The Riftbreaker

The Riftbreaker

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 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
voidreaver  [developer] Sep 23, 2022 @ 8:39am
Today we have launched a suggestion board on the Feature Upvote portal - you can find it at

Use this board to suggest new features and changes to the existing ones. Upvote the ideas that you like - this way, the most requested ones will naturally flow to the top, giving us an idea of what is truly important to you.

We still want to use Discord to discuss things with you in a more 'organic' manner. Feature Upvote simply guarantees that we see everything you come up with :)

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Showing 1-15 of 52 comments
Hemmer Jun 14, 2023 @ 7:55am 
MULTIPLAYER !!!!!!!!!!! MULTIPLAYER !!!!!!!!! MULTIPLAYER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Hemmer; Jun 14, 2023 @ 7:55am
D0m1nant Zer0 Jun 14, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
Originally posted by Hemmer:
MULTIPLAYER !!!!!!!!!!! MULTIPLAYER !!!!!!!!! MULTIPLAYER !!!!!!!!!!!!!

BDK Jun 14, 2023 @ 12:20pm 
How do I vote?
Horde mode would be interesting.
Tyrant Jun 30, 2023 @ 12:13pm 
I would like a revamp of the weapon mod system and gui. Scrolling thru hundreds of individual mods of each category is clunky and overwhelming. I'd like to see all mods pooled into their 4 rarity tiers and those tiers be fixed values. That removes all the 18.1%,18.2%18.3% and just gives us gray (10%), green (15%), etc or whatever the respective values needs to be. Then the gui for selected a mod would be simplified by prompting for a category of mod and then a rarity.
gbfiremoth Jul 6, 2023 @ 2:36am 
Originally posted by Tyrant:
I would like a revamp of the weapon mod system and gui. Scrolling thru hundreds of individual mods of each category is clunky and overwhelming. I'd like to see all mods pooled into their 4 rarity tiers and those tiers be fixed values. That removes all the 18.1%,18.2%18.3% and just gives us gray (10%), green (15%), etc or whatever the respective values needs to be. Then the gui for selected a mod would be simplified by prompting for a category of mod and then a rarity.

I'd settle for being able to recycle multiple mods at one time, it would really help reduce the clutter. Too many mods to scroll through :(
Soli Jul 6, 2023 @ 7:35am 
Optimized loading times. That's all I care about.

It takes almost 60 seconds just to load the campaign (30+ seconds to load the main menu, 20~10 seconds to load the campaign).
And that's on a pretty good M2 drive, madness.

EDIT: I lied. I care about more things than that. I'd also love:
1. Revamp alien AI, they can be much smarter than they currently are (hardly exploit gaps in walls, they do not try new paths, they get glued to whatever is attacked them, or de-prioritize the player if they already attack something else, like a wall)

2. Enable "friendly fire". Allow the player to damage their own structures and self (i.e: nukes, towers, etc).
Last edited by Soli; Jul 8, 2023 @ 2:18am
Daniel.Kiwi Jul 13, 2023 @ 8:24pm 
Fixing the into the dark can't progress after the boss if you use any mods bug
voidreaver  [developer] Jul 14, 2023 @ 12:49am 
Originally posted by Daniel.Kiwi:
Fixing the into the dark can't progress after the boss if you use any mods bug

If it's a bug caused by a mod or a combination of mods we can't do anything about it :(
dreaddy Jul 18, 2023 @ 7:17am 
Multiplayer ;). Just visiting the board here to see if there is any progress and I can play it with my friends.

You could also do something with lategame... I played the dlcs after almost finishing the maingame and it feels more like mowing the lawn even on the hightest difficulty.
RockDemon Jul 28, 2023 @ 9:16am 
Create a liquid resource pool (as well as solid) of 200 storage per compressor. I believe that this is the easiest solution to the bug with the right number of decompressors. For example, I put six compressors on map A, then jumped to map B, did something there and jumped to map C, where I built six decompressors, but I could only turn on five (the levels of compressors and decompressors are the same). I jumped to map A, rebuilt the compressors and added four more and returned to C. On map C I connected the sixth decompressor and built six more in another place - and what would they think? I connected these six and they worked. That is, on map A I have ten compressors, and on map C twelve decompressors are working properly. I think if there was the same pool as for hard resources, such a problem would not arise ...
AmaDeus Aug 4, 2023 @ 6:30am 
2 Things this game desperately needs are:
Blueprints: Select a layout to save it so and then build it elsewhere (being able to rotate the whole blueprint!

Mass recycling of weapon mods. This could be done by rarity as you do not need weak ones later in game you keep using better and better ones.
Madmerik Aug 11, 2023 @ 9:16am 
Things that I would like to see for this game would be:
1 360 degree camera angle. I would like to be able to rotate the camera so I can see behind the larger objects or have better angles for construction.
2 when i copy and past a building (gun turrents) I would like any mod to go with it. I kinda like having the same mod in most weapons and having to do it it in each is a pain.
3 a blueprint/layout for making/starting bases or outposts.
Raphx Oct 18, 2023 @ 7:08am 
better view and 3d rotation
be a mech commander with other mecha like rts combat game but in tini squad
get out mecha and run on foot for infiltration mission or must offline the mecha to repar in safe zone
add neuw mecha skin or tip
Last edited by Raphx; Oct 18, 2023 @ 12:27pm
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