Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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I've managed to get a republic working and even turning a bit of a profit, but my pop is sitting at just below 1k and I end up losing because of "Deaths"
I have no idea why these "Deaths" occur, I click on all apts and apart from the "no religious building" complaint they have none other, ocassionaly 1 citizen will fail to get food or hospital but I've never seen it above 1 or 2.
And as far as I see it I have no way to check on the Pop Stats page WHY people have died so I can't do much about it.

What can I do with this? Eventually my pop gets so low that my factories run empty and then I just spiral due to lack of manpower.

I can only invite so many people before they die again.
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
MrKrabs Jul 10 @ 4:59am 
1000 people sounds a bit small to me.
I guess you need twice as much.
Having said that of course to be sure that they all can fulfill their needs.
Make sure that there are no queues at the shop.
Last edited by MrKrabs; Jul 10 @ 5:00am
Not always health symptoms are showed in building notification, maybe you have trash overflow in building, maybe there's pollution from indystry that reach some living areas, maybe check this. Overall the birth rate in statistic must be higher then death rate. I assume that at begging you struggling also with escapes that additional lower your society.
Originally posted by Swordsman:
Not always health symptoms are showed in building notification, maybe you have trash overflow in building, maybe there's pollution from indystry that reach some living areas, maybe check this. Overall the birth rate in statistic must be higher then death rate. I assume that at begging you struggling also with escapes that additional lower your society.
Escapes are low like 1-2 a month
Deaths are around 100 a month
Births at 30

I don't have the tech to check polution but the only polution I create is from the heating plant which is admittedly close to the city, hospitals are never full tho.

Originally posted by MrKrabs:
1000 people sounds a bit small to me.
I guess you need twice as much.
Having said that of course to be sure that they all can fulfill their needs.
Make sure that there are no queues at the shop.

You mention 1k is small but I don't quite see how to have more quickly.

My basic city can hold 3k people and I am playing on realistic.
Between the cost of building the city and inviting around 1k people I am left with no rubles.

So I was hoping that I'd get some births going to get more pop so not sure how to work that out, any tips?
MrKrabs Jul 10 @ 5:27am 
You mentioned your heating plant being close to the town.
I would focus on that.
This will be an issue.
Also wastewater is a killer.
I had a village without a sewage site.
It was okay for a while.
Later on the problem occurred and I had to build one.
Last edited by MrKrabs; Jul 10 @ 5:28am
Originally posted by MrKrabs:
You mentioned your heating plant being close to the town.
I would focus on that.
This will be an issue.
Also wastewater is a killer.
I had a village without a sewage site.
It was okay for a while.
Later on the problem occurred and I had to build one.

Waste water is fine.

Perhaps its time to start over and put the heating plant away and check back on that.

But I wish there was a way to check the reason for these deaths not just a general DEATH
Something is causing this deaths. In my expierence I had health problems with sewage drop to close to city causing pollution, big heating plant working in high capacity to close to city - less then 800m and also wind was not on my side😁, and trush dumps to long overflowing especially hazardous from hospital, seweage not conected to system also can pollute when not serviced on time, water probably you deliver more then 99% purifed by chemichals but it's also consideration
Last edited by Swordsman; Jul 10 @ 5:40am
Originally posted by Swordsman:
Something is causing this deaths. In my expierence I had health problems with sewage drop to close to city causing pollution, big heating plant working in high capacity to close to city - less then 800m and also wind was not on my side😁, and trush dumps to long overflowing especially hazardous from hospital, seweage not conected to system also can pollute when not serviced on time, water probably you deliver more then 99% purifed by chemichals but it's also consideration
There's wind direction?
I didn't know,
How can I check that?

I think the only pollution I had close was the small heating plant honestly I didn't think it would do that much pollution but am about to start a new republic and putting it far away
Wind is not simulated beyond a wind speed. Pollution is randomly distributed around the pollution source in clouds, and occasionally some of the clouds will randomly clump up on on side.
Originally posted by Silent_Shadow:
Wind is not simulated beyond a wind speed. Pollution is randomly distributed around the pollution source in clouds, and occasionally some of the clouds will randomly clump up on on side.
I thought it's wind when analyzing pollution meter results, well nethertheless randomly generated pretends to be the wind
m4rek Jul 10 @ 6:20am 
As another datapoint, I've got a small city, just reached 1200 occupants I think, spent a year or so in the 700-800 range. Got my small heating plant in the city but wastewater is being treated and exported. Haven't had any problems with population loss and it is in fact naturally growing. About 5 years so far.
Finger Jul 10 @ 9:29am 
I have the same problem actually, even when I had cities with no pollution, wastewater issues, etc.; population is still dying for some reason and I have no clue what so ever, the health goes rapidly down before all start dying, I don't know how to fix that it breaks every single game I start, even though the city and all the other things for my citizens are taken care of....
Last edited by Finger; Jul 10 @ 9:29am
Dummkopf Jul 10 @ 10:04am 
If you hover over the health symbol in the top right corner, it will say reasons for decrease in health. That is assuming the problem at hand is excessive deaths, and not just insufficient births.
Finger Jul 11 @ 4:06am 
The primary reasons for deaths in my saves were heart and stroke attacks
Pain Jul 11 @ 6:00am 
Are you sure about pollution? Did you check with the pollution meter thingy that you can research?
Finger Jul 25 @ 2:26am 
Yes, there is no issue with pollution
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