The Talos Principle 2

The Talos Principle 2

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fletcher1 Sep 1, 2023 @ 2:33pm
Why only english audio?
As far i can remember Talos 1 was available from day one with 6 languages, later a few more were added. So why Talos 2 has only 1 language (audio)?
Is it too expensive to hire some voice-actors with their native language?
Originally posted by THE LAW:
It would indeed be great if we could afford to provide dubbing in multiple languages. However, the reality is that achieving this is exceedingly challenging. Allow me to quote Jonas Kyratzes our writer on this matter

Originally posted by Jonas Kyratzes :
But here's the thing: Talos 1 had two voiced characters with relatively few lines. Talos 2 has two dozen with thousands of lines. The sheer amount of money and time it would take to audition, cast, and record all that material would be quite overwhelming. And we'd have to do it in multiple languages, too, ensuring that the performances stay intact, the chemistry between the characters still works, etc.

If we did this during production, the deadlines for translation would have been moved to such an early point that we couldn't even have tested the story in the game. It's a brutal reality of game development.
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
Cerveyio Sep 2, 2023 @ 10:18pm 
Yeah that's sad.. would love to see german voice.
But will play it with english voice because it's a puzzle game.. story not relevant.
And yes, voice actors are expansive.
Hugin Munin Sep 2, 2023 @ 10:29pm 
The german voice in part 1 was outstanding! I really hope, to see the narrator back in part 2... This was a essencial thing for me, in the first game.
fletcher1 Sep 3, 2023 @ 3:06am 
@Hugin Munin: I feel the same, these voice-actors did a great job, croteam should engage them again!

@Cerveyio: Of course you can play it just because of the puzzles, but in Talos 1 the story made it so special and was a further reason why it made such a big impression on me - almost "life changing".
Ap2000 Sep 16, 2023 @ 6:39am 
Originally posted by Cerveyio:

story not relevant.

TLP 1 was maybe THE puzzle game where the story was actually relevant.
But I'm not surprised a Piefke wouldn't get it.
SgtFopper™ Sep 16, 2023 @ 7:08am 
I'm pretty sure that more full localizations will be added with the launch. I can remember that was the same thing with TTP1 before the launch.
Lucathegreat Sep 26, 2023 @ 11:06am 
Originally posted by fletcher1:
Is it too expensive to hire some voice-actors with their native language?

Seems like it, unfortunately
Genome Sep 26, 2023 @ 7:02pm 
Originally posted by fletcher1:
@Hugin Munin: I feel the same, these voice-actors did a great job, croteam should engage them again!

@Cerveyio: Of course you can play it just because of the puzzles, but in Talos 1 the story made it so special and was a further reason why it made such a big impression on me - almost "life changing".
you realize you can quote post multiple posts right old man
andy Sep 26, 2023 @ 9:48pm 
Originally posted by fletcher1:
As far i can remember Talos 1 was available from day one with 6 languages, later a few more were added. So why Talos 2 has only 1 language (audio)?
Is it too expensive to hire some voice-actors with their native language?

If talos 1 have so many dialogues and text to be voiced it will be only english too.
Cerveyio Sep 27, 2023 @ 3:35am 
Just double the price. Why is the game so cheap? Or sell german voice as a dlc xD
Raven Oct 6, 2023 @ 9:55am 
The fact that there is no German voice output is a great pity. The German voice output in part 1 is great and gave the atmosphere that certain "extra".

And to all those who claim that the story in the puzzle game is irrelevant: That's nonsense! The story is the best part of the game! The story made me think so much that I'm still thinking about it years later.
Alekcan Oct 6, 2023 @ 10:07am 
I think we can hope so if the game sells well. Some games add translations long after release. We also have neural networks and, perhaps, some team will do voice acting using them.
KoweK Oct 6, 2023 @ 10:19am 
Because looks like there are a lot of dialogues and small studio doesn't have money for it? Talos 1 only has dub for Elohim.
Tshask Oct 7, 2023 @ 1:52am 
Originally posted by KoweK:
Because looks like there are a lot of dialogues and small studio doesn't have money for it? Talos 1 only has dub for Elohim.

Not just Elohim. All audio logs were also voiced.
Lucathegreat Oct 7, 2023 @ 2:06am 
Originally posted by Tshask:
Originally posted by KoweK:
Because looks like there are a lot of dialogues and small studio doesn't have money for it? Talos 1 only has dub for Elohim.

Not just Elohim. All audio logs were also voiced.

True but it was pretty much only Alexandra iirc, so 2 voices compared to the dozens here.
◊ jaco ◊ de Oct 7, 2023 @ 3:34am 
The first part was great and I'm currently playing it again. For me, a large part of the atmosphere was the wonderful German voice of Elohim.
To be honest: If the tests are good, I will probably buy it at some point. But with German voice acting, it would probably be sooner and I would have more fun with the game.

If I look at the first part, the translation was also quite “easy” to do. Since the voice always came from off-screen, there is no need to pay attention to mouth movements. The text can be translated much more freely, fewer takes are necessary during recording and the speaker does not have to be a professional dubbing artist; it is enough if he is a good speaker. All of this, with the small number of speakers, should have kept costs down.

Of course I can't say whether this can be transferred 1:1 to the second part. I would definitely be happy about a spoken translation.
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Date Posted: Sep 1, 2023 @ 2:33pm
Posts: 24