Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

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Fraggoso Jan 17, 2016 @ 8:26am
Japanese Voiceover Mod
Update 1:
Patch was releassed. Grab it here: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/mods/108/?

Update 2:
Okay so it seems Tablet part in BBI is still in english, we're working on a fix for that so stay tuned.

Hi all,

Right now I got my hands on all japanese Voice Over Files. 40+k Sound Files, all in wav. That's all the talk from NPC and Pawns.

PC Structure looks like this:
- Steam\steamapps\common\DDDA\nativePC\rom\sound
The 3 Files in there contains all the OGG Voice Over sample.

The PS3 Layout is way different the PC though:
- PS3_GAME\USRDIR\nativePS3\sound\stream

We have a bunch of folders. The one we need are labeled npc_base_talk, npc_quest_talk and pwn.

Wheter the PC Version contains three big files (labeled also like the above from PS3) containing the VO’s, the PS3 Version has the above staded Folders that are even more devided into subfolders containing 2 bin files (one fort he English and one fort he Japanese VO).
So far I could achieve the following: Japanese audio for the cutscenes. Those where easy, I only had to convert the original WAV File into a higher Rate OGG. It workes perfectly at least fort he first 2 Cutscenes.

As the file structure is different on the PC Version though, I just can't handle the files.
If I could just find at least 2-3 sentences from the beginning of the Game, I could start from there, but we're talking 40.000 files...As I had to convert the WAV Files to OGG, I also think that this has to be done before recompress them in the BIN Files.

If anyone has a tipp for me or is willing to help me bring back the JP Voiceover as a Mod, I can contribute the files.

Please stay moderate here. I know that the Englisch Version ist he Main Language as it was shipped back in 2012 only with it. I just prefer the japanese dub. :o)
Last edited by Fraggoso; Jan 30, 2016 @ 5:06am
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Wish I could help.
Holly D Jones Jan 17, 2016 @ 9:38am 
The japanese version of Dragon's Dogma in Steam is also with english dub?
Red Squirrel Jan 17, 2016 @ 10:25am 
Originally posted by Holly D Jones:
The japanese version of Dragon's Dogma in Steam is also with english dub?
There is no ♥♥♥ version. You can't even buy the English version if you are from Japan.
Probably so the Japanese play Dragons Dogma Online because everyone would totally abandon that if they got to buy the older game.:steamfacepalm:
Last edited by Red Squirrel; Jan 17, 2016 @ 10:25am
Omallis Jan 17, 2016 @ 11:00am 
Good lord, so it's going to be harder to get the Japanese voices back than I thought... Thank you for doing this man or at least making the attempt, I really appreciate it.
Fraggoso Jan 17, 2016 @ 3:57pm 
Now I've stumbled upon the next stopp sign... I can't recompress the OGG Files into the .pck file. Any one know a repacker? Unpacking went soothly with Dragon UnPack but I need the other way around now. :/
Last edited by Fraggoso; Jan 17, 2016 @ 3:57pm
Azureblaze Jan 17, 2016 @ 8:55pm 
Hey I don't know much of anything on making mods, but I really support this effort!! I'd love to play this with the Japanese voices again. Keep it up!
DO₲E₦(TM) Jan 17, 2016 @ 10:38pm 
I would love to see it done as well. Unfortunately I can't help in any way, as I don't know how to do it :(
CrazyLamer Jan 18, 2016 @ 4:24am 
Im also looking into this, and im willing to put some effort into this.
I have done something similar in other games before, but where i got stuck is at the .bin file on ps3 that holds the .wav files, i managed to unpack them but they are unplayable or maybe encrypted ?

anyways, if i get my hands on all the ♥♥♥ voice files i might be able to do something hopefully.

Edit: Fraggoso, i sent a friend request so add me when you got the chance so we could talk this over. I need the japanese sound files and we can help each other out and hopefully make this possible.
Last edited by CrazyLamer; Jan 18, 2016 @ 4:32am
Fraggoso Jan 18, 2016 @ 6:04am 
You just have to convert the WAV Files to OGG with something like Free Audio Converter. Then you can listen to them. :)

I also added you.
CrazyLamer Jan 18, 2016 @ 11:17pm 
Now just to figure out the corresponding voice file number to the english counterpart. This will be a pain in the ass literally -_-
Chiru Jan 19, 2016 @ 3:42am 
This is a great idea! Unfortunately, I have no idea how undubbing works, especially from console to PC. However,
Nexus page has opened up for DD modders. Granted, not a lot of traffic is there because the game came out less than a week ago, but you might find some more helpful/knowledgeable hands on the respective forum there. Perhaps moreso than you will here. (Not to say you should give up here, just also expand there to maybe get more people on boat) Hope you make some progress!

Here's the main link: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/?
Here's the forum link: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3571-general-dragons-dogma-dark-arisen-discussion/
Last edited by Chiru; Jan 19, 2016 @ 3:46am
CrazyLamer Jan 20, 2016 @ 7:21am 
Originally posted by Zi Snap:
This is a great idea! Unfortunately, I have no idea how undubbing works, especially from console to PC. However,
Nexus page has opened up for DD modders. Granted, not a lot of traffic is there because the game came out less than a week ago, but you might find some more helpful/knowledgeable hands on the respective forum there. Perhaps moreso than you will here. (Not to say you should give up here, just also expand there to maybe get more people on boat) Hope you make some progress!

Here's the main link: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma/?
Here's the forum link: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/3571-general-dragons-dogma-dark-arisen-discussion/

Yeah, i have checked that page since im a member of the skyrim mod community aswell, but what i need right now is for someone better than me to recognize all 40 000 japanese voice files what they are saying to compare to the english ones and then replace them all one by one.

That is the only way for the moment to change to japanese voices which also means you can either use english or japanese and not switch between while ingame if it will ever happen.

I can do some of them since im fairly knowledgable in japanese (because of anime) so i can mostly translate everything in my head, but for a game the words and situations they say it is a bit different so it probably will be many situations they say wrong stuff if i just go with what i think they say.

And some might maybe think, that's no big deal, but for me it is.
I'd like it to be perfect so until i can fix that issue im on hold just trying to figure out every voice file or a different way to make the other files work as they are by re-writing the main game file to point to the japanese files instead.
Davoodinator Jan 20, 2016 @ 9:55am 
how are the files named? is there some pattern or something simlar to the english files? i have a few ideas for those us who aren't fluent in japaense and want a more structured approach.

1. get the english files from the same source as the japanese files
2. create a mapping between the two, to determine which audio file is which for the english version - assuming the format and nomeclature is the same
3. use that mapping to discover how to convert the naming scheme to the current PC format
Fraggoso Jan 20, 2016 @ 10:59am 
The Problem is that the files aren't named exactly. On the PC Side we have ~20k files + ~12k + ~6k totalling around ~40k files where on PS2 the Files are scathered in several Folders all named 1 til 5 (10 or more). So no real mapping is possible BUT, all english files have the exactly same japanese counterpart in the bin file.

So theoreticly you can listen to one english wave file on PS3, look it up on the 40k files on PC and know escatly which japanese file you need to grab... but 40k of files is just too much. :/
CrazyLamer Jan 20, 2016 @ 1:08pm 
Okay so Fraggoso found a tool to unpack and repack the files needed, and we tried replacing the PC english files with a few from the japanese ps3 version and then repacked it.

The result was the following.....

It works !!!!
So now we just need to listen through all ~40 000 files from the ps3 english files so we know the actual file number, note that down because the japanese files are of the same name with same sentence but in japanese and then simply rename and replace the pc files and then repack it again.

The downside is that it's a real mess and will take a huge amount of time.
But that's the update for now.
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