Yomawari: Night Alone

Yomawari: Night Alone

380 ratings
Yomawari: Night Alone 100% Achievement guide
By ffleader1
Guide to get 100% Achievement in Yomawari.
Overview and Basic Gameplay
Hi! So allow have a few words about Yomawari: Night Alone first, for those who are reading this but still considering whether to buy the game or not.
It is an adventure, puzzle and horror game. You control a girl to explore the game, advance the story without getting killed by lots and lots of monsters. This is a puzzle game, so you should expect lots of finding, dying and retrying.
I don't really want to do a walkthrough, because, I mean, that would ruin the fun of a puzzle game. Of course, I will guide you on how to get through each chapter and all, but I will make it concise. Also, if you are somewhat bad-tempered, consider yourself warned

At the early stages of the game, you will be taught a few simple mechanics, like basic movement, hiding... I would like to point out a few thing.
+ When you approach a monster, your heart beat will increase. You will hear the heart-beat sound and the screen will flickering/blurring. The closer you are to a monster, the stronger the heart beat sound. So pay attention to both visual and sound, and just do not play this game with the volume off or something LOL.
+ When a monster is chasing you, normally, you should obviously run. However, do keep in mind that there are certain monsters who will chase and out-run you if you do so. Also, running costs stamina.
See the bar? If you run, the bar will decrease slowly. However, if you are close to a monster, it will decrease faster, depending on your heart beat.
+ If you cannot outrun a monster, you can try to hide from it. Bushes and signs are the most common hiding locations. When you are hiding, you will be able to detect the enemy by the red aura.
+ When you tiptoe, you cannot change the flashlight direction. Honestly, I do not find tiptoeing really useful.The ability is useful to deal with a grand total of 1 monster: the Child enemy. That monster will charge at you if you turn a flashlight to it then suddenly turn away, so tiptoeing allows you to gradually move away from that monster without turning the flashlight to other directions.
+ You will find items in game from time to time, but since all most them can be obtained in Freeroam Mode (after completing the game), just don't think that they are missable or something.

Usable items
+ Pebble: These rocks can be found commonly across the map, and can be used to distract monsters. However, it does not work on lots of enemies, so yeah, most of the time, you just don't need it. You can carry 15 of these at most.
+ Coin: Found as commonly as Pebble, and can be used to quick save at Jizō Statues. If you die, you will respawn at the saved statue. Well, basically, it works more like a "teleporting" you back to the statue, with all the items you have found and/or used are the same as when you die. However, it does respawn all usable items like these, even if you have collected them before.
Important note: Like I said, quick-save is more like teleporting, not save. If you quit the game mid-way, without actually returning to the house and save, then you have just played yourself. You can carry 10 coins maximum.
+ Animal Feed: Found inside trash cans or garbage bags, and not really important actually. If you throw this item near a cat, you get an Achievement, but I guess that is all there to it.
+ Match: If you throw these, you will create a small fire. It is only available and useful in one particular area.
+ Salt: Obtained at the end of Chapter 5, and since then appear randomly in trash cans across the map. While only useful to get one particular item, they are not every easy to find so do not waste them.
+ Doll: Obtainable after a mini-game (check the Achievement Adventurer). Also, you can only carry one Doll at a time, but once you got the first Doll, and has no Doll on you, you can collect a new one inside the toybox at home, near the place you normally respawn. It works like Pebble actually, that is distracting monsters. However, it works on a huge number of monsters, and will definitely distract them long enough to do whatever you are planning to do. So, yeah, it's good.

Map and World Discovery
  • The current location pointer is more or less useless.
  • The map is a little titled compared to the game, so the direction that I refer will be related to the map.
  • If you see a Jizõ Statue, you surely should active it it.
Chapter Completing Achievements
In this section, I will be talking about the Achievements granted for completing each chapter of the game. Of course you can collect various items along the way, but since the main focus here is completing each chapter, I will show the way to do it as fast as possible.

Cleared the opening.

The game will teach you some simple mechanic. After talking to your sister, you will get this Achievement.

Cleared Chapter 1.

You start at your house. Make your way to the Vacant Lot on the north-east for a scene. After that, make your way back to the house to complete the Chapter and get the Achievements.

Cleared Chapter 2.

Chapter 2's Itinerary:
1: The school gate. Go there to have a scene, then head to the next destination (you will have to make you way through three one-eyed monsters, but they are slow).
2: The Public Announcement Board. Go there for the Secret Path Note, then enter the school from the secret path nearby.
3: The Dumpter. Get the Chicken Coop Key from here. DO NOT RUN in this area, or the monsters will chase you.
4: The Chicken Coop. Get the Pool key from here, then go to the Pool.
5: The Pool. After draining the water, get the Wet Bone from here (check image below). Then make your way to the Incinerator.
6: The Incinerator. Place the Wet Bone on the desk near by, enter the Incinerator area, watch a scene, and get Sis's Shoe to conclude the Chapter.
- There will a few cutscenes here and there, but that is basically the itinerary.
- If the stone dog attacks you, throw a Pebble directly at the dog and it will go away.

Cleared Chapter 3.

Chapter 3's Itinerary:

1: The Level Crossing. From the House, make your way to the north. Once you reach the level crossing, there will be a cutscene.
2: West of the Field. You will need the Soft Wood Board to advance so get it from here.
3: Place the Soft Wood Board here, witness a scene to get the Broken Necklace. Then the girl will start to chase you. Avoid here and get the Muddy Key here (don't worry about dying after you get the key as your progress will be automatically saved).

4: Use the Muddy Key and quick save at the Jizō statue here.
5: Below the Cliff. There will be a cutscene here. After that, immediately run to the deadbody and place the Broken Necklace on it. Watch a scene and you have finished this Chapter.
- To deal with the girl, when she follows you normally, DO NOT RUN, save your stamina. She has two attacks. If she suddenly teleports to your location, she will puke out something from her mouth to kill you, so immediately turn to another direction to avoid facing her straight. If she suddenly speed up and run toward you, you should start running, because when she stops. she will sprout dark spikes around her (large AOE attack).

Moonless Night
Cleared Chapter 4.

Chapter 4's itinerary:
1. The gate to the Woods. Make your way from House to the gate at the entrance of the Woods. Pick up the Dirty key then enter the area.
2. The Graveyard. Pick up some Matches. You will need them to get through this area.
3. Get here and watch a scene.
4. After watching the scene at 3, just backtrack to the railway, watch a scene and you will get here. This is the ends of this Chapter, so go home and save.
- The Stone heads area attracted to light, so you turn the light off while near them. Also, if they are blocking your way, throw a match somewhere else and these monsters will be attracted to it.

Late Night
Cleared Chapter 5.

Chapter 5's itinerary:
1. Teleport to the Jizõ Statue at the north of the Shopping District. Go south-east and grab the South Key near a hiding sign.
2. The Telephone. Get into the Shopping District and get to the phone booth. (some entrances are blocked, so you have to take a long route)
3. The Shrine. It is the Exit you need to find. You will get 4 Salts (key items) afterward.
4. Get out of the Shrine and go to the alley next to it to obtain the North Key. Then teleport back home.
5. Teleport to the Jirõ Statue to the north of the Shopping District. Enter the district again using the nearest entrance. Keep going south-west and place 2 Salts backs.
Enter the connecting alley and get to the other side by using the North Key and South Key. Quickly place a salt to a spot near by. Finally, go north-east for the final salt.
Then get to the Shrine again for a scene and conclude this chapter.

Dead of Night
Cleared Chapter 6.

Chapter 6's itinerary:
A little difficult to break down the direction for this chapter in general.
1. Get to this open area in the West to obtain the Small Rust Key.
2. Get into the building in the North to obtain the Front Gate Key.
3. Get out of the building, to the intersection, run as fast as you can and dodge the monster's assault. Watch the scene and you have finished this chapter.
- The huge monster only charges on straight line.
- Getting the Small Rust Key can be difficult. You have to dodge the monster, and avoid a child monster. If you need help, I got it in my hard items complication video.

Cleared Chapter 7.

Make your way to the tunnel, north-east of the map. The ways insides are pretty straight forward. All you need to do is be quick and active the small shrines while avoiding the monsters. For the boss, you also need to active 6 small shrines while avoiding two giant hands. If you have problem finding them, just follow the edges of the hexagon, as the shrines should be at the vertices.

After the battle, watch a scene to conclude the Chapter, and REMEMBER TO SAVE for Freeroam Mode.
Miscellaneous Achievements
These are other Achievements of the game that does not involves obtaining collectibles.

Hide and Seek
Hid a total of 50 times.

Go to a buss or a hiding sign, then keep hiding and unhiding for 50 times.

Suffered a Game Over of a total 30 times.

Get killed 30 times. You should get this Achievement as the game progresses.

Pitch Dark
Played a total of 10 minutes without the flash light on.

Turn off the flashlight, then leave the game on while go get breakfast. Or you can get this Achievement in Chapter 4, because of avoiding the Stone Head monsters requires to turn off the light anyway.

Feed a cat.

When you see a cat, which can be found commonly in the Vacant Lot to the north-west of Home, throw a fish near it for this Achievement.

Kick the Can
Kicked the can a total of 50 times.

There are lots of cans scattered around the map. If you find one, keep kicking it until you get the Achievement.

Talked to Sis a total of 12 times.

During Freeroam Mode, Sis will be staying at Home. Interact with her 12 times for this Achievement.

Open Garbage Bags a total of 20 times.

Garbage Bags can be found on various location. There are several of them around Home, and usually they give you Animal Feed. If you find one, quick save at the nearest Jizõ Statue, open the bad and suicide. Do it 20 times for the Achievement.

Stayed home for a total of 15 minutes.

Self-explanatory. Maybe leave the game on at Home then go for a cup of coffee!?

Collect all usable items.

These include:
+ Pebble: Various location around the world, like the Park near Home.
+ Coin: Various location also. There is one at the vending machine to the left of Home.
+ Animal Feed: Found inside Garbage Bags, available at the area around Home.
+ Match: Forest area.
+ Salt: Automatically rewarded in Chapter 5, then can be found randomly in Trash Can.
+ Doll: This one is the most interesting. In order to get this item, you must play a mini game. Check the Map, and you will see, to the south-west of the Shopping district, a parking area. There is a friendly little girl spirit here who likes to play Hide and Seek with you. Basically, she will randomly appear and disappear at certain part of the parking lot. If you spot her (with the light), she will start running and you will have to follow her. If you are not fast enough to spot or catch, she will disappear to another location. Also, you need to catch her 4-5 times without dying. Needless to say, to make your job more difficult, there are monsters wandering around the parking area.
However, fear not, as there is an easy way to do this.

One of the spot that she can spawn is right under the street light. So if you stand in the correct location and keep pressing the interact key continuously, every time she spawns at that location, you will catch her instantly. Also, since there is street light, you don't even need flashlight to spot both the friendly girl spirit or any incoming monster.
You reward is the Doll, which can be restocked from the toy box at Home.

Kidnapped by Mr. Yomawari.

From Chapter 7 onward, if you steep out of the house, there is a chance you will be kidnapped by Mr. Yomawari and bought to the Factory, so, yeah...just need some luck, or you can just go in and out home continuously.

Made an offering to Jizo Statues a total of 50 times.

It is quite self-explanatory. If you made it to Freeroam Mode without getting this Achievement...Well, there is a coin to the left of your house, a Jizõ Statue to the right, and go back home reset quicksave.

Long Night
Played a total of 50 hours.

This Achievement is NOT as straight forward as it sounds. You have to play more than 50 hours, but that data is stored on the save file, a.k.a it does not fetch playtime from Steam Client. So you have to idle your game, that is for sure, but do it while you are actually in game (not in Menu Screen) and save when you stop idling, to store playtime data.
Thank Kanaev for this information. I almost messed up here also.
Collectible Achievements - Part 1 ([A1]-[F3])
This is the item table, exactly ordered as they appear in the game Scrapbook.

Sis's Shoe
Torn Collar
Red Charm
One-eyed Daruma
Mary Doll
Japanese Doll
Big Bell
Doodle Note
Dull Eyeball
Dry tissue
Bone-Shaped Gum
Blackboard Eraser
Origami Crane
Hard candy
Unhappy Letter
Secret Letter
Secret Path Note
Chicken Egg
Torn Swimsuit
Box Robot
Abusive Note
Red Exam Sheet
Red Crayon Note
Unique Bottle
Cigarette Butt
Black Note
Wet Hourglass
Moldy Bread
Torn Rope
Torn Shirt
Moldy Note
Human Bone
Dead Bug
Warped Marble
Broken Pencil
Old Newspaper
Blue Crayon Note
Jagged 10
Paper Plane
Plastic Camera
Pair of Shoes
Big Fang
Red Trinket
Cup Ramen
Black Furball
Yellow Crayon Note
Picture Book
Kid's Sandal
Diary with Lock
Ring of Beads
Piece of Cloth
Metal Pipe
Factory Newspaper
Torn Crayon Note
Black Crayon Note
Worn-out Crayon
Toy Bone
Dry Eyeball
Weird Puzzle
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Puzzle Piece 1
Puzzle Piece 2
Puzzle Piece 3
Puzzle Piece 4
Puzzle Piece 5
Puzzle Piece 6
Puzzle Piece 7
Puzzle Piece 8
Puzzle Piece 9
Puzzle Piece 10
Puzzle Piece 11
Puzzle Piece 12
Puzzle Piece 13
Puzzle Piece 14
Puzzle Piece 15
Puzzle Piece 16
Puzzle Piece 17
Puzzle Piece 18
Puzzle Piece 19
Puzzle Piece 20

Use this map in conjunction with the table above and the guide below:

You will need the key item Shovel to dig several items. It can be found by the sandbox in the Park, right of Home.

Items from [A1] to [E1] are unmissable so I will put them aside.

[F1] One-eyed Daruma
Location: Park, right of Home.
[Updated] Once you got the [E3] Dull Eyeball, a monster will spawn at the entrance and you have to put the Eyeball to its Right eye. You can immediately run to the entrance to avoid all the hassle, else only move when it's not looking at you.
Kudo to Z1gZak.

[A2] Mary Doll
Location: The straight road between an end of the northern railway and a vertex of the Northeast Vacant Lot.
If you have not obtained the usable item Doll, Check the Achievement Adventurer. When you go the mentioned location, you will spot a phone on the ground and it will start ringing. For most of the time, you will here nothing or just statics. In that case, go Home and try again. When there is laughter and the line "I'm Miss Mary. I'm right behind you", Mary will appear and attack you. Throw a Doll at her and she will attack the doll instead. Wait for her to disappear (be patient!) and get the item from that spot.
In case you still have trouble, here is how to do it.

[B2] Japanese Doll
Location: Behind a small shrine, north of Home, only a few house away.

[C2] Big Bell
Location: The Northwest Vacant Lot.
If you did not obtain the usable item Doll, check the Achievement Adventurer. Usually, when you come to this place, it will be empty, or some cats wandering around. If that happens, go Home and try again. When you see a cat sitting on the steps, if you process to enter the Vacant Lot, that cat will turn into a giant cat head and attack you. The Big Bell is in the middle of the Vacant Lot, but obviously you must get it before getting killed. Throw the Doll to a side to distract the cat head and grab the bell.

In case you still have trouble, check out my video.

[D2] Doodle Note
Location: Area around Home. North of Home. Next to the tree range.

[E2] Dull Eyeball
Location: Park, to the left of Home.
You need to get the [D2] Doodle Note first for this.

[F2] Meat
Location: Shopping District
You can get this in Chapter 2, but it requires more work so honestly, why bother.

[A3] Dry Tissue.
Location: Area around Home. North of Home. Near a Hiding sign.

[B3] Bone-Shaped Gum
Location: Pile of sand, right outside Home.
You obviously need the shovel for this.

[C3] Black Board Eraser
Location: Northeast Vacant Lot.

[D3] Origami Crane
Location: Empty land behind Home.

[E3] Hard Candy
Location: The Shrine next to Home.
You need to exam the bent guardrail to the north of Home first. After that, blue flame will follow you. You need to bring it to the Shrine next to Home, which is quite near. However, taking the short path back makes the flame disappear. You must take the southwest direction and go the long way, aka, almost a full circle (check the map and you will know).

[F3] Unhappy Letter
Location: Mail box right outside Home.
Collectible Achievements - Part 2 ([A4]-[F10])
[A4] Secret Letter
Location: Mail box right outside Home.
Normally, if you check the Mail box, you will get the [F3] Unhappy Letter. However, there is around 5% chance that you will get a Secret Letter instead. If you did not get the Secret Letter from the mail box, place your Unhappy Letter in a huge Red Mail Box (there is one to the northwest of home). Then come back to the mail box at home and try again. Repeat until you got the Secret Letter.

[B4] Secret Path Note
Location: Public Announcement Board outside School, near the Pool.

[C4] Chicken Egg
Location: Chicken Coop
Basically, you have to bring 5 chickens back to the Chicken Coop at school. This is really hard to explain, so please look at my video.

[D4] Clacker
Location: Outside the Incinerator area at School.

[E4] Torn Swimsuit
Location: The Pool.

[F4] Knapsack
Location: Parking lot to the southwest of Home.

[A5] Box Robot
Location: Southwest Vacant Lot.

[B5] Abusive Note
Location: Dumpster at School.

[C5] Red Exam Sheet
Location: Playfield at School.

[D5] Recorder
Location: Incinerator area at School.

[E5] Slippers
Location: Incinerator area at School.

[F5] Red Crayon Note
Location: Playfield at School

[A6] Mummy
Location: Pond

[B6] Unique Bottle
Location: Northeast Vacant Lot

[C6] Cigarette Butt
Location: Parking lot to the southwest of Home.

[D6] Black Note
Location: Field. Unmissable.

[E6] Wet Hourglass
Location: Center of a T-junction at Field.

[F6] Moldy Bread
Location: Near a bush at Field.

[A7] Torn Rope
Location: The road leading to Pond.

[B7] Torn Shirt
Location: Flower area at the Cliff.

[C7] Fingernail
Location: End of the Cliff.

[D7] Moldy Note
Location: Field, near the Jizõ Statue on the way leading to the Cliff.

[E7] Human Bone
Location: One one side of the road near the Northeast Vacant Lot. Check the map. It should be at the area where the road turns from northeast to east.
While I do not think you need to see the Headless Knight for this item to spawn, as during my second play-through, I got this item without seeing him, i think, just to be safe, you should see him first. He appears around the area marked with X in the middle of the map. Just go around that area and you should see him.

[F7] Trophy
Location: Temple area, east the Jizõ Statue there.
It is under a bunch of Stone Head monsters, so bring a long a match or two.

[A8] Dead Bug
Location: Northwest of the (real) Jixõ Statue in the Woods.

[B8] Warped Marble
Location: Dug from a pile of sand in the Woods. (Where the spider appears)

[C8] Broken Pencil
Location: At the Junction to the south of the Jizõ Statue in the Temple.

[D8] Old Newspaper
Location: Northeast end of the railway in the Woods area.

[E8] Blue Crayon Note
Location: On a vertex of a grave cluster in the Graveyard area.

[F8] Jagged 10
Location: Trash Can in the Shopping District.

[A9] Paper Plane
Location: Downtown. Area bounding Shopping District, east corner.

[B9] Plastic Camera
Location: Sidewalk to the west of Shopping District.

[C9] Pair of Shoes
Location: South end of the road between the shrine and The Shopping District.

[D9] Big Fang
Location: Center of the Shopping District, near the phone bot.

[E9] Red Trinket
Location: Near the entrance to the shrine, west of Shopping District.

[F9] Cup Ramen
Location: Near the Vending Machine at the Downtowns car park area, to the southeast of the Shopping District.

[A10] Black Furball
Location: Down at the hidden sewage passage at one side of the Bridge to the Factory.

[B10] Yellow Crayon Note
Location: East side of the Shopping District, in a small, partly hidden alley.

[C10] Picture Book
Location: Most southwest side of the Factory area.

[D10] Kid's Sandal
Location: Factory area, near the crumbles on one side, below the walkway.

[E10] Diary with Lock
Location: Northeast of the entrance to the Factory, around a crumble near a flashing streetlight.

[F10] Ring of Beads
Location: Around a crumbles next to the container that you start in Chapter 6.
Collectible Achievements - Part 3 ([A11]-[F16])
[A11] Piece of Cloth
Location: On an Iron plate, under a flashing streetlight.

[B11] Metal Pipe
Location: Factory area (Hard to describe)
Basically, check the map and you will see, at the Factory area, there are two huge house clusters at the southwest. This item lies in the big road between the two. (the road is populated by lots of Child enemy in Chapter 6)

[C11] Factory Newspaper
Location: Factory area, on the southeast end of the walkway, near a stair that would lead down to the area with [D10] Kid's Sandal.

[D11] Torn Crayon Note
Location: Factory area, near the broken pipe that the monster fall after failed to catch up with you in Chapter 6.

[E11] Black Crayon Note
Location: Home, after a scene, at the start of Chapter 7.

[F11] Tsuchinoko
Location: The grass field area, inside the Tunnel.
You have to stand between two trees to the right of the save point. Check my picture below to know where you should stand. After that, just move straight south. The red exclamation mark should appear along the way.

[A12] Worn-out Crayon
Location: Bookshelf at Home in Freeroam Mode.

[B12] Toy Bone
Location: In the Tunnel entrance

[C12] Dry Eyeball
Location: Final boss area.

[D12] Radio
Location: Home.
After gathering all Parts from 1 to 5 ([F12]-[D13]), talk to Sis to get this item.

[E12] Weird Puzzle
Location: ???
After gathering all Puzzle Pieces from 1 to 20 ([E13]-[F16]), you will get this item.

[F12] Part 1
Location: Northwest Vacant Lot.

[A13] Part 2
Location: Cliff area, near the end of the (upper) cliff.

[B13] Part 3
Location: Pond, where you can see the whole city.

[C13] Part 4
Location: In the end of an alley to the southeast of the Shopping District.

[D13] Part 5
Location: Behind the shrine of the long stair, right below the Final Boss area, in Freeroam Mode.

[E13] Puzzle Piece 1
Location: A side of the Pool at School.

[F13] Puzzle Piece 2
Location: Behind the incinerator in the Incinerator area.
You must throw the salt (obtained at the end of chapter 5) to slow the monster down, else the monster will always outrun you.

[A14] Puzzle Piece 3
Location: Park near Home.

[B14] Puzzle Piece 4
Location: Northwest corner of the shrine near Shopping District.

[C14] Puzzle Piece 5
Location: Near the northeast entrance of the Shopping District, near a Jizõ Statue.

[D14] Puzzle Piece 6
Location: The corner near the vending machine in the Parking area, southwest of the Shopping District.

[E14] Puzzle Piece 7
Location: An alley in the southeast of the Shopping District.

[F14] Puzzle Piece 8
Location: Beneath the monster on the way to the Pond, middle leg of the more visible side.

[A15] Puzzle Piece 9
Location: Field, southeast of the T-junction.

[B15] Puzzle Piece 10
Location: End of the steps to the flower area of the Cliff.

[C15] Puzzle Piece 11
Location: Woods area, to the southeast of a fake Jizõ Statue near a bush.

[D15] Puzzle Piece 12
Location: East side of a graveyard cluster in the Graveyard area.

[E15] Puzzle Piece 13
Location: Temple area in the Woods, the most northeast location, to the north of the [F7] Trophy.

[F15] Puzzle Piece 14
Location: The path that leads to the north, from the railway in the Woods.

[A16] Puzzle Piece 15
Location: Near two containers and [C10] Picture Book, in the most southeast part of the factory.

[B16] Puzzle Piece 16
Location: The area at the end and to the northwest of the walkway in the Factory.

[C16] Puzzle Piece 17
Location: Next to the Trash Can near the entrance gate of the Factory.

[D16] Puzzle Piece 18
Location: Inside the circle area (colored red on the map) of the Factory.

[E16] Puzzle Piece 19
Location: The grass field area, inside the Tunnel, in Freeroam Mode.
In the opposite side of the road that has the Jizõ Statue, stand in the location below. Then just head straight south until you see a red exclamation mark.

[F16] Puzzle Piece 20.
Location: The path with multiple small shrines, on the way to the Final Boss, in Freeroam Mode.
Collectible Achievements - Part 4 and Final Words
Collectible Achievements - Part 4
These Achievements involved getting the collectibles.

Wild Spirit
Found the Tsuchinoko.

Obtain the [F11] Tsuchinoko for this Achievement.

Monster Cat
Picked up the Big Bell.

Obtain the [C2] Big Bell for this Achievement.

Picked up a trophy.

Obtain the [F7] Trophy for this Achievement.

Complete the radio.

Obtain the [D12] Radio for this Achievement.

Complete the puzzle.

Obtain the [E12] Weird Puzzle for this Achievement.

Collected all collectible items for your room.

Some items that you collect will appear in your room. I am not sure which items count towards this Achievement, but honestly, if you are going for this Achievement, just get everything.

Collected all items.

I am not sure of the usable items will count toward this. Every usable items can be easily restocked, except for salt, so keep that in mind.

My video for 4 hard items of this game here:

Final Words
- Well, it certainly took me lots of effort to make this. If you find any mistake, which I am sure there will, because working with 96 items is a pain, please tell me.
- I first played using this guide[www.gamefaqs.com].
Spare Pare Apr 8 @ 3:08am 
DarkteK Sep 8, 2023 @ 10:48am 
@Narue yes you can, I encounter Mr- Yomawari by going to the checkpoint near the bridge and tried to walk into it, once I did that I faced Yomawari all the time
Narue Sep 8, 2023 @ 6:28am 
can we still get kidnapped achievement after finishing the game?? I didn't encounter mr. yomawari at all so far after post game
DarkteK May 9, 2023 @ 9:35am 
Thx @alegiro!!

So for anyone following the "Collections map" be aware about: [C14] Puzzle Piece 5, because it is in the second north entrance, not the one in the image :)
alegiro Oct 23, 2022 @ 3:29pm 
@darktek some you can after the story ends, some you can't and need to do a NG.
DarkteK Oct 21, 2022 @ 10:05pm 
Hi, awesome guide here!!! I'm just want to confirm If I can beat the game and return to get the collectibles without missing any achievements, let me know please! and thx again!
Lobo Aug 5, 2022 @ 6:35pm 
I guess, I'll play the game to get some sense out of this whole guide lol, but it does seem useful tho?
meta.eiluned Oct 24, 2021 @ 10:27am 
Small issue that I ran into, maybe it will help someone else someday: searching a trash bag only seems to count towards the achievement if there is space in your inventory for the items you find. If you've interacting with 20 trash bags but haven't gotten the achievement, try emptying your inventory
fart May 29, 2021 @ 2:23pm 
@Ash IIRC the trash can near the entrance of the factory has a 100% chance of containing salt!
Azarilh May 23, 2021 @ 7:42pm 
Can't even get to 0% as the game is borked. :v