Clothing Store Simulator: Prologue

Clothing Store Simulator: Prologue

Boxing Loaded Racks - (Solved, maybe?)
So, first day I loaded up a rack with dresses and accidentally boxed the loaded rack. When I unboxed it the rack was empty. I reordered dresses because I needed them for the next day, but now my computer shows my stock as 15 dresses. Is there a way to get these back?

Edit: Oh. So when I bought a new rack of the same model I stored it came loaded with the dresses I had been missing. Strange, but glad I didn't lose any cash!

Edit 2: Oh2.0. So when I bought the rack I didn't notice my stock is now reading 25. Curiouser and curiouser.
Last edited by Udyrfrykte.ttv; Jun 14 @ 5:33pm