Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Track Builder on Realistic Mode
I know this has been asked a thousand times, BUT....I have everything needed built so that I can pick up a disassembled track builder that is small enough to be loaded on my NTTN, but it does not load at customs. I've looked through so many videos trying to spot what I might be doing wrong to no avail...any ideas?
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Showing 1-15 of 31 comments
squib Jul 9 @ 8:18pm 
even the pinned post isn't solving
Make sure:
• You got a track builder from the disassembled category.
• You have a large enough truck to carry the track builder.
• The line isn't set to "wait until loaded" at the customs.
• There is a path between customs and the RCO.
If that doesn't solve it, then please post some screenshots or a link to download your save.
squib Jul 9 @ 8:29pm 
I'll see if I can post the link, all of the above four items were done. The only thing that I think it could be is that I might have unlocked all research on this play through.
There was a bug that made them not loadable when purchased before RCO was built... it was fixed but maybe a resurgence? (shoot in the dark)
Last edited by ling.speed; Jul 9 @ 8:44pm
squib Jul 9 @ 8:51pm 
I built my RCO first, the only thing I can think of is the research unlock
squib Jul 9 @ 8:53pm 
I'm going to start a new game that is purely realistic mode to see if I can isolate that as the problem
hmm lets see, the vehicle wont pick it up if there is no RCO on the list of stops. Maybe you are trying to move the builder to a road depo first? It has to be delivered direclty to RCO.

ps: no need to do it in realistic, the mechanic exists in normal mode as well (might be easier to set up a test)
Last edited by ling.speed; Jul 9 @ 8:58pm
squib Jul 9 @ 9:00pm 
Nope I have it going directly to the RCO
i think a lot of people play or at least tried realistic, so we'd pick up a bug by now. It has to be something stupid or possibly mod related. No research should be needed.

Only other thing that comes to mind is you managed to luck into used track builder (two buttons are close) and it has some kind of a rare issue.
squib Jul 9 @ 9:05pm 
The open hull is being sent from a road depot to the customs house to the rco. It's an RTTN, to pick up a disassembled track builder that the truck is capable of carrying.
yup all checks out, make sure the load order has vehicles selected, and wait till full is disabled.
Make sure you do not specify a certain type of vehicle, as that can cause it to not pick up the track builder.
Last edited by Silent_Shadow; Jul 9 @ 9:12pm
MrKrabs Jul 9 @ 10:08pm 
That's a tricky one.
You have purchased the track layer?
So you can see it in the list down there when click at the custom house?
The truck is heading out to the customs?
It just failes to load the track layer?

I'm highly interested in screen shots and/or your save.
Originally posted by squib:
I built my RCO first, the only thing I can think of is the research unlock

Is there any research that even has an influence on rail or rail building? Unless you built a rail distribution office instead of construction office...
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