Steam Link

Steam Link

Steam Link PC slices the image vertically and then tiles them horizontally with driver MSAA enabled
This may be a quirk specific to nvidia drivers, and previously affected the main steam clients video player back in 2018 (

The driver forced msaa is causing the fullscreen steam link video output to be cut up at irregular sizes then span those slices horizontally across the screen.
Last edited by Squall Leonhart; Jul 10 @ 3:49pm
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The steamlink video player is constructed inside a hardware accelerated Qt5 frame that flips DXVA2 video into an OpenGL canvas using Interop extensions, MSAA and FXAA can corrupt the final output by modifying the properties of the canvas prior to presenting the decoded image into the canvas for final rendering on screen.
How & what mods to 'canvas' - treat me like a newB for this. Please and thank you!
You don't appear to be a steam employee, so nothing said has any relevance to you :)
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