No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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What happens when an expedition ends?
Nms nub here, been playing for a few weeks.

If I start from an existing save and the expedition ends before I finish it, does my save get locked?
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no, all expedition saves will automatically convert to a normal save after the event ends.
Originally posted by stephen.migol:
Nms nub here, been playing for a few weeks.

If I start from an existing save and the expedition ends before I finish it, does my save get locked?

If you started from the terminal in the space anomaly you will be returned to the primary character. At the terminal you will be able to use the "end expedition" button to collect currency and materials from the expedition.

All material place in the transfer inventory will be available to the primary. Everything else will be converted to units and nanites.

Expeditions started at the space anomaly do _NOT_ become normal saves.

If you started from the start menu that would all become a normal save, but you can not transfer anything to another save.
Originally posted by Lindy Bomber:
Originally posted by stephen.migol:
Nms nub here, been playing for a few weeks.

If I start from an existing save and the expedition ends before I finish it, does my save get locked?

If you started from the terminal in the space anomaly you will be returned to the primary character. At the terminal you will be able to use the "end expedition" button to collect currency and materials from the expedition.

Expeditions started at the space anomaly do _NOT_ become normal saves.

If you started from the start menu that would all become a normal save, but you can not transfer anything to another save.

I may just be missing your intent, but this statement is not even say it the start of your help that by default, you have to be in a save in order to start an expedition in the anomaly. I think you meant if you start an expedition in the Anomaly, you RETURN to the save you were using when you started. The expedition would not morph into a new normal save.

I know that has confused some players. If you really want the Expedition to be separate from any existing save you need to start at the main menu level. When you finish, the expedition save will become a normal save separate from any other saves you might have.
Thank you all for the responses.

I was worried that my existing save would be locked and lost if I didn't finish the expedition in time.

I haven't started it yet and while confident I could finish with the help of the guides I did not want to rush the first experience.
Can anybody help? My saved game does not load and is just stuck in one frame then it automatically shuts down what should I do? I have tried some fixes in you tube regarding deleting in local file the save game and just re-launching it, but it still hangs in the same one frame...
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