Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Sad state of items and scams.
I understand the value of items and the tragic state of scams. but me as someone who was recently hacked and lost the greater portion of my inventory in a panic due to my lack of knowledge (skill issue i know), I still lost 700USD of my investment into CS and the defense on behalf of Valve is everyone eases item value when it has nothing to do with other players and all about their bottom line and investment into CS. Like i also Purchased that item why is my innocents worth less than another user. i accept my items are gone because I'm an adult however no reimbursement or help to users in situations of stress put on them during a hack.

I'm aware of the old scams on valve themselves but i am a user that "invests" in the crate system but to have no assurance/insurance other than myself is a rough ask in situations involving hundreds if not thousands sometimes.

I'm ultimately just angry that I'm a whale i guess but more mad that my patronage to this "Free Game" means nothing to valves bottom line.
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Space Jul 9 @ 10:51am 
dont log into shady sites. problem solved
Originally posted by Space:
dont log into shady sites. problem solved
imagine being a prick for no reason,
rembo 18 Jul 9 @ 11:06am 
Space Jul 9 @ 11:31am 
Originally posted by GT BIGnutz:
Originally posted by Space:
dont log into shady sites. problem solved
imagine being a prick for no reason,

Bruh. Literally "dont log into shady sites" and the "problem is solved".

That is not a positive statement. That is not a negative statement.

It is a statement of fact. Feelings are irrelevant. If you want sympathy and a shoulder to cry on, i am sorry someone scammed you. feels bad. dust yourself off and come back stronger and smarter. :Heartthrob: love you.

Just remember, dont log into shady sites.
Originally posted by Space:
Originally posted by GT BIGnutz:
imagine being a prick for no reason,

Bruh. Literally "dont log into shady sites" and the "problem is solved".

That is not a positive statement. That is not a negative statement.

It is a statement of fact. Feelings are irrelevant. If you want sympathy and a shoulder to cry on, i am sorry someone scammed you. feels bad. dust yourself off and come back stronger and smarter. :Heartthrob: love you.

Just remember, dont log into shady sites.
sorry going through a lot and the wording just was off.
peon Jul 9 @ 11:38am 
Originally posted by Space:
Originally posted by GT BIGnutz:
imagine being a prick for no reason,

Bruh. Literally "dont log into shady sites" and the "problem is solved".

That is not a positive statement. That is not a negative statement.

It is a statement of fact. Feelings are irrelevant. If you want sympathy and a shoulder to cry on, i am sorry someone scammed you. feels bad. dust yourself off and come back stronger and smarter. :Heartthrob: love you.

Just remember, dont log into shady sites.

If we want to go by this logic. Lets extend it just one party further.

Perhaps valve shouldnt allow these gambling sites to exist, period.
if you are an actual adult you would have taken full responsibility for your our own online security lapse and wouldn't have the need to post a topic on it here.
Most of you don't even know what your talking about.
onemeow Jul 9 @ 1:19pm 
I think you should learn at least basic securements measures, before investing big amount of money in the system, which you don't know how it's working. Such an irresponsible behaviour, I could say. Don't blame valve. They are doing their best, to protect users from scams. But it's impossible to prevent fools from being fooled. Its a tough world, brother. Forget about it, and keep your head up.
Last edited by onemeow; Jul 9 @ 1:21pm
How is valve responsible or capable of maintaining your accounts security when you literally gave away your login credentials. If you had given out your bank info would you be mad at the bank?
Hogarth (Banned) Jul 9 @ 1:30pm 
Originally posted by GT BIGnutz:
Originally posted by Space:
dont log into shady sites. problem solved
imagine being a prick for no reason,
How is helping people not get scammed being prick?
Haze Jul 9 @ 1:42pm 
Originally posted by Mr.NoMic:
Most of you don't even know what your talking about.
I mean yes icloud hacks exists but what guy targets a 700usd inv, doen't make sense.
99% of the cases of scams being people giving away their steam username + password, there is a reddit post containing most legit sites just bookmark them to chrome and never get scammed again, it's that simple.
Originally posted by GT BIGnutz:
Originally posted by Space:

Bruh. Literally "dont log into shady sites" and the "problem is solved".

That is not a positive statement. That is not a negative statement.

It is a statement of fact. Feelings are irrelevant. If you want sympathy and a shoulder to cry on, i am sorry someone scammed you. feels bad. dust yourself off and come back stronger and smarter. :Heartthrob: love you.

Just remember, dont log into shady sites.
sorry going through a lot and the wording just was off.
Originally posted by Mr.NoMic:
Most of you don't even know what your talking about.
Think I love you
Y’all tripping, though the argument is valid that “simply don’t trust not trustworthy ♥♥♥♥” is objectively right, it’s incredibly easy to make something look legit enough to bypass initial scrutiny. Your also not helpful because everyone understands that, echoing what steam and the greater internet says is not exactly the point of discussion. people always find new ways into accounts.
Also an argument that a monetary value is making you less of a target is absolutely the dumbest argument you can make. Your telling a fisherman not to fish for large fish.
You can argue that you just shouldn’t be a stupid fish but you are going to choose the side of valve who dose next to nothing about these problems simply saying it’s your responsibility to not get caught by these things we enable because we are to busy printing money. There are hundreds of thousands of accounts who have thousands of hours on cs but don’t even have the one achievement for booting up the game. Also have the accounts who have similar hours but like 10 hours in matches.
The argument just be smarter should also come with a side of valve should also support their ecosystem rather than bank on people to just keep buying into crates and buying items.

Furthermore bank accounts get broken into all the time without handing out bank info. All it takes is for you to put your card in a chip reader that’s been bugged or some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to brush up next to you and scan your card.
If you use a credit card the bank simply voids the funds and says I never happened.

From Faceit scam teams to fake gambling sights to “skin voting” sights the amount of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ out there that’s hard to know about unless you have crusty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who have been through already to tell you all about it. If you are unaware of how these systems work your susceptible.
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Date Posted: Jul 9 @ 10:47am
Posts: 17