Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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Nokia 3310 Apr 21, 2023 @ 7:37am
Most annoying defects
Here is my list of things I very would like to see fixed:
1. Bumps and pits on roads. Very hard to make flat smooth roads.
2. Skinning issues. Sometimes (often), buildings and road sections float above ground.
3. It is easy to bury objects (especially roads), while terraforming or placing other objects.
4. Ships randomply stuck in narrow rivers.
5. Sewage pipes have a direction, but sometimes it is possible to make negative slope.
6. Water/sewage pipes get small visual distortion, if placed from different directions.
7. Height step is too large. At least 1m height step for q/e needed.
8. Ugly sharp edges on bridge connections. Probably, not relevant if p.7 fixed.
9. Not possible to know final height level when placing a bridge or smth. similar. Measure tool shows terrain height level, but nothing shows actual point height level (considering q/e).
10. Some connection points overlap each other. E.g. it is almost impossible to connect both conveyer and footpath at the same corner of gravel processing plant.
11. Low cableway poles cannot have road connection if have both cableways connected (same as p.10).
12. Not possible to control pedestian crossing ladder height (both aboveground and underground). Sewage pumps can have different height, ladders also should.
13. Underground view from vehicle cabin. Lots of visual defects here, especially, in metro.
14. Gameplay and visual width and height limits missmatch. It allows some ships pass some bridges they visually should not. Also somtimes I see train contact wire above automobile bridge.
Originally posted by emisja:
15. Trucks from DO´s and CO´s often have some left over in their cargohold. There should be an automatic way to get rid of any left overs.
16. Paver should not interrupt his work once a bus arrives at the job site.
17. Direction of flow of fluids should be visible.
18: The bulldozer tool is very imprecise
19: Decorative pavement that cannot be deleted.
20: Inability to hide or diminish intensity of forklift path arrows. Ruins immersion for me.
21: Inability to control/limit/or even have complete visible directional arrows when designating a one-way lane of traffic.
22. Very hard to distinct between small/medium/large water and sewage pipe after construction complete. Need more visual difference (e.g. color) or make it selectable.
23. Building construction window uses the same icon for all water/sewage pipes.
24. When a very small building, tracks or roads are placed, the path and road icons blocking the view for further placements.
25. Road tunnels/bridges should have a separate category for construction office. Because those want excavators. Or excavators should have lower priority than bulldozers.
26. Sensibility of delete road tool is too high meaning often you delete what you dont want.
27. Sometimes it is very hard to construct some road sections, because mouse cursor tends to magnet to wrong point. A "reduce magnet range" button could help a lot.
28. Interface and settings of audio mixing really needs work. Volume for better layering, also 3D ambient noise.,. Some are overpowering, like traffic noises.
29. Trucks return to the distribution office after each performed task.
30. Double slip switches for rail and tram tracks.
31. Gates need to be able to restrict passage of classes of people, vehicles, goods, etc.
32. Dirt/Grass Runways and airport infrastructure.
33. Either larger area zones or the ability to manually adjust boundaries. The ability to manage city/district boundaries like national boundaries would be killer.
34. Try to get vehicle movement speed to match reality as much as possible.
35. Allow gates be configurable to "hold" certain traffic for a time, e.g. a gate can be set to hold large vehicles for x seconds or variable time, either to allow for realism
36. No Left/Right Turns sign. Simply makes the next intersection not allow traffic to turn a certain way when approaching from the sign.
37. More realistic water quality requirements.
38. Types of notifications should be distinguishable visibility, either as color coded envelopes or by sorting them visibility with separate icons/number counts.
39. Better documentation about what things do and how they do it. (What is the expected behavior of transit lines? How fast are my comrades going to breed/spawn? Etc.)
40. Support for offshore oil infrastructure.
41. The ability to build new Custom House class buildings as a Civic Building or attached to transportation type, without going into cheat or using mods.
42. Let's make those prison busses and police vans useful by making prisoner transport by vehicle from Arrest > Station > Court > Prison.
43. If vehicles are going to drive "in character" (dangerous passing, cutting off, plowing into others, driving through crowded crosswalks), let the carnage count!
44. Allow the assignment of a workplace to a residential unit at a longer distance.
45. Improve game performance regarding loading and number of mods.
46. Needed list of vehicles which can't find route / out of fuel
47. Zoom in further. I want to be able to see more of the details.
48. Industrial facilities: add Injury Risk as a variable. The higher the risk, the greater chances of a random employee being injured.
49. Make the sewage plants to be able to export fertilizer.
50. Radio and TV stations should have a range of effect. A set radius, based on power consumption, to where the influences applied.
51. when you click on a stop for the first time in a timetable, the entire content jumps almost imperceptibly, so you often open the wrong stop the next time you click.
52. when a new message comes in, the whole icon moves, so you can't delete messages at this time. Very annoying when you get many messages.
53. Give us more shortcuts, use the right mouse button (e.g. to delete street/rail nodes).
54. let's use buttons to navigate through the menus, Q/E sometimes work, sometimes not, it seems very random.
55. "build city" is great, but the deletion of selected buildings should not work via left mouse button, because in the rest of the GUI you always select with the left mouse button.
56. more categories for mods: there needs to be at least one extra category for decorations! The monuments are totally overcrowded.
57. a better design of the mod section: why do I always see all mod categories but only a narrow strip with the selected mods of a category?
58. the timetables stops must finally be moveable with drag and drop. That would save a lot of click work. Fiend has made some good suggestions (he made them up in his "Artworks").
59. it is annoying that the data set for statistics is deleted as soon as the window is closed. Click on new window, automatically closes statistics and everything starts all over again.
60. trees cannot be planted where they have been deleted. Give us the same way as in the landscape editor. Similar goes for deleting would be good delete single trees.
61. Shorter industrial connections! As short as it is possible with roads.
62. Preferably more modular buildings, so that a freight station can be attached directly to the factory or warehouse, but this would be a new mechanic ; ) .
63. Missing roads in technical office (tramroads and panel roads)
64. priorities voor 3 in 1 pumps/conveyor engines
65. varianten for the dry-bulk engines
66. Vehicles going around a corner 'swing in' their back end; It kind of looks like the back end of the vehicle is slipping due to an over-correction in steering.
67. Visual improvement of electrical cables. At longer distance they somehow obscure the view, even though they shouldn't be that visible.
68. There is no tool to remove section points for footpaths.
69. Section point at turning footpath causes a visual crack.
70. Start the map rotated to the north
71. Depending on how you have rotated themap - you will always have one edge of the map where you can't see the land towards the border unless zooming in to maximum
72. T-junctions between roads of different quality look very ugly in ceratin cases (e.g. branching of a panel road from an asphalt main one)
73. Color of lines when building cable car. It’s hard to differentiate good and bad path. Also cable cars have problems that they can pass road but new road cannot pass under lines.
74. Overpass should bend and allow to be placed on a slightly bigger angle, it’s really hard to build overpass
75. RDO trains pathfimding cannot use way points. It ruins building proper stations and branch lines
76. Helicopters when they land with workers should allow the passengers to disembark before refuelling. When at their limit of travel they end up teleporting back home as it takes a long time to refuel. That can be disastrous.
77. Planes, helicopters and ships would greatly benefit from a type of line spacing, an end station equivalent as such. Most useful, for example, using planes as a means to deliver workers and it is difficult to prevent them from bunching.
78. Underground view can be really "busy" with so many pipes and cables etc. A tick box filter to hide, for example, the water pipes would allow you to see what you were working on easier.
79. I don't want no messages about not having enough tutors in an orphanage, just less.
80. Collision and stuck notifications for ships. They tend to like hugging the shoreline and whilst way points can help you can have ships stuck and, unlike trains, we get no notifications.
81. Change the keys from C+H+E to something different. A player doesn't need to think of themselves as "cheating". For example use A+F+O, Advanced Feature Options.
82. No oneway road option for airplane taxiway.
83. Quarries can store fuel, but neither excavators nor dumpers ever make use of it, but drive to the next gas station instead.
84. Construction offices and train construction offices should teleport vehicles back to depot when they get lost
85. Lack of single lane road options. Useful for constructing turning lanes and ramps.
86. Upgrading road closes the entire road from traffic, roads under construction should allow passage at partial speed and capacity. Currently upgrading roads with construction office is not a viable option in built up areas.
87. Aggregate conveyor belts should not have pillars ~5m from the start and end, as it makes passing roads and other infrastructure very hard. Same for constructing roads under existing conveyors.
88. Lack of ability to prioritize workplaces. Critical infrastructure should have option to keep them fully staffed at all times (Overstaffing them? Or extending workdays until replacement shift arrives)
89. Hotels could also serve locals, especially useful for construction offices and other temporary work happening on remote areas, like harvesting.
90. Ability to merge close road intersections to single intersection, to prevent unnecessary traffic jams.
91. Logging camps don't replant trees. It is a chore to replant them manually periodically
92. Logging camps should fetch workers similar manner than construction offices: with their own bus
93. Pedestrian walking distance should be little over 500m.
94. Oil pipe maximum distance should be bit longer. Now even simple industrial areas need a lot of pumps to pipe the oil.
95. Rail construction offices should be able to cover the entire map.
96. There should be separate road/infrastructure construction office what can cover the entire map. Also with aibility to reserve excavators and bulldozers for players own use.
97. Ability to use upcoming explosives for faster rocky ground terraforming.
98. Road designations. Ability to mark long streches of road as "highway" or "mainroad" with high priority for traffic and upkeep.
99. Not possible to cancel infrastructure upgrade. If I accidentally mark a road section to upgrade from gravel to asphalt, I have to load previous save.
100. Replacing bus route with trolleybus route is a common task. And trolleybus stop full reconstruction is a hard part, in most cases you have not enough free space to place it.
101. It should be possible to build bridges above buildings or parkinglots. For e.g. when you have metro on a higher level, you could use the area under the lane for kiosks or parking lots or anything else.
102. When in the terrain editor, randomly a 1x1 km square gets all the trees deleted with no warning. it's incredibly annoying.
103. Several short road can be merged to a part, or just like building railwayand. Trucks will carry all the gravel or asphalt on one trip, rather than finished building a small part and building a next one in sequence, waste too much time and fuel.
104. There is kind of a bug with overtake. Sometimes they cut off, so next vehicle have to stop and cause a fake jam. It happens not always, I cannot get what it depends on. Probably, fast vehicle starts overtake when there is not enough space for manoeuvre.
105. Emergency vehicles inconsistently overtake at traffic jams. The same emergency vehicle could interpose 2-3 times within single "green light" signal.
106. priorities in distribution office targets, especially in train distribution.
107. entrance construction in tunnels could be a bit shorter.
108. need conclusion of ressource import costs, when placing a new building in realistic mode.
109. Underground installations of the water and sewage pipes. You don't know the slope and you can't influence it. Although Q/E works, but if the depth of the next sewage collection point cannot be changed with Q/E, there is little point.
110. Heating plants "stopped working" notification in the middle of summer.
111. Water treatment plants do not notify they stopped working despite of having it checked.
112. It's very hard to build rail, road and factory connections on the same side of large open storage (see 10).
113. It's very hard to connect conveyor to brick factory in an angle (see 10)
114. Conveyor connection hell (see 10): please make it easier to build roads under them. Raise all of them to at least 10m, increase pillar distance. Use the parameters for dry-bulk conveyors, those work great.
115. List of all citizens and all their needs. List of all wayponts and roads sings/lights. Just like the vehicles and building list.
116. Slower Calendar Flow
117. There is should be electrified railroad with wooden sleepers.
118. Vehicle description should have information aboud vehicle product name, manufactuer and age
119. We need add all things into one post
120. $LONG_TRAINS should be configurable. I made infrastructure for cargo trains up to 600m, but this constant is set to 450m.
121. It is still not possible to build up good infrastructure for long trains, ships and airplanes, when citizens only wait for 1min until they vanish. This constant could also be configurable. Btw. I know possible workarounds, but they have their own issues.
122. There is a limit of tram stations per line - 23 or 22? - this should be configurable.
123. Distribution offices do have only maximum of the target capacities to supply. So both trucks and trains manage to take off to supply every single ton of goods. There should be also the minimum when trucks and trains are to start to supply.
124. If the construction site is missing, for example 0.5 tons of something (bricks, steel etc) to complete, the task is being scheduled to heavy trucks with huge fuel consumption instead of light trucks that stay idle at their places at the office.
125. It would be enough to show an average fuel efficiency calculated for an arbitrary route with both empty and full load. Do this for every vehicle on the same route so that we don't have to remember the formula every time we decide which vehicle to buy.
126. If the vehicle purchased for DO only has one type of material. He can immediately go with the load to DO. (Instead we go to DO and then back to the border)
127. (Optional) Other vehicles can take fuel from cistern in emergency case. Cistern with fuel cargo, can self-fuel.
128. [UI] First change name of car/building etc should contain auto generated name.
129. [UI] Posibility to copy Save name
130. Good Text Manual in Game / based on wiki. (Which explain all mechanics + time concept etc.)
131. Let us pay to construct/make use of Customs Offices, having multiple offices on the border which are not being used/connected to infrastructure seems rather in-immersive.
132. Multi-select construction office priorities
133. Perfomance index for each lines & facilities / hotels / etc. (Average efficienct index). 1 day/ month/ quarter / year.
134. Missing electric medium power transformator. This one is annoying.
135. Minimize the need for scrolling, e.g. assigning a bus or train to a bus line: the "++"-Operator shoudl also work when clicking on the window. Instead, I have to locate the vehicle and then add the bus to the route.
136. Loggers replant trees everywhere. In substations, under power lines, on storage yards, in the logging camp its self, in the sawmill. Proceeds to plant the tree right on a power line pole.
137. Add ChangeLog into game. (Accessible by Key + Menu)
138. Search vehicles by area & by resources
139. The heating plant notification happens whenever the temperature goes above 25 in the summer. If the heat plant would just always try to run at 1% production or something even in the summer so that it doesn't generate stopped production notifications
140 In realistic mode, terrain works should not be paid for with money and should not be carried out by teleported excavators.They could be assigned to a CO.
141: Wrong names of the unfinished objects - for example, "unfinished thing 10" when you open the targeting, its name is "unfinished thing 157". There's no link between these names. On top of that, the names are so meaningless.
142. Waypoints are unclickable. Sometimes you want to remove WP and you need to know which routes use it. Regular "these vehicles have this WP in their route" would be nice.
143. Ability to remove nodes from roads without using waypoint.
144. Maximum rail speed is 70/150/150 km/h for 3 rail types. It would help to have a type of rails that allow max. 210 km/h for high speed lines.
145. Aggregate connections that appear to be buildable but when blueprint is placed they are impossible to connect. Appears to happen as the blueprint doesn't accurately measure the size of the building.
146. High/Medium/Low Building Priority box-select. Sometimes it is useful to modify the priority of a building project. This has to be done manually which can take a significant amount of time if there was a "Building Priority" box-tool
147. Bind Demolish/Bulldoze to a hotkey. I have 5-7 alt-menus and each one contains a bulldozer which reduces the hotkeys by one (i.e. I have lost 5 hotkeys).
148. For infrastructure there are these useful tools for deleting what's been build. It would be useful to batch delete a connector without having to click into the specific menu. E.g. If you're using the build medium power lines, then SHIFT+CTRL+LMB deletes a box-select of medium power lines.
149. Pedestrians speed is not matched with game speed. On normal game speed people walk like in fast forward mode.
150. Passenger stops should be able to be placed as a road upgrade. Now there's no way to create a stop in the same angle as the road, and the already have to be demolished.

Shortened, because available max. 18000 characters in one post
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Showing 1-15 of 428 comments
bspawn Apr 21, 2023 @ 9:55am 
i agree on all points
MrKrabs Apr 21, 2023 @ 10:14am 
Originally posted by bspawn:
i agree on all points
Same here.

15. Trucks from DO´s and CO´s often have some left over in their cargohold.
There should be an automatic way to get rid of any left overs.
Last edited by MrKrabs; Apr 21, 2023 @ 10:18am
MrKrabs Apr 21, 2023 @ 10:16am 
16. Paver should not interrupt his work once a bus arrives at the job site.
17. Direction of flow of fluids should be visible.
Also exit- and entry pointes should show if it´s going in or out after being connected.
Last edited by MrKrabs; Apr 21, 2023 @ 10:20am
Lex713 Apr 21, 2023 @ 11:14am 
Well, I agree on all points as well.
Zentra Apr 21, 2023 @ 12:01pm 
Yeah... I concur.
18: Grass... Grass everywhere but where I want it....
19: Decorative pavement that cannot be deleted.
20: Inability to hide or diminish intensity of forklift path arrows. Ruins immersion for me.
21: Inability to control/limit/or even have complete visible directional arrows when
designating a one-way lane of traffic.
Last edited by Zentra; Apr 21, 2023 @ 12:43pm
Nokia 3310 Apr 21, 2023 @ 1:38pm 
22. Very hard to distinct between small/medium/large water and sewage pipe after construction complete. Need more visual difference (e.g. color) or make it selectable.
23. Building construction window uses the same icon for all water/sewage pipes.
ChalwaBechatex Apr 21, 2023 @ 1:54pm 
About 9: It’s kinda implemented but afaik you need to be in planning mode, start building from one node, move mouse and wait a second for tooltip with height to appear.
Titule Apr 21, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
Originally posted by MrKrabs:
16. Paver should not interrupt his work once a bus arrives at the job site.

Paver and dumper should be at the same construction site and not waiting for each other at different sites
MrKrabs Apr 21, 2023 @ 2:53pm 
24. When a very small building, tracks or roads are placed, the path and road icons blocking the view for further placements.
Last edited by MrKrabs; Apr 21, 2023 @ 2:54pm
Nokia 3310 Apr 21, 2023 @ 5:18pm 
Originally posted by ChalwaBechatex:
About 9: It’s kinda implemented but afaik you need to be in planning mode, start building from one node, move mouse and wait a second for tooltip with height to appear.
There are only bridge length and cost at that tooltip. If I enable ruler, it shows support height, but it is not that info I am talking about, and even that is not available while I am dragging bridge blueprint section.
MrKrabs Apr 21, 2023 @ 11:13pm 
25. Ships driving through bridge posts.
whisper Apr 21, 2023 @ 11:17pm 
When a new dumper full of asphalt arrives at a road construction site it interrupts construction to become the active dumper instead of just going to the back of the queue.
Nokia 3310 Apr 22, 2023 @ 2:14am 
Originally posted by MrKrabs:
25. Ships driving through bridge posts.
That is p.14
MrKrabs Apr 22, 2023 @ 3:01am 
Oops, thank you.
It was just a question of time till that happens.
Nokia 3310 Apr 24, 2023 @ 4:55pm 
25. Road tunnels/bridges should have a separate category for construction office. Because those want excavators. Or excavators should have lower priority than bulldozers.
Last edited by Nokia 3310; Apr 24, 2023 @ 4:56pm
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