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Title of achievements
Would it really be so damn difficult for Steam or Squeenix to put (Game)"achievement name". for the whole wall of 200 achievements? Instead we have to sift though 10 year old forums to distinguish which achievements go to which titled game... Sorry for ranting.
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No, it wouldnt. I dont think Steam has any control over that though, so it would be upto SE. It makes no sense why it is the way it is. This is absolute laziness to be perfectly honest.

We can even do crap here, in the forums, similar to what they need to do.

Kingdom Hearts 1.5
Achv 1
Achv 2
Achv 3

Kingdom Hearts 2.5
Achv 1
Achv 2
Achv 3

The other solution I can come up with, is letting us organize our achvs the way we want to. Which WOULD be on steam. We can change the order on the In Progress as we play, but cant move em outside of gameplay.
Last edited by KaosReigns; Jul 9 @ 2:40am
Originally posted by TheToad:
It really shouldn't be that hard...

These are great examples. It really shouldn't be an issue.

Originally posted by KaosReigns:
No, it wouldnt. I dont think Steam has any control over that though, so it would be upto SE. It makes no sense why it is the way it is. This is absolute laziness to be perfectly honest.

Feels extremely lazy on the devs part
Last edited by Grape Alchemist; Jul 9 @ 12:57pm
Yeah, SE should just hire one guy for QoL and quality assurance, since it seems they have 0 past initial release. He could fix the achievements and run through the games to see which textures got botched from ai upscales, give us option for old texture, etc... Most of their stuff is lazy pump and dump, i'm still glad for the games on steam though, least they weren't chrono triggered or ffx remastered. lol
The achievements are color-coded by game, if you look at the full list through the store page or by checking the global achievement stats via the Recently Played widget on your profile. KH1 achievements have a black border, Re:CoM's are grey, KH2's are purple, and BBS's are blue. Yes, just listing the game's name in the achievement description would be clearer and an easy addition, but it's not like there's NO distinction being made.
the-pieman Jul 9 @ 2:51pm 
The achievements are all gray until you get them. How do you tell by color which one is for which game if it's greyed out until you get it?
Originally posted by the-pieman:
The achievements are all gray until you get them. How do you tell by color which one is for which game if it's greyed out until you get it?

As I said in my previous post, they are not grey if you go to either the STORE PAGE achievement list or check from the RECENTLY PLAYED WIDGET on your profile page, by clicking Achievements there and then selected Global Stats. Looking from either of those places will show the full list, colored, along the left side of the Steam page with your personal list for comparison--some colored and some grey--on the right. The only place you can't see this from is the game's page in your regular Library, because the new achievement viewer pop-up overlay there is garbage.

@Natofdeath, That's a very good list and handy guide. Thanks for sharing! :steamthumbsup:
PKblaze Jul 10 @ 12:03pm 
The background of the achievements identifies which game they are from.
Originally posted by XenomorphXIII:
Originally posted by the-pieman:
The achievements are all gray until you get them. How do you tell by color which one is for which game if it's greyed out until you get it?

As I said in my previous post, they are not grey if you go to either the STORE PAGE achievement list or check from the RECENTLY PLAYED WIDGET on your profile page, by clicking Achievements there and then selected Global Stats. Looking from either of those places will show the full list, colored, along the left side of the Steam page with your personal list for comparison--some colored and some grey--on the right. The only place you can't see this from is the game's page in your regular Library, because the new achievement viewer pop-up overlay there is garbage.

@Natofdeath, That's a very good list and handy guide. Thanks for sharing! :steamthumbsup:
Your welcome, I am just glad that people are finding it useful.
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