Rise of Industry

Rise of Industry

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Quick Troubleshooting / FAQ
Heya! Going to compile a list of common issues, hopefully helping you guys without the need to open a thread.

Q: The interface seems too big, too small, or some elements are missing

A: The UI Scaling setting is off. Go to the options menu and try to change it until you find one suited to your monitor and resolution. If that fails, try to press Ctrl+D. If that also fails, press - on the numpad a few times.

Q: My interface disappeared!

A: You hit the "Screenshot Mode" hotkey. Enable/disable it with F11.

Q: I get a black screen or wrong resolution and can't change it in-game!

A: Force open the launcher (add "-show-screen-selector" in the "set launch" option) and choose manually the resolution and monitor. Recommend 1080p or less in windowed mode.

Q: Game crashes when I have enabled the "Exported Scenarios" mod!

A: You have a custom scenario that is either very old or corrupted. Please go to
- "\Steam\steamapps\common\RiseOfIndustry\Mods"
- "\Steam\steamapps\common\RiseOfIndustry\Rise of Industry_Data\StreamingAssets"
Then, delete everything there. Steam will update all the mods properly.

Q: The resolution changes to something too small immediately after the intro!

A: Your video codecs might've messed up the intro. Restart the game with it disabled: http://prntscr.com/sbb0po
- RightClick the game in your Library
- "Properties"
- "Set Launch Options..."
- Enter "-nointro" (without quotations but with the dash)
- Start the game

Q: Game is in German or the resolution is still completely messed up!

A: Press Control + D
If that doesn't work, delete the registry keys and reinstall the game to clean out everything (don't worry, your saves are left untouched):

On Windows, go to the Registry Editor (Windows, Run, "regedit") and delete the folder under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dapper Penguin Studios\Rise Of Industry

On Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Dapper Penguin Studios/Rise of Industry

Q: Game Crashes when loading the Tutorial or Career

A: You have an old CPU. Need to load a different branch:
- RightClick the game in your Library
- Properties
- Betas tab
- Choose "NoBurst" in the dropdown
- Close button
- Let it patch

Q: Game crashes on Linux
A: nVidia drivers possibly are filing. Roll back to version 390. Versions 430 and 440 have been confirmed not working

Q: Keyboard doesn't seem to work
A: Seems like a DirectX or driver update scrambled the input of the game. I propose two solutions:

1. (I know it's a horrible solution): unplug all controllers before running the game. This issue affects many Unity games, and will work elsewhere
2. In the main menu, hit Ctrl+D. This will reset and rebind everything. Will have to reenter all the settings (graphics, audio, gameplay, etc)

Q: How do I...?

A: Have you played the tutorial AND read the help panel? Is it missing? Please add it here and I'll make sure that it will be included in the next version.
Last edited by Alex, Master Penguin; Sep 28, 2021 @ 1:32am
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Roboron Jun 12, 2020 @ 4:21pm 
Versions 430 and 440 have been confirmed not working

I'm using NVIDIA driver version 440.82-18 and a Geforce 660 GTX. Game is definitely working without crashes. Maybe a recent update fixed it, or maybe it depends on the card used?
Cobaltchen Dec 23, 2020 @ 7:12am 

Die Antwort auf Q: "Game Crashes when loading the Tutorial or Career" stimmt in meinem Fall nicht! Meine CPU ist ein Ryzen 7 2700X aus dem Jahr 2018. Bitte den Crash Fehler beheben. Dankeschön

The answer to Q: "Game Crashes when loading the Tutorial or Career" is not correct in my case! My CPU is a Ryzen 7 2700X from 2018. Please fix the crash error. Thank you very much
Originally posted by CobaltThinks:

Die Antwort auf Q: "Game Crashes when loading the Tutorial or Career" stimmt in meinem Fall nicht! Meine CPU ist ein Ryzen 7 2700X aus dem Jahr 2018. Bitte den Crash Fehler beheben. Dankeschön

The answer to Q: "Game Crashes when loading the Tutorial or Career" is not correct in my case! My CPU is a Ryzen 7 2700X from 2018. Please fix the crash error. Thank you very much

Please open a new thread and upload the files, so I can help
Cobaltchen Dec 23, 2020 @ 8:13pm 
Welche Datei soll ich genau hochladen?

Which file should I upload exactly?
Originally posted by CobaltThinks:
Welche Datei soll ich genau hochladen?

Which file should I upload exactly?

lordlolek May 3, 2021 @ 12:20pm 
Last edited by lordlolek; May 3, 2021 @ 2:54pm
Jiune Jun 6, 2021 @ 11:13am 
Originally posted by Alex, Master Penguin:
Q: I get a black screen or wrong resolution and can't change it in-game!

A: Force open the launcher (add "-show-screen-selector" in the "set launch" option) and choose manually the resolution and monitor. Recommend 1080p or less in windowed mode.
Not work at all for me.
I find the faster way to dill wrong resolution is get into Registry Editor, and press F3 to search "GameOptions_ScreenHeight" and "GameOptions_ScreenWidth".
Then adjust the valum to the correct one.
Originally posted by Jiune:
Originally posted by Alex, Master Penguin:
Q: I get a black screen or wrong resolution and can't change it in-game!

A: Force open the launcher (add "-show-screen-selector" in the "set launch" option) and choose manually the resolution and monitor. Recommend 1080p or less in windowed mode.
Not work at all for me.
I find the faster way to dill wrong resolution is get into Registry Editor, and press F3 to search "GameOptions_ScreenHeight" and "GameOptions_ScreenWidth".
Then adjust the valum to the correct one.
Or hit Ctrl+D in the main menu
Jiune Jun 7, 2021 @ 10:53am 
Originally posted by Alex, Master Penguin:
Or hit Ctrl+D in the main menu
Won't this reset all the adjust I done?
Yes, it fully resets everything
Koravya Jul 4, 2021 @ 11:09am 
On linux the mouse pointer is imperceptibly small. I have adjusted UI scale, and resolution for both the game, and the system to no avail. The pointer appears to be the correct size at launch, but shrinks to a speck once the loading bar shows. I have tried the fix posted here for disabling the intro with no change. My system resolution is 3840x2160, this is also the resolution detected by the game.
Originally posted by Koravya:
On linux the mouse pointer is imperceptibly small. I have adjusted UI scale, and resolution for both the game, and the system to no avail. The pointer appears to be the correct size at launch, but shrinks to a speck once the loading bar shows. I have tried the fix posted here for disabling the intro with no change. My system resolution is 3840x2160, this is also the resolution detected by the game.
Please open a new thread. "linux" isn't enough, need the distro
TheLol Jul 5, 2021 @ 4:05pm 
First time playing and I started the tutorial. After few minutes, the game just lock because of pollution and I needed to close it forcefully.
Originally posted by TheLol:
First time playing and I started the tutorial. After few minutes, the game just lock because of pollution and I needed to close it forcefully.
I need many more details, so please open a new thread following the template. There shouldn't be pollution issues in the tutorial
我是萌萌哒 Aug 16, 2021 @ 7:45am 
How to use the downloaded layout?
The layout downloaded in the Creative Workshop cannot be displayed in the game
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