Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

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Bach Apr 18, 2018 @ 9:25pm
Last edited by Bach; May 31 @ 10:20am
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D's Journal Apr 18, 2018 @ 9:45pm 
durante already helped while he was busy with toc2 lmao
thegroze Apr 18, 2018 @ 10:39pm 
Originally posted by Baby Finiraldi:
durante already helped while he was busy with toc2 lmao
Yes, and NISA threw all his work away, minor as it might have been, according to the guy himself[www.gog.com].

They apparently worked with Tin Giant's Rob Wyatt, who made a piss poor job at optimizing this, despite the "impressive" resume of his NISA posted on their official blog update.
Greslus Apr 18, 2018 @ 11:25pm 
Originally posted by thegroze:
Originally posted by Baby Finiraldi:
durante already helped while he was busy with toc2 lmao
Yes, and NISA threw all his work away, minor as it might have been, according to the guy himself[www.gog.com].

They apparently worked with Tin Giant's Rob Wyatt, who made a piss poor job at optimizing this, despite the "impressive" resume of his NISA posted on their official blog update.
Can you link the post to the gog quote? I want to read the thread myself
thegroze Apr 18, 2018 @ 11:40pm 
Originally posted by Greslus:
Originally posted by thegroze:
Yes, and NISA threw all his work away, minor as it might have been, according to the guy himself[www.gog.com].

They apparently worked with Tin Giant's Rob Wyatt, who made a piss poor job at optimizing this, despite the "impressive" resume of his NISA posted on their official blog update.
Can you link the post to the gog quote? I want to read the thread myself
I would, but that's not a post on the GOG forums, just some screenshot from another forum a GOG user posted. You could google Durante's statements and try finding the forum and thread where they were originally posted.
Vandread Apr 18, 2018 @ 11:47pm 
Originally was posted on resetera[www.resetera.com].
Ikagura Apr 19, 2018 @ 3:30am 
Durante is still a human, he's probably busy
Aemony Apr 19, 2018 @ 4:31am 
Originally posted by thegroze:
Originally posted by Baby Finiraldi:
durante already helped while he was busy with toc2 lmao
Yes, and NISA threw all his work away, minor as it might have been, according to the guy himself[www.gog.com].

They apparently worked with Tin Giant's Rob Wyatt, who made a piss poor job at optimizing this, despite the "impressive" resume of his NISA posted on their official blog update.

The game performs way better now than it ever did in December or earlier, which were about when Tin Giant was called in.

If you actually believe the game performs worse now than it did when Durante was consulted for help shortly back in September then you’re high on something.

Sure, new issues have cropped up that didn’t exist back in September, but those are the result of various changes made in an attempt to fix the issues the game then had, and is slowly ironed out. The game as a whole, however, is in a much better state performance-wise.
thegroze Apr 19, 2018 @ 11:40am 
Originally posted by Aemony:
Originally posted by thegroze:
Yes, and NISA threw all his work away, minor as it might have been, according to the guy himself[www.gog.com].

They apparently worked with Tin Giant's Rob Wyatt, who made a piss poor job at optimizing this, despite the "impressive" resume of his NISA posted on their official blog update.

The game performs way better now than it ever did in December or earlier, which were about when Tin Giant was called in.

If you actually believe the game performs worse now than it did when Durante was consulted for help shortly back in September then you’re high on something.

Sure, new issues have cropped up that didn’t exist back in September, but those are the result of various changes made in an attempt to fix the issues the game then had, and is slowly ironed out. The game as a whole, however, is in a much better state performance-wise.
I trust you on this, I was not a beta tester and I didn't have any access to previous builds of the game, everyone seems to agree previous builds were even worse than this one. And I'm not putting Durante on a pedestal, either, the guy is good at his job, but he's no god, I don't know if he could have fixed this port. Still, he either couldn't or wouldn't, we'll never know unless he tells us (assuming there's no NDA in place), and speculation leads nowhere.

All of this doesn't excuse NISA or Rob Wyatt, the "genius" they hired. Sure, his resume and credentials are impressive and he made the PC port work better than earlier builds of the game, but, let's face it, whatever good things he may have done don't make up for the technical mess this port was released in. When it comes down to it, I don't really care if they hired some architectural mastermind who worked on the development of the original Xbox or with Naughty Dog and the PS3's architecture; this means nothing to me, if he can't actually deliver -- he clearly couldn't. Durante, while not being a god among programmers, almost single-handedly made the PC port of Dark Souls (remember that one?) playable, and his work with XSEED on both Trails of Cold Steel titles is downright impressive. This is stuff we, as gamers, can try for ourselves and reach our conclusions about by testing it on our own. Whatever Mr. Wyatt fixed (I'm guessing it was a lot) doesn't make up for what he eventually broke, and that's what we can see, right now, since most of us weren't beta testers and didn't have access to the pre-1.0 builds.
Aemony Apr 19, 2018 @ 2:44pm 
TL;DR: It's complicated. Blame the original development team, whoever they might be, or NISA.

Originally posted by thegroze:

Honestly, I wouldn't really put any blame on Rob Wyatt at all. They were brought on extremely late in the project, and only given minimal amount of time to rewrite major parts of the engine, including porting it over from DirectX 10 to 11.1. That's a huge endevour, especially for a single person.

I can understand the frustration/anger/disappointment/whatever, but the blame should be put on whomever decided on the following:


The systems regulating these framerate issues are heavily reliant on the architecture of the original PlayStation 4 version and, as such, are not existent in PC architecture.


As the PC version of the game was originally envisioned as a port, we avoided touching the core programming as much as possible and focused on PC performance optimization. However, in light of the feedback of those who have participated in the second beta test, we have concluded that we cannot avoid modifying the core programming.

Once the changes from the relocalization efforts have been implemented at the end of this month, we will be moving development to an entirely different developer who will primarily focus on frame rate improvements as well as other PC optimizations.

Source: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Further Delay Announcement (20th of January)

It was NISA's insistency (or NIS's, if it were a mandate from them) on not properly porting the game from the start that were the cause of the original state of the game and the subsequent delays. Their intent on retaining the "core programming" as much as possible were probably made to retain compatibility of patches and assets across PS4 and PC as high as possible.

But then when everything hit the can they brought in Durante on a short consulting basis (long before Tin Giant were involved) and later Tin Giant; disconnecting the original development team from the PC version entirely.

So Wyatt basically worked February, March, and finally half of April, with learning the codebase, porting the game over to Dx11.1, and reworking the whole texture sampling system and some of the shaders (source[www.nisamerica.com])

If any blame should be put, then it is on NISA and/or the original development team who clearly weren't capable of doing the changes necessary (which Tin Giant ended up doing).

I wouldn't be surprised if what Durante said to the original development team went way over their heads, seeing how he was consulted back in September while the development team was still around until Tin Giant stepped in at the end of January. That's 4-5 months of time it took them to realize: "Oh ♥♥♥♥, we actually must do more in-depth PC optimizations than we're capable of doing! ♥♥♥♥!"

It could also help explain why his work (if he did some actual optimization work) went away, as Tin Giant wouldn't be aware of those unless NISA explicitly told them exactly what he informed them of. And who knows what the codebase were when Tin Giant was eventually brought on to the project? For all we know the original development team's attempts to sneak around the cat (aka core programming) could've resulted in worse consequences than the original version of the game. :conwayshrug:

None the less, I understand why people feel disappointed, and I also agree with some of the sentiments. However what I am seeing so far from NISA is extremely good. Already they're working on critical issues; some of which are already fixed.

Hell, the game is even playable on my low-end 960M at 1080p nowadays. That's barely minimum requirement yet I can run it at ~60 FPS with everything on lowest (and the default 1800p internal render resolution).
Last edited by Aemony; Apr 19, 2018 @ 2:46pm
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Date Posted: Apr 18, 2018 @ 9:25pm
Posts: 9