Rise of Industry

Rise of Industry

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Alex, Master Penguin Mar 14, 2022 @ 10:52am
(PLEASE READ) State of the game
Hey guys, hope you are all doing fine and you're safe at home. Just want to take some time to sit down and update you with the situation. This will be a difficult open letter to write.

Rise of Industry was our first big project. It suffered many ups and downs, but in the end, it was an incredibly rewarding and telling experience. Ended up taking over half a decade of our lives and countless debts and credit cards to make it see the light of day. Once finished, we spent an extra couple of years adding more free content and mechanics to what was an already entertaining and enjoyed game.

Of course, this would've never been possible without everyone's support, feedback and dedication over the years, ever since our humble beginnings on itch.io.

The idea was to have a cyclic development: the success and income of one game, would fund the next one, endlessly. Unfortunately, after over two years making Recipe for Disaster, the income from Rise of Industry has long since ran out, combined with the depressing, heartbreaking and saddeningly low sales and exposure the game is getting.

I say this now, to let you know that some months ago, I had to do one of the most difficult things I've ever done: selling the Rise of Industry IP. It was sold for pennies, in a desperate move to keep paying everyone in the studio and not close the doors, preventing Recipe for Disaster to be left abandoned and unfinished.

All this to say that everything related to Rise of Industry is no longer in my hands; I don't even have access to the source code, art or music. I'm not even a moderator in my own creation's forums, or received nor will receive a single cent of any sale that happened this year. This means that the game will never be updated by our studio, Dapper Penguins. All support will go through support@kasedogames.com

Please keep in mind that now all hands are on Recipe for Disaster. The game will not be cancelled nor abandoned, but please understand that maybe the scope might be reduced a bit, combined with "ready when ready" patches, to take into account the reduction in team size (I simply cannot pay everyone with these sale numbers). Once the 1.0 build is out, sales should go up (there is a lot of hesitation to buy an Early Access game), so the planned content can be developed post-launch, for free.

We always strive for providing entertaining afternoons and evenings of grey matter content, and we'll keep working as hard as we can to keep doing it for you all.

Thank you for your support, as always. You all make this worth it.

Have a great week,
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Showing 1-15 of 102 comments
Mohammed Mar 14, 2022 @ 2:07pm 
لعبتكم ممتازة وماتستاهلون اللي صار لكم

استمروا بتقديم العاب ذات جودة عالية مثل Rise of industry
Last edited by Mohammed; Mar 14, 2022 @ 2:08pm
Mansen Mar 14, 2022 @ 10:25pm 
Pinned for future reference 😔
Thanks for the kind words, Mohammed. And for the pin, Mansen
brucepayne1968 Mar 16, 2022 @ 9:36am 
Really sad, to have seen this happen to such a great game, that must have been a really tough decision having to sell the IP. Having followed ROI since Alpha/Beta times, and still playing around 4 days EVERY week ( So yeah, You and the Team did that good a job on ROI Alex ;) ) Sadly this is something I witness on an almost weekly basis, especially to the smaller Indie companies like Dapper Penguin Studios / Kasedo Games. Indie companies have to fight so much harder to get their games noticed over the much bigger, better financed and recognizable companies. Even the player-base itself can often cripple a game before it even makes it to market, thankfully ROI did, and I am really glad that happened. ( I use the very recent news from "The Settlers 2022" as an example, as even they had to postpone the release from this Month to the end of the Year, as the game did not meet with the gaming communities very high standards, normally associated with that Games history, to say it got slammed with its comments is an understatement ). I wish You and the team at Recipe for Disaster better luck than you have all had to face with ROI. I for one, will continue to play and enjoy ROI for a long time to come. Sad news indeed. Thank you for all your time and effort Alex. (Bruce)
Hey Bruce, many thanks for your kind words :)
Dantalion Mar 17, 2022 @ 12:21pm 
That is insane. I just bought the game a week ago and I did not enjoy a tycoon game this much in a long time.
Bertie Mar 23, 2022 @ 11:32am 
Sorry to hear that, I don't have another game coming anywhere close to the 500 hours I've spent on it!
Goldman Sucks Mar 25, 2022 @ 2:22pm 
IMGG.Juancapes Mar 29, 2022 @ 4:53am 
Hello Alex,

Sorry to hear man, its a really big proyect here.

I have a question, will you going to develop ROI2 then? Or It is death?
Originally posted by Juancapes:
Hello Alex,

Sorry to hear man, its a really big proyect here.

I have a question, will you going to develop ROI2 then? Or It is death?
I can't, as someone else owns the IP, I cannot do its sequel. Right now focused with Recipe for Disaster, but who knows what the future will bring!
Prosecutor Godot Mar 30, 2022 @ 6:51pm 
Bro you should have played Game Dev Tycoon before starting out, it would have taught you everything you needed to know
Prosecutor Godot Mar 30, 2022 @ 6:51pm 
So who'd you sell the IP to?

Please don't say Paradox, the world doesn't need more DLCs
Originally posted by Lord Nickington:
Bro you should have played Game Dev Tycoon before starting out, it would have taught you everything you needed to know
Yup, that was my mistake. Only have 200 hours on it, didn't do enough!

As for who owns it now, I can't say who, but it's not Paradox (or I'd be rolling in cash 😅)
I bought the game but got it refunded when it was early access. A few years later I bought it again and what steam is doing now is they do not start you with a new gameplay timer. If you owned it once before and returned it after playing for an hour they put that hour on your new timer and if you don't pay attention your 120 minutes to evaluate the game will soon be gone and you won't be able to return it. That's why I now own this game.

The second time they wouldn't let me return the game because I spent more than 120 minutes total playing the game between the first time I bought it and the second time I bought it. The trouble is that it takes me awhile to learn a game and I don't even remember all the games I've tried out and returned.

You might think this is fair, that people who buy games and then refund them repeatedly are getting something for free, but it isn't that much fun. Learning a complicated game isn't that much fun if it turns out to be something that you don't like but sometimes it can take a long time to learn a game that is worthwhile. At the same time tutorials are less common. Before they started doing this thing of forcing me to buy games I was buying lots of games. I already had hundreds of games in my library. I did return a lot of games but its because they sucked. I disagree that I was having a ball repeatedly buying games and returning them. I was trying to learn them or see if they had anything worthwhile. If I returned them, they either weren't worthwhile or they weren't fun or didn't work or they had some awful third party stuff going on.

So ROI, the second time I bought it I was forced to buy. I have since been giving it a go and I don't love it. I tend to go back to games I bought ten years ago or more even though I'm pretty tired of them. Older games like Patrician did trading a lot better.

The people that took over your game, ROI are using every technique they can to sell and make money. They force people like me to buy and keep a game I don't like. Its just another way that Steam is going down the drain. Every time I buy a game now I have to realize that if I've ever tried this game before, I may not be able to return it so I'm less likely to casually give something a try.

I did try to complain to steam and their reply was "no way".
I don't know if they just do this to me or if they do it to a lot of other people too.
Ubisoft, or someone with them is a large part of this. I have games of theirs that I paid for and for years have been unable to play because of that third party crap.
That was the first game I was forced to buy - Rainbow Siege.

Things that are ruining Steam and gaming...
Early Access = half baked, poor quality gaming (not always)
Low prices = garbage that wouldn't qualify as a demo years ago (sometimes)
The new policy of forcing people to buy a game if they've refunded it once or twice before and exceed the 120 minute timer.
Complicated games that aren't worth playing because they aren't much fun
Complicated games that rely on youtube videos as tutorials. Sometimes this can work and sometimes no.

Reviews - instead of 10 stars there is positive or negative and there are people who will attack you if you don't like a game that they like (they may be involved with the company) The result is that there are a lot of bad games with "very positive" or "overwhelmingly positive" reviews that make it sound like they're great. If employess or paid trolls are caught harassing reviewers that are less than positive they should be punished severely. It is possible that these people are just sincere fans and I'm not. They still shouldn't be telling me to shut up and that sort of thing. The reviews need to be honest and they should have a ten point scale instead of yes or no. Third party stuff should be banned. I have a receipt on steam and that's all I should need. Its ridiculous that Ubisoft can force me to send them a copy of my receipt and demand that I prove that I paid for the game and deny me access to games I paid for for years because I won't spend hours on the phone with their support animals. (I've had them hang up when I told them I didn't know how to take a picture of my account and send it to them)

There are some really good games on Steam. Rise of Industry was never one of them. You might say this is subjective but its not that easy to learn or even figure out what I'm trying to do. (how is this supposed to be fun?" There are games that just are fun and there are games that take a little work to learn and then are fun or engrossing. So far ROI isn't in either group. There are games that are better and more worthwhile. That may the reason for the "poor sales".

The lament of the game developers who suffer poor sales is "You don't understand. I spent a lot of time learning my skills and working on the game. I have employees to pay." - that's just how it works. If it isn't compelling, or fun or a blast, it isn't going to sell. As a gamer and a paying customer I don't care about your problems, your challenges, the struggles of your employees and your efforts to not offend anyone with violence. I want to play a game that is a blast.

I now own some rockstar games because the gameplay timer runs while I'm trying to get the third party thing to work. That's right I was charged for gameplay time on rockstar games when I was having trouble getting logged into that third party stuff. I didn't even know my game was running until the next day because i actually closed the game. It was just the third party stuff that was open.
Last edited by Tungsten Whitmarsh Cadow; Apr 4, 2022 @ 10:19am
Dantalion Apr 4, 2022 @ 10:42am 
Originally posted by SugarySnax:
They force people like me to buy and keep a game I don't like.

Who is pointing a gun at your head to buy anything?

Originally posted by SugarySnax:
Learning a complicated game isn't that much fun if it turns out to be something that you don't like but sometimes it can take a long time to learn a game that is worthwhile.

Such is the risk with many things, including watching a movie in the cinema.
You can not just leave half way through and demand your money back if you do not like it. The 2 hour preview Steam offers is something that they would not need to do.

That huge wall of text does not really fit into this thread and is pretty much just a rant about the general state of Steam and how you feel like a victim of the evil gaming industry for not catering to your needs.

Originally posted by SugarySnax:
The lament of the game developers who suffer poor sales is "You don't understand. I spent a lot of time learning my skills and working on the game. I have employees to pay." - that's just how it works. If it isn't compelling, or fun or a blast, it isn't going to sell. As a gamer and a paying customer I don't care about your problems, your challenges, the struggles of your employees and your efforts to not offend anyone with violence. I want to play a game that is a blast.

And nobody did that here in that context. It was a thread to inform literally about the current state of the game.

Maybe in the future just watch some Gameplay videos before buying games or preferably buy Games which offer a demo version and which you can play before buying it.
Last edited by Dantalion; Apr 4, 2022 @ 10:44am
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