!):
chmod +x /etc/init.d/startup/S95vhusbdarm

with the contents of:
#!/bin/sh cd /home/steam ./vhusbdarm &

Yay! Now the server will automatically start in the background and after reboot. Just remember you will still need to connect to it from the computer running steam, but still, one less step in the process.
Mepsipax May 24, 2023 @ 1:40pm 
Does this still apply in 2023?
Common_Confusion Nov 18, 2021 @ 4:59am 
you could prob just install the xow drivers and use a dongle or Bluetooth or whatever you want:

how to install drivers:
sudo apt update
sudo apt intsall curl cabextract libusb-1.0-0-dev systemd
git clone
cd xow
sudo make install
sudo systemctl enable xow
sudo systemctl start xow
then just reboot
拉面 Jul 10, 2019 @ 12:05am 
Its not work, I cant get the SSH access. Whatever I do.
Strelok Feb 7, 2019 @ 4:17am 
But why I should use it since bluetooth joysticks works without any modification? I have a Xbox One S controller and it works fine.
Fo3sk0 Nov 5, 2018 @ 2:14am 

touch S95vhusbdarm
Wrote About Nov 3, 2018 @ 5:09am 
How to create a file??
LtBlight Aug 9, 2018 @ 8:19am 
It seems I resolved it. It seems to be really important to do the steps on the right order :
- Run your Steam Link
- Run your VirtualHere client on your computer
- Pair your XOne controller(s) with your computer
- Unplug the wireless device for Xone and plug it into the Steam Link
- Choose your XBOX ACC from the VirtualHere client to be "used by you"
- Pair your XOne controller(s) with your Steam Link
LtBlight Aug 4, 2018 @ 4:00am 
Hello guys,
I can see on virtualdevice XBOX ACC (In use by you), and I used the step 9 to running the server on Startup.
I use my X360 Wireless Controller and I unplug it and plug my Xbox One Wireless controller when I run the game. It try to pair the wireless controller to my usb wireless XBox One connected to the Steam link but 5 secs after, it loose it. What can I do?

Many thanks !
MJDB Jul 6, 2018 @ 2:29am 
this seems a bit complicated