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Lost SaveData
I played last time in October 2015. The game claims to have steamcloud nowadays but can't find my savedatagame. Was steamcloud implemented after October 2015?

This game is very grindy adn I am afraid I am not going to play all those hours again.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
AtlasRedux Jul 11, 2018 @ 7:52am 
You have to manually sync to and from cloud. There's a button in the savegame menu up on the right with the cloud symbol, it gives the option to save to or restore from cloud.
katukinabarra Jul 13, 2018 @ 1:44pm 
Thanks for the info, I have tried, but as I didn't know anything about this before, it seems I never saved my savedata to the cloud (It's a pity it isn't an automatic feature). If I try to restore my savedata from the coud it tells me there isn't any savedata stored in the cloud.

Thank you for your attention, time and effort, but I suppose I won't play again, I had grinded a lot in this game, I am not spending that time again.
AtlasRedux Jul 16, 2018 @ 10:54am 
Originally posted by katukinabarra:
Thanks for the info, I have tried, but as I didn't know anything about this before, it seems I never saved my savedata to the cloud (It's a pity it isn't an automatic feature). If I try to restore my savedata from the coud it tells me there isn't any savedata stored in the cloud.

Thank you for your attention, time and effort, but I suppose I won't play again, I had grinded a lot in this game, I am not spending that time again.

Eh, it's a fun game to grind on while watching some mediocre show on Netflix ;)
Originally posted by AtlasRedux:
You have to manually sync to and from cloud. There's a button in the savegame menu up on the right with the cloud symbol, it gives the option to save to or restore from cloud.
Why anyone warn people to backup save??
Originally posted by katukinabarra:
Thank you for your attention, time and effort, but I suppose I won't play again, I had grinded a lot in this game, I am not spending that time again.
Agree :cozywolfensteinII: :steamsad:
Vanon Jan 11, 2022 @ 10:21pm 
Where is the save data stored? So I can backup. It's actually tough to find, not in usual spots (or at least there is not an obvious "save" file in those spots: Steam common, Steam userdata, Windows appdata, etc).

Edit: I've found a file "otttd_cloud.dat" in Steam userdata (312630) after pressing the "cloud save" button in-game. Not sure if that's it, if it's always there and up to date, or only saved there when pressing that button.
Last edited by Vanon; Jan 11, 2022 @ 10:37pm
katukinabarra Aug 11, 2023 @ 3:58pm 
I am sorry to repeat this sentence:

Thank you for your attention, time and effort, but I suppose I won't play again, I had grinded a lot in this game, I am not spending that time again.
AtlasRedux Aug 11, 2023 @ 4:20pm 
Originally posted by katukinabarra:
I am sorry to repeat this sentence:

Thank you for your attention, time and effort, but I suppose I won't play again, I had grinded a lot in this game, I am not spending that time again.

Then go make a review. Why are you repeating yourself?
katukinabarra Aug 12, 2023 @ 8:29am 
Originally posted by AtlasRedux:
Originally posted by katukinabarra:
I am sorry to repeat this sentence:

Thank you for your attention, time and effort, but I suppose I won't play again, I had grinded a lot in this game, I am not spending that time again.

Then go make a review. Why are you repeating yourself?

Are you the dev or something? What brought you here in this case?
I only review games when I feel like doing it.
I can repeat myself for many reasons, for example, when I feel like repeating myself.
AtlasRedux Aug 12, 2023 @ 2:44pm 
Originally posted by katukinabarra:
Originally posted by AtlasRedux:

Then go make a review. Why are you repeating yourself?

Are you the dev or something? What brought you here in this case?
I only review games when I feel like doing it.
I can repeat myself for many reasons, for example, when I feel like repeating myself.

What brought me here was explaining to you what is wrong with the game and how to fix it.
That I have done. I was literally the first to reply to this, with exactly what is wrong.
But now that people have cluttered it, yourself included, with nonsense replies, that answer has gotten buried and the entire post has lost its purpose.

You're supposed to pick the answer that explains the problem, so it gets highlighted. Not clutter up by repeating the exact same thing when you already have gotten an answer.
So either pick the answer that explained your problem so others who search for it quickly gets an answer, which IS THE POINT OF HOW THIS WORKS, or delete the thread. Or, sure, make even more repeated replies that adds nothing to it to confuse people even more and clutter up the discussion board even more. People love spammers so much.

You got your answer.
You should then pick the answer to highlight it, which is the purpose of this thread.
You should then go make a Steam review so others don't buy the game.
That's how this works. How is that so hard to understand?
Last edited by AtlasRedux; Aug 12, 2023 @ 2:51pm
Clement Aug 12, 2023 @ 6:15pm 
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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