Half-Life 2: Episode Two

Half-Life 2: Episode Two

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Capt.Host Jun 28, 2013 @ 1:04pm
Fixes for Source mods broken by the SteamPipe update
This thread lays out info on how to get HL2/EP1/EP2 mods to work after the 2013 SteamPipe update broke them.
Many thanks to the entire community for doing their best to fix these mods.

Source 2013 patches by malortie / marc-antoine
ModDB user malortie, Steam user marc-antoine, has created a lot of patches that port various Source mods to Source 2013, and even a few HL1 mods, fixing all kinds of issues with maps and textures.
Be sure to check his work in his page.

Gameinfo.txt fix method
Find gameinfo.txt in the mod's directory. Delete all contents in the file and paste the appropriate code below.
Remember to always backup the original file.
Be sure to replace MODNAME with the mod's name.

For HL2 mods (SteamAppId 220)
"GameInfo" { name "MODNAME" game "MODNAME" title "MODNAME" title2 "" type singleplayer_only icon "resource\icon" homepage "" developer "" FileSystem { SteamAppId 220 SearchPaths { game_lv hl2/hl2_lv.vpk game+mod hl2/hl2_sound_vo_english.vpk game+mod hl2/hl2_pak.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_textures.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_misc.vpk platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform/platform_misc.vpk mod+mod_write+default_write_path |gameinfo_path|.. game+game_write hl2 gamebin hl2/bin game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2 platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform } } }

For EP2 mods (SteamAppId 420)
"GameInfo" { name "MODNAME" game "MODNAME" title "MODNAME" title2 "" type singleplayer_only icon "resource\icon" homepage "" developer "" FileSystem { SteamAppId 420 ToolsAppId 211 AdditionalContentId 220 SearchPaths { game+mod |gameinfo_path|. platform |gameinfo_path|. game_lv hl2/hl2_lv.vpk game+mod ep2/ep2_english.vpk game+mod ep2/ep2_pak.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_english.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic/ep1_pak.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_english.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_pak.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_textures.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_vo_english.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_sound_misc.vpk game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2/hl2_misc.vpk platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform/platform_misc.vpk mod+mod_write+default_write_path |gameinfo_path|. game+game_write |gameinfo_path|. gamebin episodic/bin game |all_source_engine_paths|episodic game |all_source_engine_paths|hl2 platform |all_source_engine_paths|platform } } }

Fix for Missing Textures and Models
There will be cases in which you get missing textures and models. To fix this, use Valve's VPK tool ([anysourcegame]/bin/vpk.exe) to extract HL2 and EP2 content. Then copy "models" and "materials" folders to the mod's directory. Don't overwrite any files.
HL2 -» "SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\hl2\hl2_textures_dir.vpk" EP2 -» "SteamApps\common\Half-Life 2\ep2\ep2_pak_dir.vpk" VPK tool -» "SteamApps\common\[anysourcegame]\bin\vpk.exe"
Just drag and drop the HL2/EP2 .vpk file on "vpk.exe" and it will start extracting the files.

NOTE: The VPK tool stopped working for me and a bunch of other people, so I don't know how useful this can be. Then again, you can try it anyway.
Last edited by Capt.Host; Jan 10, 2016 @ 4:42am
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Showing 1-15 of 719 comments
nickmlux Jun 29, 2013 @ 12:08pm 
Hmm... tried it, it was worth a shot but no. I did stumble across a copy and paste site which had similarly revised game info files. Hey ho... thanks for posting every little helps.
Capt.Host Jun 29, 2013 @ 2:47pm 
I know this guide looks pretty complicated, but please tell me what can I improve for better understanding.
SgtRedRock Jul 5, 2013 @ 1:25pm 
Peter, excellent research work.This worked for me with no hitches on the mod "Spherical Nightmares". Thank you.
Capt.Host Jul 5, 2013 @ 1:36pm 
Happy to help ;)
jpstuckinnj Jul 6, 2013 @ 7:24am 
Peter, Yes Thank You. I was able to get Silent Escape, Spherical Nightmares and Research and Development all working again with this one fix. It's not complicated, it is just alot of text that needs cutting and pasting. As long as someone follows your directions fully which is to delete everything starting at Filesystem and below in the gameinfo.txt file for each mod and pastes this exactly with no changes it works perfectly. Now of course I haven't played each more than 5 minutes but hey at least they are starting now! :) Thanks again.
Capt.Host Jul 6, 2013 @ 9:15am 
Happy to help everyone. If you know anyone with problems, just be sure to share this guide.
I'm going to update it soon to also show how to fix HL2 mods.
Unfortunately, I still haven't found a fix for HL2:EP1 mods. They're not many however.
Nakula Jul 6, 2013 @ 4:25pm 
UR A GENIUS. thx :)
Capt.Host Jul 6, 2013 @ 4:30pm 
Thank YOU !

Also, I want to ask to write down which mod did you get to work, so I can add them to the topic as confirmed to be compatible with the fixes.
76561198094056052 Jul 11, 2013 @ 10:58am 
This worked for me. Thank you very much.
SgtRedRock Jul 11, 2013 @ 7:22pm 
Here's a list of mods that I've tried. The ones with a plus needed no modification to the gameinfo.txt file. The ones with a minus worked after applying your fix. Note: to make sure I was testing correctly, I deleted all Half Life 2 content and made sure my sourcemods, {username}, temp, and downloading folders were empty, then re-downloaded and installed HL2, EP1, EP2 and finally re-downloaded from Desura the following MODS:

Half Life
+Black Mesa
+The Citizen
+Combine Combat
-Combine Destiny
+Curse Episode 1
-Titan:XCIX- Part One

-Spherical Nightmares
-Mission Improbable
-Research & Development
-Outpost 16

It's stated already by Peter that EP1 mods do not work but I treid Sebastion and confirmed, I cannot run it. Peter, if you get it to work, let us know! Thanks for your work on this.
Last edited by SgtRedRock; Jul 11, 2013 @ 8:52pm
RyanThoughtCriminal Jul 14, 2013 @ 12:53am 
How can I also fix mods for Episode One? Like "MINERVA: Metastasis" for example?
Last edited by RyanThoughtCriminal; Jul 14, 2013 @ 12:54am
Capt.Host Jul 14, 2013 @ 3:18am 
Originally posted by RYANSUPERGENIUS1123:
How can I also fix mods for Episode One? Like "MINERVA: Metastasis" for example?

Hi. MINERVA has now an updated 2013 Steam version, however I haven't tested it. Have you tested it already?
Capt.Host Jul 14, 2013 @ 8:44am 
I downloaded and installed MINERVA along with EP1. It all seems to be working great. I believe it is standalone now. Go ahead and play it!
SgtRedRock Jul 14, 2013 @ 10:48am 
Same here, downloaded the 2013 version and it worked perfectly.
It worked perfectly before the SteamPipe conversion. Now it crashes with this error: "Can't find background image materials/console/startup_loading.vtf".
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