The Riftbreaker

The Riftbreaker

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Stuck on Find the source of Fungor attacks
I was hoping the latest update would help fix this, but i seem to be stuck on the step before it. I think the issue was I had built up a base on the far left hand side of the map before the map expanded and the mounds could pop.
When I finally got to this stage of the quest, my base was already in the blue area, and there weren't any mounds. I'm not sure if my base was able to hit them from off screen or they just never spawned because they were too close to player structures.

Is there a console command I can use to mark this as completed and just skip past it? I did try resetting the map as well, but that caused it's own problems with going to the inner swamp.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
voidreaver  [developer] Jul 3 @ 3:20am 
Hey! I'm very sorry you encountered this issue. Please send me your save files, so that I can check what went wrong.

Please zip 'The Riftbreaker' folder from your Documents and send it to me via Google Drive or wetransfer at piotr.bomak [at] Please include the link to this thread in the message - it will help me track the issue.

I'll do my best to help you fix this problem.
Hi does it matter, that the ZIP is over 2,5GB?

Originally posted by voidreaver:
Please zip 'The Riftbreaker' folder from your Documents and send it to me via Google Drive ...
U2mad Jul 3 @ 11:48am 
Originally posted by voidreaver:
Hey! I'm very sorry you encountered this issue. Please send me your save files, so that I can check what went wrong.

No worries, I know all this stuff can get pretty complex. Hopefully this helps.
Crusnik Jul 3 @ 5:03pm 
I just encountered this as well. Same exact scenario as I also built my base on the left side there. My base annihilated everything as soon as it spawned and then I am stuck.
Edit* Sent my folder as well.
Last edited by Crusnik; Jul 3 @ 5:19pm
Sully Jul 4 @ 7:32am 
hopefully there's a console script bypass that we could just do so it skips to the next stage of the quest.
suzuka Jul 8 @ 3:37pm 
i am also stuck by this issue. same setup with building the my base on that island before the map expanded
voidreaver  [developer] Jul 9 @ 3:10am 
We have a fix incoming with the next patch. It will arrive today or tomorrow.
suzuka Jul 9 @ 12:45pm 
Originally posted by voidreaver:
We have a fix incoming with the next patch. It will arrive today or tomorrow.
awesome to hear, thank you!
It is working for me now, thank you very much!
Last edited by Crosshead; Jul 10 @ 9:15am
voidreaver  [developer] Jul 10 @ 9:27am 
Great to hear that!
Crosshead Jul 10 @ 11:37am 
Should anything happen after defending against the attack?
In the log I see I shall return to the swamp.
I travelled away and returned, but nothing happens.

P.S. finished the underground DLC with my current save in between and reserched everything

P.P.S. Sent you the updated saves
Last edited by Crosshead; Jul 10 @ 11:52am
suzuka Jul 10 @ 2:01pm 
Originally posted by Crosshead:
Should anything happen after defending against the attack?

same for me. the objective completed thanks to the update but there was no followup so far that has activated. ive gone back and forth from other maps, tried loading earlier saves but i still seem to be stuck
Originally posted by voidreaver:
We have a fix incoming with the next patch. It will arrive today or tomorrow.

To echo the two users above, I am having the same experience. I.e. the mission completes and after that there is nothing. The mission log still shows the fungal swamp as an objective but all sub missions are complete. Waiting some doesn't help, neither do visiting places of interest in the fungal swamp nor travelling back and forth between locations.

I can provide the save file once again if need be.
voidreaver  [developer] Jul 11 @ 2:55am 
We're investigating this issue.
Sully Jul 16 @ 3:13am 
ok so i had this fungor issue way back and thought the latest patch would fix my issue. i updated my gog copy of the game to exe 978 data 573. I also had 2 out of 3 garlimonium structures constructed already. when I loaded the save. the fungor mission got completed, the quest on screen disappeared. i installed the 3rd garlimonium structure. blah blah blah dialogue, afterwards ashley says that I take care of the fungor structure first before proceeding even though there is no more mission for it on screen and earlier she already has said that this has been completed. i tried travelling to other outposts and coming back but I still have the same issue. what do I do? do I send in my save file?
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