No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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What is minaw's geometric spirit?
The expedition says it can copy my ship "minaw's geometric spirit" from my main save. But that's not the name of my ship. It's B-Flameborn, though that B is a special character so not actually a B. Does it just not know what to do with that special character and instead gets another ship name off a list somewhere?
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Are you talking about the unique hauler that we get for finishing? That may be its name as far as the game is concerned. Just like the Radiant Pillar (starter ship). You can rename it but it will remain the Radiant Pillar as far as the game database is concerned.

You are restarting the expedition using the ship you got from the previous run, correct? I think you may have uncovered a slight bug with the names of these newest ships, ever since the Interceptors came out, because of those odd characters in the name.

Maybe submit a support ticket to Zendesk?
Last edited by Zigamus Wizard; Jul 10 @ 4:16am
Other Jul 10 @ 9:46am 
It is running the random seed for the ship name through the wrong routine. The random name generator for interceptors is different from the generator for most ships, so it sounds like your copied interceptor is being given the name that a normal ship would have had if found at the same spot.

The same thing happens in some other cases - I've copied the Utopia Speeder into several expeditions now, and the name always comes out the same, but it isn't "Utopia Speeder". Even for a normal ship, if you rename it, the copy will end up with the original name the ship had when you found it. In all these cases, you can just rename the ship to what you think it should be (although the special characters for interceptors may be an issue).
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