Death Squared

Death Squared

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SMG Studio  [developer] Nov 12, 2017 @ 9:23pm
Controller Setup Megathread
A number of people have been posting issues they've been having with controllers. Since it's impossible to test every possible configuration here's a couple of notes to look over before posting a bug report:

- Ensure that the number of controllers plugged into the computer directly matches the number of players playing the game. The game automatically changes controller configurations based on how many controllers are plugged in. Check the controller number in the top right of the menu to make sure it matches the number of players you want and unplug any unused controllers.

- Death Squared is only compatible with XInput controllers. This excludes Dualshock 2/3 controllers and a number of older input devices. You may attempt to use external drives / emulators in order to make these controllers appear as XInput devices. x360ce is a popular emulator which is NOT compatible with Death Squared and Unity based games in general. Some helpful links are below:

- Dualshock 3-4 SCP Driver (Helpful for running Dualshock 3 controllers as XInput devies on Windows):
- This guide for Speedrunners include relevant steps that may help set up generic controllers:

If you feel like you must report an issue you're having with controllers, please include what controllers you're trying to connect, how you're connecting them (USB, Bluetooth etc.) as well in-game information including how many controllers it says are connected in the menu.
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Showing 1-15 of 20 comments
hejala Nov 23, 2018 @ 5:59am 
If anyone else got a problem where your keyboard registers as controller 1&2 and your controllers as 3&4 etc. : I had a virtual joystick driver running (VJoy). Uninstalling it solved the problem for me.
Kholargol Aug 27, 2019 @ 7:56pm 
We can't rebind keys in your game. So, what about people with keyboards other than QWERTY? They can't play?
SMG Studio  [developer] Sep 4, 2019 @ 7:48pm 
Originally posted by Kholargol:
We can't rebind keys in your game. So, what about people with keyboards other than QWERTY? They can't play?
Sorry about that. Let me check if can hack a config file. Otherwise controller might be only option.
ChudStudley Nov 24, 2019 @ 3:02pm 

I bought the game to play with friends due to steams remote play. Using the keyboard and my xbox one wired controller it only shows up as 3 control devices. Is there a way to make it so the controller is shared between two players or is it possible to have more than two people on a keyboard like using the num pad or home,end,delete and page down keys as input for more players?
Trigger Happy Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:00am 
can someone provide steps to get stream link controllers (iOS) to work on Mac? we have 4 iphones and they don't see to appear as controllers in the game

current content buildID: 3476652
Last edited by Trigger Happy; Dec 16, 2019 @ 11:05am
SMG Studio  [developer] Dec 17, 2019 @ 7:24pm 
Originally posted by Trigger Happy:
can someone provide steps to get stream link controllers (iOS) to work on Mac? we have 4 iphones and they don't see to appear as controllers in the game

current content buildID: 3476652

Oh we only just got a steamlink in the office so we can test. I didnt even know you could use IOS devices as controllers!?

one more thing to test!
DasAlpaka Jun 14, 2020 @ 1:48am 
Originally posted by SMG Studio:
Originally posted by Kholargol:
We can't rebind keys in your game. So, what about people with keyboards other than QWERTY? They can't play?
Sorry about that. Let me check if can hack a config file. Otherwise controller might be only option.
Have you had any success in hacking a config file?
I haven't found any in the local files.
DasAlpaka Jun 14, 2020 @ 10:21pm 
Another option would be to implement a control page in the settings, where you could set the controls per player by yourself.
SMG Studio  [developer] Jun 14, 2020 @ 11:17pm 
Originally posted by DasAlpaka:
Another option would be to implement a control page in the settings, where you could set the controls per player by yourself.

yeah remapping screens are tricky to build as so much UI/UX to handle.
Which is why pre-sets work well.

We did assume many people have controllers these days. But we're almost ready for an update to this so can look at a non QWERTY option
roberts_jordan Dec 17, 2020 @ 8:34am 
Originally posted by SMG Studio:
Originally posted by DasAlpaka:
Another option would be to implement a control page in the settings, where you could set the controls per player by yourself.

yeah remapping screens are tricky to build as so much UI/UX to handle.
Which is why pre-sets work well.

We did assume many people have controllers these days. But we're almost ready for an update to this so can look at a non QWERTY option

Hi there, I downloaded this to play on my arcade cabinet, which is essentially a non-qwerty keyboard. Has there been any update on this option? Player 2 works well (directional arrows are mapped to a joystick) but Player 1 obviously needs an actual keyboard.

If there is a rebinding feature to be added, will it support four players or just two?

Great game, by the way!
SMG Studio  [developer] Dec 18, 2020 @ 4:32am 
Originally posted by roberts_jordan:
Originally posted by SMG Studio:

yeah remapping screens are tricky to build as so much UI/UX to handle.
Which is why pre-sets work well.

We did assume many people have controllers these days. But we're almost ready for an update to this so can look at a non QWERTY option

Hi there, I downloaded this to play on my arcade cabinet, which is essentially a non-qwerty keyboard. Has there been any update on this option? Player 2 works well (directional arrows are mapped to a joystick) but Player 1 obviously needs an actual keyboard.

If there is a rebinding feature to be added, will it support four players or just two?

Great game, by the way!

Ohh mmm. We will be doing an update in early 2021 (the plan anyway) ill see what remap options we can do.

We did make a special arcade build for two Bit Circus so have to check what we did there.
di Feb 14, 2021 @ 10:23pm 
Is there any way to use this configuration for 4-player:

  • 2 players using the keyboard (WASD + ArrowKeys)
  • 2 players using a single controller (Left + Right) joystick
SMG Studio  [developer] Feb 14, 2021 @ 11:05pm 
Originally posted by Diana:
Is there any way to use this configuration for 4-player:

  • 2 players using the keyboard (WASD + ArrowKeys)
  • 2 players using a single controller (Left + Right) joystick
That should work. Been a while since tested though. What we dont support is 2 keyboards
di Mar 7, 2021 @ 11:19am 
Originally posted by SMG Studio:
Originally posted by Diana:
Is there any way to use this configuration for 4-player:

  • 2 players using the keyboard (WASD + ArrowKeys)
  • 2 players using a single controller (Left + Right) joystick
That should work. Been a while since tested though. What we dont support is 2 keyboards

How do I force this configuration? I always end up having the controller and the keyboard control the same characters, so there are two characters that are completely unmovable.

Using a Logitech F310 on XInput mode.

Ensure that the number of controllers plugged into the computer directly matches the number of players playing the game. The game automatically changes controller configurations based on how many controllers are plugged in. Check the controller number in the top right of the menu to make sure it matches the number of players you want and unplug any unused controllers.

Only one controller is indicated as the other controller "used" is supposed to be the keyboard.
Last edited by di; Mar 7, 2021 @ 11:24am
di Mar 31, 2021 @ 9:09pm 
Thanks for listening to my feedback and updating your controller support! However, I still cannot control all four players with 1 controller and 1 keyboard. With a Logitech F310 on XInput mode, 1 controller is detected by the game (number in the top right corner).

With this setup of 1 keyboard and 1 controller, I am only able to move 3/4 players:

RED can be moved by both WASD and left joystick.
BLUE can be moved by the arrow keys.
GREEN can be moved by the right joystick.

I believe this is most likely a bug and that the LEFT joystick should be moving YELLOW instead.

On a side note: Is it possible to allow 4 players on the keyboard for Death Squared like in Move or Die? (WASD, TFGH, IJKL, arrow keys)?
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