Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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i REALLY don't understand this game.
Ok so i finished the campaign. everything was smoothed.

I tried to go custom game in realistic mode.

So it took me half an hour to understand the gas station, construction etc...

Now, i have a gas station, a few buildings and it's ok.

But now i wanted to make coal. Which is VERY far away. I tried building a road but... it's just white. Nothing moves from the construction office and the game says NOTHING. I understand it's supposed to be complex but there's like no tutorial for this and it's very tedious to find out.

The road seems to be in range of the construction office (i push at max to try and nothing happens :( )

Is there somewhere i can find out the little quircks ? Cause i tried youtube and.. oh boy "This is a short video" => look at timer => 48 MINUTES !

Is there any in game help i missed ?
Last edited by Rude; Jul 10 @ 7:33am
Originally posted by Khan Boyzitbig of Mercia:
The road is still in planning mode, you can activate all planned constructions in the bottom right.
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The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
The road is still in planning mode, you can activate all planned constructions in the bottom right.
m4rek Jul 10 @ 7:36am 
Well the specific issue that you're having is that the road is still in planning mode. In the bottom right there's a button to authorise the construction.

The more general problem that the tutorial-campaign doesn't teach you the realistic mode mechanics is unfortunately just something we have atm. Personally my recommendation is to learn construction in normal mode before going to realistic, because from there you can at least figure out the rest, but not knowing how construction works will hurt a lot, as there's no simple "out".

To use realistic-style building in normal mode, look to the bottom right and there should be some tickboxes, to fund construction in rubles, dollars, or construct using materials. Switch it to Materials and you'll be building using the same rules as realistic. You'll need construction offices, vehicles to move materials, mechanisms to make the work easier, and crucially for roads and paths you'll need a bus stop with workers for COs to pick up from.
Rude Jul 10 @ 7:38am 
Ah ! Something that was explained again. I don't think i would have found this one alone.

Thank you. For anyone that have trouble finding it (like me. It's on the panel where you can set "build for ruppies, dollars or materials just up the minimap)
Rude Jul 10 @ 7:38am 
Originally posted by m4rek:
Well the specific issue that you're having is that the road is still in planning mode. In the bottom right there's a button to authorise the construction.

The more general problem that the tutorial-campaign doesn't teach you the realistic mode mechanics is unfortunately just something we have atm. Personally my recommendation is to learn construction in normal mode before going to realistic, because from there you can at least figure out the rest, but not knowing how construction works will hurt a lot, as there's no simple "out".

To use realistic-style building in normal mode, look to the bottom right and there should be some tickboxes, to fund construction in rubles, dollars, or construct using materials. Switch it to Materials and you'll be building using the same rules as realistic. You'll need construction offices, vehicles to move materials, mechanisms to make the work easier, and crucially for roads and paths you'll need a bus stop with workers for COs to pick up from.
Thank you sir. That was it
fjorkar Jul 10 @ 12:13pm 
in der unteren rechten Ecke grüne Markierungen
I would highly recommend starting out with fewer settings activated and gradually work to full realistic mode. The game is very complex and can be overwhelming to learn all at once. As a player with a lot of hours in the game, I still manage to paint myself into corners from time to time. It is very rewarding to get things right though for sure!
Shrike Jul 10 @ 8:13pm 
Check out the help advisors on the sidebar as well. There is a specific Construction entry I believe that would let you know about planning mode
Campaign 2 would have run you into this mechanic, as it establishes domestic construction.
sasha Jul 11 @ 2:43am 
probably not a good idea to jump straight into realistic mode
Agree with sasha - you are setting yourself up for failure and potentially are destroying the enjoyment you could have by going into realistic mode as someone who is new and has just done the campaign. The game is really really complex, and the harder settings are so you can still enjoy it and be challenged after you have mastered it.

People played realisim long before it became a setting, its just a set of rules - set the game to normal mode, and try to play like realism where you can, so your game doesn't need to fail whereever you can't handle the setting...
Rude Jul 11 @ 6:31am 
Originally posted by ulzgoroth:
Campaign 2 would have run you into this mechanic, as it establishes domestic construction.
That's.... i didn't saw there was a second tutorial.... So that's my issue :)

That's why i was not understanding how to build some things (like hello there's a border connection... (i of course built a power plant first that needed water, and water that needed electricity before seeing there was wires at the border....)

I don't care to fail guys. Thanks. It's just i didn't saw there was another tutorial :(
ulzgoroth Jul 11 @ 10:40am 
Campaign 2 doesn't teach the raw realistic-mode campaign startup, FWIW. But it does teach some important related concepts, including (most, but not all) utilities and semi-realistic construction play.
Abbittibbi Jul 11 @ 12:22pm 
This game is extra deep and super complicated, expect to run into many issues. There are lots of good tutorial on youtube, but you will need a lot of time to learn, and will do mistakes.

Just expect it.

For instance, you build an entire working water network, but your treatment plant runs out of chemical, just because the delivery truck has broken down(and you have no aluminium line in vehicles maintenance garage to repair it), and the entire thing come to a halt, citizens unhappy, all factory needing water all stopping, including heaters, and everyone leaves in one month.

Please don't give up, this game is super nice.

For your actual issue with road, it's always best to built dirt roads first, upgrade to gravel next then asphalt, not concrete, unless you are absolutely sure of your end planning, and that everything will be working has intended. If there is one thing this game don't lack, it's space, but again, you may be building over that precious iron ore patch or oil field...

I suggest you start with all settings on in full realistic mode, unlike others above here but with a twist: expect to save a lot, load a lot, restart a lot.
Last edited by Abbittibbi; Jul 11 @ 12:24pm
Rude Jul 11 @ 9:29pm 
Originally posted by Abbittibbi:
This game is extra deep and super complicated, expect to run into many issues. There are lots of good tutorial on youtube, but you will need a lot of time to learn, and will do mistakes.

Just expect it.

For instance, you build an entire working water network, but your treatment plant runs out of chemical, just because the delivery truck has broken down(and you have no aluminium line in vehicles maintenance garage to repair it), and the entire thing come to a halt, citizens unhappy, all factory needing water all stopping, including heaters, and everyone leaves in one month.

Please don't give up, this game is super nice.

For your actual issue with road, it's always best to built dirt roads first, upgrade to gravel next then asphalt, not concrete, unless you are absolutely sure of your end planning, and that everything will be working has intended. If there is one thing this game don't lack, it's space, but again, you may be building over that precious iron ore patch or oil field...

I suggest you start with all settings on in full realistic mode, unlike others above here but with a twist: expect to save a lot, load a lot, restart a lot.

I'm on my 6th restart. For now it's going well. I really like the slow pace and i don't mind failing. Just a few thing that i'm like : "Oh i'm boned. But now i know how that work". I really like this game.
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