Steam Link

Steam Link

Steam Link Streaming is Broken. Please Help!
Hello, I am going to expIain everything in excruciating detail in the hopes that someone can fully understand the issue and find a fix. Both my Link and PC are connected via Ethernet to a gigabit network switch which then is connected to my Eero mesh router via Ethernet. I have had no issues with my lan setup but it's worth providing this info anyway, just in case.

I use my Steam Link (Hardware) as my primary TV box. I have it set to launch to desktop mode, when it connects, and then I open a web browser and watch whatever I want to that day. I've been doing this for years with no issues. Until a few months ago when something broke. I now have increased latency in my mouse cursor and in the highlights of things my cursor touches. When I move my cursor it causes what can only be described as a hiccup to occur. The screen freezes and then goes black for a second and then comes back. This will happen multiple times a minute if a video is playing and I move the cursor. Also the audio for the video becomes out of sync seemingly because of this "hiccup". These issues have made my link basically unusable for the last few months which has really infuriated me.

I've tried everything I can to fix it. I've tried every settings combination I can think of. I even downgraded my Steam Link to an older build and still the issue persisted with no change. There are numerous threads on here reporting the same issue, they all started around the same time, and it seems that no one can find a solution. This leads me to believe that something happened during an update to the Steam PC client.

In closing, I sincerely hope someone on here or at Valve can figure this out because I really miss using my Steam Link. I'm including a link to my streaming_log. I hope that all the details I've included in this post can help solve this issue. Thank you.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
_I_ Jul 8 @ 10:48am 
looks like its losing packets or something

check the router settings, if it has a network optimization setting, disable it
exeterfg Jul 8 @ 11:51am 
Originally posted by _I_:
looks like its losing packets or something

check the router settings, if it has a network optimization setting, disable it

As far as I can tell Eero doesn't have a network optimization setting.
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