Quantum Break

Quantum Break

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talloyer Jun 24, 2023 @ 1:41pm
Saga Anderson was RACE-SWAPPED for Alan Wake II
Even though Quantum Break and Alan Wake are supposed to be IPs with their own universe, did you know Quantum Break had an easter egg teasing Alan Wake 2? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iePFK5BB_m4 I missed or I forgot about it, cannot remember which, definitely didn't pay attention when I played Quantum Break years ago.
Edit: there is a picture from Sam Lake himself showing very clearly the name "Saga Anderson" on her badge when she committed the "awful crime" of daring to be White: https://twitter.com/SamLakeRMD/status/677615946241060864/photo/1
Considering Alan Wake II is now a real thing, this teaser falls very much in line with the premise of the game shown so far to the pointing of making Saga Anderson not so random after all, which mitigates my frustration with the forced co-protagonist in Alan Wake II.
My issue is, Remedy Entertainment completely changed Saga Anderson's appearance for Alan Wake II to the point of Race-Swapping - https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/06/14/alan-wake-ii-race-swaps-saga-anderson-replaces-original-actress-malla-malmivaara-with-the-idol-actress-melanie-liburd/ - and I despise this change, Race-Swapping is Woke and spreads Racism among Society with the pretense of "inclusion" or "diversity". Imagine if there was Quantum Break 2 and Remedy Entertainment decided to race-swap Martin Hatch (RIP, Lance Reddick) to be portrayed by the likes of Chris Evans or Chris Hemsworth, white guys; just as bad.
To be fair, from the trailer, Saga was never properly named there, and only from her FBI badge her name can be barely seen (Alex Casey's name was written with big letters on the board as missing person), which is certainly why most of us had missed this detail. Some "brilliant mind" in Remedy Entertainment must have dismissed the issue of race-swapping Saga Anderson ("bah, nodody will notice, who cares") but this Woke decision backfired on them, especially when Melanie Liburd committed Wokeness in promotional material of Alan Wake II: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgL99_0cihQ&t=158s
I do not know nor really care why Malla Malmivaara didn't return to Alan Wake 2, but would it hurt so badly to just recast her with another blonde white actress? Why not cast Melanie Liburd as another supporting character important to the plot of Alan Wake II, as a resident of Bright Falls, for example? Everybody happy, but nooo, this was clearly not good enough for Remedy Entertainment.
I wonder if Remedy Entertainment will bother to write a "narrative excuse" for the race-swapping in Alan Wake II (which would make sense if Saga Anderson is just a construct created by Alan Wake) or just pretend this easter egg never existed.
Wokeness shall cost Remedy Entertainment more than they are willing to admit. It did not have to be this way. :VGRUMPY:
Last edited by talloyer; Dec 4, 2023 @ 9:20am
Originally posted by Marcelo X:
I had no idea that they race-swapped in Alan Wake 2 until today, that is racist, no other way around it. You can try to defend race-swapping all you want, but at the end of the day you are just justifying racism, like all these comments I just read on here that pretend they don't see an issue with race-swapping or pretend they don't understand why it's racist. Oh please, it's extremely common now for people to pretend to not know why something is controversial...playing dumb doesn't work with me, you aren't so stupid that you don't know what the problem is. smfh at the phony people pretending to not understand why race-swapping is racist or who pretend this is a rightwing issue (it's not the rightwing that participates in race-swapping, that racism comes from the leftwing only.) And no, I'm not a republican, never voted for Trump yet the support of race-swapping and full-on racism are some of the reasons why I left the democratic party a few years ago, I just can't be a democrat anymore because the party has become super racist or maybe it was always super racist and I never noticed, they did create the KKK after all. So anyway, I'm not leftwing so I will never be okay with the racist act of race-swapping.
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Showing 1-15 of 267 comments
Michael Jun 26, 2023 @ 12:12am 
Yeah that's not news. Where were you three weeks ago? For all we know the hot Red headed actress could have wanted more money with all the voice actor drama these days. I still want to how the TV is.

P.S. No steam NO BUY.
talloyer Jun 26, 2023 @ 7:00am 
Originally posted by Michael:
Yeah that's not news. Where were you three weeks ago? For all we know the hot Red headed actress could have wanted more money with all the voice actor drama these days. I still want to how the TV is.

P.S. No steam NO BUY.
Red?? Anyway, this is an issue since Remedy Entertainment refuses to explain themselves about this change, since race-swapping is a big deal. Sure if they had changed only voice acting (although Saga never spoke here) there would be no issue at all.
startrekmike Jul 3, 2023 @ 4:28pm 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by Michael:
Yeah that's not news. Where were you three weeks ago? For all we know the hot Red headed actress could have wanted more money with all the voice actor drama these days. I still want to how the TV is.

P.S. No steam NO BUY.
Red?? Anyway, this is an issue since Remedy Entertainment refuses to explain themselves about this change, since race-swapping is a big deal. Sure if they had changed only voice acting (although Saga never spoke here) there would be no issue at all.

Can you explain in detail how "race-swapping is a big deal"? Especially since we are talking about a new character from a game that hasn't even come out yet. Heck. We know for a fact that sometimes technical and creative changes happen as a game is developed. Sometimes scenes get cut. Sometimes character designs change. This isn't unusual at all.

So. Again. Why (in detail) is "race-swapping a big deal" in this case? Considering your use of the word "woke" I have a feeling that I already might know what drives you to make posts like this but I am still curious none the less.
startrekmike Jul 3, 2023 @ 5:47pm 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by startrekmike:

Can you explain in detail how "race-swapping is a big deal"? Especially since we are talking about a new character from a game that hasn't even come out yet. Heck. We know for a fact that sometimes technical and creative changes happen as a game is developed. Sometimes scenes get cut. Sometimes character designs change. This isn't unusual at all.

So. Again. Why (in detail) is "race-swapping a big deal" in this case? Considering your use of the word "woke" I have a feeling that I already might know what drives you to make posts like this but I am still curious none the less.
Ask me again when a black character is race-swapped in a sequel. Until then, you just don't care.

What don't I care about exactly? Is there something specific that I don't care about?
Jocosity Jul 5, 2023 @ 3:39pm 
Who seriously cares enough about this to write all this?? The easter egg in this game gave her like one minute of screentime with no dialogue, and we didn't even know her name until it was confirmed on Sam Lake's twitter. You yourself even admit that you wouldn't have even recognized her if you hadn't been told as much by that mess of an article. It's been seven years since that teaser, and they obviously just went with a different idea for the characters along the way.
talloyer Jul 5, 2023 @ 4:03pm 
Originally posted by Jocosity:
Who seriously cares enough about this to write all this?? The easter egg in this game gave her like one minute of screentime with no dialogue, and we didn't even know her name until it was confirmed on Sam Lake's twitter. You yourself even admit that you wouldn't have even recognized her if you hadn't been told as much by that mess of an article. It's been seven years since that teaser, and they obviously just went with a different idea for the characters along the way.
You don't get to get away with race-swapping, Woke or Racism. Saga Anderson was white so she must have stayed white. You just try to excuse this Racist Wokeness because Malla Malmivaara is White and you despise her for it (white guilt). Even if Melanie Liburd was the best actress in History, it does not justify race-swapping Saga Anderson, since I assure you any competent white blonde actress could have swapped Malla. In fact, Melanie Liburd could have perfectly voiced and motion captured Saga Anderson using the face and body model of Malla Malmivaara and eveything would be fine about her casting.
But noo, Remedy Entertainment "HAD to" go Woke to cast Melanie Liburd by Race-Swapping Saga. Go Broke then! :qlfrag:
startrekmike Jul 5, 2023 @ 4:30pm 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by Jocosity:
Who seriously cares enough about this to write all this?? The easter egg in this game gave her like one minute of screentime with no dialogue, and we didn't even know her name until it was confirmed on Sam Lake's twitter. You yourself even admit that you wouldn't have even recognized her if you hadn't been told as much by that mess of an article. It's been seven years since that teaser, and they obviously just went with a different idea for the characters along the way.
You don't get to get away with race-swapping, Woke or Racism. Saga Anderson was white so she must have stayed white. You just try to excuse this Racist Wokeness because Malla Malmivaara is White and you despise her for it (white guilt). Even if Melanie Liburd was the best actress in History, it does not justify race-swapping Saga Anderson, since I assure you any competent white blonde actress could have swapped Malla. In fact, Melanie Liburd could have perfectly voiced and motion captured Saga Anderson using the face and body model of Malla Malmivaara and eveything would be fine about her casting.
But noo, Remedy Entertainment "HAD to" go Woke to cast Melanie Liburd by Race-Swapping Saga. Go Broke then! :qlfrag:

I can assure you that Remedy isn't going to "go broke" just because you want to throw a fit about something that only matters because you have been conditioned to think it matters by certain political and ideological forces in your life.
talloyer Jul 5, 2023 @ 4:43pm 
Originally posted by startrekmike:
Originally posted by talloyer:
You don't get to get away with race-swapping, Woke or Racism. Saga Anderson was white so she must have stayed white. You just try to excuse this Racist Wokeness because Malla Malmivaara is White and you despise her for it (white guilt). Even if Melanie Liburd was the best actress in History, it does not justify race-swapping Saga Anderson, since I assure you any competent white blonde actress could have swapped Malla. In fact, Melanie Liburd could have perfectly voiced and motion captured Saga Anderson using the face and body model of Malla Malmivaara and eveything would be fine about her casting.
But noo, Remedy Entertainment "HAD to" go Woke to cast Melanie Liburd by Race-Swapping Saga. Go Broke then! :qlfrag:

I can assure you that Remedy isn't going to "go broke" just because you want to throw a fit about something that only matters because you have been conditioned to think it matters by certain political and ideological forces in your life.
I am certain Remedy Entertainment will not go broke due to an eventual flop of Alan Wake II, even because it has other projects under way (Control 2, Condor: Control multiplayer spin-off, Vanguard project, remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2) but no Alan Wake III for certain!
After all, Remedy Entertainment is masterful in keeping itself financially solvent with flop after flop since Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Although "Control" managed to sell over 3 million of copies, profitable yet way below its deserved potential... I love "Control".
startrekmike Jul 5, 2023 @ 4:46pm 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by startrekmike:

I can assure you that Remedy isn't going to "go broke" just because you want to throw a fit about something that only matters because you have been conditioned to think it matters by certain political and ideological forces in your life.
I am certain Remedy Entertainment will not go broke due to an eventual flop of Alan Wake II, even because it has other projects under way (Control 2, Condor: Control multiplayer spin-off, Vanguard project, remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2) but no Alan Wake III for certain!
After all, Remedy Entertainment is masterful in keeping itself financially solvent with flop after flop since Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Although "Control" managed to sell over 3 million of copies, profitable yet way below its deserved potential... I love "Control".

And you believe that the thing that will make Alan Wake II a "flop" will be its race swapped character?
talloyer Jul 5, 2023 @ 9:39pm 
Originally posted by startrekmike:
Originally posted by talloyer:
I am certain Remedy Entertainment will not go broke due to an eventual flop of Alan Wake II, even because it has other projects under way (Control 2, Condor: Control multiplayer spin-off, Vanguard project, remakes of Max Payne 1 and 2) but no Alan Wake III for certain!
After all, Remedy Entertainment is masterful in keeping itself financially solvent with flop after flop since Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. Although "Control" managed to sell over 3 million of copies, profitable yet way below its deserved potential... I love "Control".

And you believe that the thing that will make Alan Wake II a "flop" will be its race swapped character?
Not "the" thing, but "one of" the things for sure, especially if Remedy insists into wokeing the Marketing of Alan Wake II. But I think Alan Wake II has actually bigger problems to lead to its flop: exclusivity (PC) on Epic Games Store, poor marketing, no physical discs with crappy excuses (first, "cheaper game", then "extra time to polish the game without the need of gold state"), thin previews, harder sell opting for survival horror, Alan Wake in 50% of his own game...:lunar2019shockedpig:
startrekmike Jul 5, 2023 @ 9:47pm 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by startrekmike:

And you believe that the thing that will make Alan Wake II a "flop" will be its race swapped character?
Not "the" thing, but "one of" the things for sure, especially if Remedy insists into wokeing the Marketing of Alan Wake II. But I think Alan Wake II has actually bigger problems to lead to its flop: exclusivity (PC) on Epic Games Store, poor marketing, no physical discs with crappy excuses (first, "cheaper game", then "extra time to polish the game without the need of gold state"), thin previews, harder sell opting for survival horror, Alan Wake in 50% of his own game...:lunar2019shockedpig:

Can you explain in detail why race swapping characters is such a big deal for you personally? Let's even narrow this down. Why is it such a obviously big deal for you that this particular character got race swapped considering how objectively minor that actually ends up being? Is there a specific reason why this character can't get race swapped in your mind?

Is there some external factor at work here? Is there some greater issue beyond race swapping barely established fictional characters that is creating this aggressive response out of you?
talloyer Jul 5, 2023 @ 11:16pm 
Originally posted by startrekmike:
Originally posted by talloyer:
Not "the" thing, but "one of" the things for sure, especially if Remedy insists into wokeing the Marketing of Alan Wake II. But I think Alan Wake II has actually bigger problems to lead to its flop: exclusivity (PC) on Epic Games Store, poor marketing, no physical discs with crappy excuses (first, "cheaper game", then "extra time to polish the game without the need of gold state"), thin previews, harder sell opting for survival horror, Alan Wake in 50% of his own game...:lunar2019shockedpig:

Can you explain in detail why race swapping characters is such a big deal for you personally? Let's even narrow this down. Why is it such a obviously big deal for you that this particular character got race swapped considering how objectively minor that actually ends up being? Is there a specific reason why this character can't get race swapped in your mind?

Is there some external factor at work here? Is there some greater issue beyond race swapping barely established fictional characters that is creating this aggressive response out of you?
I put it this way: let's say there is a "Alan Wake III" and somehow Saga Anderson returns there, then she is "re-"race-swapped back to be blonde white, and Remedy Entertainment brings back Malla Waalvimara to portray Saga. By your mindset, no big deal at all right? Remedy decides whatever they want and we comply no matter what.:Eye_tv:
startrekmike Jul 5, 2023 @ 11:57pm 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by startrekmike:

Can you explain in detail why race swapping characters is such a big deal for you personally? Let's even narrow this down. Why is it such a obviously big deal for you that this particular character got race swapped considering how objectively minor that actually ends up being? Is there a specific reason why this character can't get race swapped in your mind?

Is there some external factor at work here? Is there some greater issue beyond race swapping barely established fictional characters that is creating this aggressive response out of you?
I put it this way: let's say there is a "Alan Wake III" and somehow Saga Anderson returns there, then she is "re-"race-swapped back to be blonde white, and Remedy Entertainment brings back Malla Waalvimara to portray Saga. By your mindset, no big deal at all right? Remedy decides whatever they want and we comply no matter what.:Eye_tv:

You are not really answering my questions. I am very interested in seeing how you choose to answer them.
talloyer Jul 6, 2023 @ 12:14am 
Originally posted by startrekmike:
Originally posted by talloyer:
I put it this way: let's say there is a "Alan Wake III" and somehow Saga Anderson returns there, then she is "re-"race-swapped back to be blonde white, and Remedy Entertainment brings back Malla Waalvimara to portray Saga. By your mindset, no big deal at all right? Remedy decides whatever they want and we comply no matter what.:Eye_tv:

You are not really answering my questions. I am very interested in seeing how you choose to answer them.
It puzzles me you somehow did not understand my points, I thought my OP was clear enough, yet I will not write an "essay" about this topic. I do say Saga Anderson being black in Alan Wake II would never be an issue if Melanie Liburd hadn't committed Wokeness and, and as I said earlier she had been only voice actress of Saga Anderson while having the body of Malla Waalvimara.
If you reply my previous post
I put it this way: let's say there is a "Alan Wake III" and somehow Saga Anderson returns there, then she is "re-"race-swapped back to be blonde white, and Remedy Entertainment brings back Malla Waalvimara to portray Saga. By your mindset, no big deal at all right? Remedy decides whatever they want and we comply no matter what.:Eye_tv:
I may elaborate further.
startrekmike Jul 6, 2023 @ 12:55am 
Originally posted by talloyer:
Originally posted by startrekmike:

You are not really answering my questions. I am very interested in seeing how you choose to answer them.
It puzzles me you somehow did not understand my points, I thought my OP was clear enough, yet I will not write an "essay" about this topic. I do say Saga Anderson being black in Alan Wake II would never be an issue if Melanie Liburd hadn't committed Wokeness and, and as I said earlier she had been only voice actress of Saga Anderson while having the body of Malla Waalvimara.
If you reply my previous post
I put it this way: let's say there is a "Alan Wake III" and somehow Saga Anderson returns there, then she is "re-"race-swapped back to be blonde white, and Remedy Entertainment brings back Malla Waalvimara to portray Saga. By your mindset, no big deal at all right? Remedy decides whatever they want and we comply no matter what.:Eye_tv:
I may elaborate further.

When you say that Melanie Liburd "committed wokeness", what do you mean exactly?

As to replying to your previous entirely hypothetical example. I seriously doubt that would happen but if it did, the exact, developer level context would be the major factor in my personal reaction.

So. I ask again. Why are you so angry about this? Why is this specific situation seemingly offending you so much? I am very interested in your exact thought process behind this outrage.
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