Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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dazkaz Mar 14 @ 12:46am
Most Important Missing Asset/Tool
What do you guys consider the most important asset or tool that is missing from the game?
I'm not referring to your wish list for extra features, such as fishing, but about tools or infrastructure to connect the features/buildings we already have.

For example mine would be:
1. Single lane highway bridges.
2. A landscaping brush that will lower terrain under rail/roads, very slowly, to clear the dirt when it overflows onto the rail/road.
3. Concrete retaining walls, so we can build into steep terrain easier.
4. Humped bridge road over rail/road/factory connection, and variants, as place-able buildings that have infrastructure connections.
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dazkaz Mar 14 @ 2:40am 
5. Footpath connection for cable-way pylons.
6. Ability to start a bridge section above the terrain.
7. Junction at bridges and tunnels would be great.
8. change in height/depth of bridges/pipes/etc by 1 meter. 3m too much.
9. let footpath, road and fences to be build closer to powerlines.
10. Tools to better view your power grid, following overhead lines at max zoom can only be fun for so much time.
11. Toglable 'View actual pollution' button in the pollution monitoring stations. Would be great to be able to view pollution from multiple stations at the same time.
12. Overlay to show number of recent deaths in buildings. Will be very useful to see where you have major problems.
13. Overlay so show number of recent escapes in buildings. For same reason as above.
14. A fuel tank (vehicle) should have the ability to refuel its own distribution office.
15. View flow direction of pipes (connected to storage tanks)
16. View where trains (and other vehicles) want to go to
17. Warn if full and warn if empty (all kind of storages). Better: Warning if threshold value is exceeded/not reached
18. Notification when production has stopped should include the reason.
19. Placeholders in names, like "%c %t %n" would evaluate to "Biates Construction Office 3"
20. When you rename a building for the first time, I would like the original name to be suggested as they are after you have renamed the building.
21. Wire/pipe snapping tool that would allow wires/pipes to be snapped to middle or side of roads/paths. I often want to lay my pipes/wires underneath roads.
22. Ability to run fences down side of roads (like snap to the road) would be great, just for eye candy purposes.
23. Being able to move monuments (such as dock surfaces or road signs from workshop) would also be useful for eye candy, especially if height could be adjusted too (trying to get dock surfaces to line up perfectly is pretty painful, it would be great if it were easier).
24. Level terrain tool that can level under existing buildings/roads. Often I get back or side of a building warped by uneven terrain and have to bulldoze just to level the terrain, then rebuild. Would be nice to be able to fix things like that without need to bulldoze/rebuild.
25. When you start a new map, could we get the opportunity to start the map on Pause.
26. Need a screen with statistics for all towns decomposed. For when there are no workers to man the town halls.
27. Make it easier to build conveyor belt structures over existing infrastructure, by moving the support poles to the sides.
28. Custom folders, for bloated mod list assets, for the bottom bar.
29. Q/E for wastewater pumps.
30. Compass rose, and hotkey button, to better orientate the map to North (up).
31. Better fidelity of snapping for fine adjustments. F4 turned off, snapping still snaps some items at too great a distance. Power lines for example.
32. Tree brush should have adjustable sensitivity, right now it's too strong (it's rather easy to fill an area with an unrealistic amount of trees), the bulldozer tool also can't select individual trees.
33. Feedback for requirement of total connected buildings, when placing heat exchanges, and electricity sub stations, before being placed, not just after being built.
34. Make creating factory connections, behave more like roads, but with limited reach, when creating them.
35. Management of cargo wagons inside the rail distribution is cumbersome, due to not being able to expand and select the full list of stored wagons.
36. Option for the number of workers at a building, to be set to zero (or input number), when construction is complete.
37. A selection of smaller distribution offices (4, 2, 1 vehicles), to better manage fuel deliveries.
38. A small one platform train station.
39. Corner houses and houses with an angle other than 90 degrees.
40. Roads with curbside parking and through traffic.
41 Choose a place for bridge supports or more loyal bridge supports if there is no space below (it is impossible/very difficult to place a bridge if there is a road below).
42. More road types: Three lane, bus lane etc.
43. Global construction settings (global restrictions on residents at a construction site) and much more. (you can give all the settings to the city committee. Now it is almost useless)
44. Several collection points for workers for construction offices, or let them come to the construction office themselves, just like in a railway construction office.
45. More statistics in the city committee. (120 residents don’t work because there is no kindergarten. And I can’t quickly see where there is little kindergarten; same with water and other things).
46. Priority work for workers. First the workers go there, then all other places. (important for thermal power plants, power plants, water purification, etc.
47. There's a dynamite and eye symbol on notifications. I also like to have a looking glass there. That is: "dismiss message", "go to location" and "open feature window of event" (if applicable).
48. Smaller aggregate and liquid harbours, Aggregate and liquid barges
49. Airplane distribution office.
50. Larger rail distribution office sizes.
51. Railyards (space to store railcars).
52. Vehicle management for vehicles in DOs (I would like to set small covered hulls to only deliver clothing and electronics, and large covered hulls to deliver food and alcohol in the same DO).
53. Ability to specify max/min train length per destination on a rail line (I would like to be able to get just 2 out of 4 boxcars from a rail DO, for example).
54. Ability to specify max/min train length per destination on a rail DO
55. Ability to see the size of a pipe after it is built.
56. Simultaneous green filter right, and straight on, for traffic lights.
57. Connections to paths, from all four sides for some housing.
58. Drag-select and default setting construction priority tool.
59. Construction priority to default to low, so you can more easily designate construction order. Maybe also an improvement to the number of levels (5?)?
60. Ferry for cars, which would work like a bridge.
61. Cost Compare betweem diff currencies.
62. Cost Compare between manual / auto build.
63. Consumption estimation.
64. Bus line efficiency.
65. Overall building efficiency e.g. during month.
66. Undeground * Station for Trains/Bus/Trams * Tramline.
67. Gas for flats.
68. Advanced underground cables.
69. Ability to upgrade border stations. (Increase size).
70. I would like a visual indicator of monument, area-of-effect, that is updated as I move it, before placing it on the map.
Last edited by dazkaz; Mar 24 @ 3:59am
MrKrabs Mar 14 @ 2:56am 
Junction at bridges and tunnels would be great.
melkij Mar 14 @ 4:14am 
change in height/depth of bridges/pipes/etc by 1 meter. 3m too much
MrKrabs Mar 14 @ 4:52am 
And let footpath and road to be build closer to powerlines.
I find it a bit disturbing how much space we need to keep between foads and powerlines.
nekys Mar 14 @ 5:48am 
7. Tools to better view your power grid, following overhead lines at max zoom can only be fun for so much time.
nekys Mar 14 @ 5:54am 
There is a convoluted way to start bridges above the terrain most of the times if you have space. What you do is, with snapping on, raise the bridge as much as you want to right next to the planned road. That will work. Then you can delete the original road piece and game will let you place an identical bridge piece next to the first one. delete the first one and build away on that
dazkaz Mar 14 @ 9:35am 
8. Toglable 'View actual pollution' button in the pollution monitoring stations. Would be great to be able to view pollution from multiple stations at the same time, and having to keep your mouse hovering over the button is a pain.
Titule Mar 14 @ 1:00pm 
Asking for tools, here:
  • 7. !!
  • view flow direction of pipes (connected to storage tanks)
  • view where trains (and other vehicles) want to go to
  • warn if full and warn if empty (all kind of storages). Better: Warning if threshold value is exceeded/not reached
  • notification when production has stopped should include the reason
  • Q/E for wastewater pumps
  • Placeholders in names, like "%c %t %n" would evaluate to "Biates Construction Office 3"

(not a tool) Signals on bridges / tunnels (train), traffic light on bridges /tunnels once they have junctions.
Originally posted by MrKrabs:
And let footpath and road to be build closer to powerlines.
I find it a bit disturbing how much space we need to keep between foads and powerlines.

And fences too - they need way too much space between other objects. Maybe a cheat menu option to turn off collision with roads/buildings (like we can do with trees in the landscaping cheat menu).
I'd like to see an extra mode for the wire/pipe snapping tool that would allow wires/pipes to be snapped to middle or side of roads/paths. I often want to lay my pipes/wires underneath roads but it's a pain to do currently.

Ability to run fences down side of roads (like snap to the road) would be great, just for eye candy purposes.

Being able to move monuments (such as dock surfaces or road signs from workshop) would also be useful for eye candy, especially if height could be adjusted too (trying to get dock surfaces to line up perfectly is pretty painful, it would be great if it were easier).

I'd also like an option on the level terrain tool that can level under existing buildings/roads. Often I get back or side of a building warped by uneven terrain and have to bulldoze just to level the terrain, then rebuild. Would be nice to be able to fix things like that without need to bulldoze/rebuild. Such a tool could also help with dirt over rails mentioned in OP (point 2).
Last edited by leftbehind; Mar 14 @ 2:09pm
Originally posted by dazkaz:
What do you guys consider the most important asset or tool that is missing from the game?
I'm not referring to your wish list for extra features, such as fishing, but about tools or infrastructure to connect the features/buildings we already have.

2. A landscaping brush that will lower terrain under rail/roads, very slowly, to clear the dirt when it overflows onto the rail/road.
that can just solve placing road signal and take it off.....or rail roads
When you rename a building for the first time, I would like the original name to be suggested as they are after you have renamed the building.

nd32pr Mar 15 @ 2:46am 
Need a screen with statistics for all towns decomposed. Of cause, if there workes in town halls
And please - When you start a new map, could we get the opportunity to start the map on Pause?
dazkaz Mar 15 @ 4:58am 
Originally posted by vajeeking:
Originally posted by dazkaz:

2. A landscaping brush that will lower terrain under rail/roads, very slowly, to clear the dirt when it overflows onto the rail/road.
Originally posted by vajeeking:
That can just solve placing road signal and take it off.....or rail roads

This does not work very well at all, as it re-lays the track/road on top of the over spilled terrain/dirt, causing it to have a hump.
Last edited by dazkaz; Mar 15 @ 5:01am
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