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Why the GBA version of Chain of Memories never got ported?
It was so good. Much, much better than the PS2 version. Makes me sad.
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Cause PS2 is considered definitive overall
John Jul 8 @ 6:04am 
it was ♥♥♥♥♥.
Because they have completely redo the sprite and UI of the GBA version which is a lot more work than Re-chain which reuse most of the kh 1 assets.
The GBA version was bad, like really bad. The HD version is FAR superiour regardless of anyone trying to say otherwise.

Every single aspect of the HD version is better. There is nothing, not ONE THING besides nostalgia, the GBA version provides.

This isnt a Skyward Sword, thats for sure. That games HD version is hard to play due to the controls.
Last edited by KaosReigns; Jul 8 @ 11:57am
Originally posted by KaosReigns:
This isnt a Skyward Sword, thats for sure. That games HD version is hard to play due to the controls.
the hd version is so much easier to play with a controller than motion controls
Originally posted by Seb | セビ:
Originally posted by KaosReigns:
This isnt a Skyward Sword, thats for sure. That games HD version is hard to play due to the controls.
the hd version is so much easier to play with a controller than motion controls

Of course it is, you don't need to have arm space to flail around. It also involves way less brain power and effort.

Although as someone who does normally hate motion controls, Skyward Sword is one of the very few games I'll say that it's better to play with the motion controls then without. It's FAR more engaging and enjoyable.
Iron Maiden Jul 8 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by KaosReigns:
The GBA version was bad, like really bad. The HD version is FAR superiour regardless of anyone trying to say otherwise.

Every single aspect of the HD version is better. There is nothing, not ONE THING besides nostalgia, the GBA version provides.

This isnt a Skyward Sword, thats for sure. That games HD version is hard to play due to the controls.

Any clown that says the HD version of Chain Of Memories is better than the GBA version has either not played the GBA version or is monumentally brain and needs his a*s removed. The GBA version is far more fun than Re Chain and it also somehow looks better as well.
GBA version was fun enough, and it looked good. I liked both versions
Originally posted by Jimmy Hunter:
Originally posted by Seb | セビ:
the hd version is so much easier to play with a controller than motion controls

Of course it is, you don't need to have arm space to flail around. It also involves way less brain power and effort.

Although as someone who does normally hate motion controls, Skyward Sword is one of the very few games I'll say that it's better to play with the motion controls then without. It's FAR more engaging and enjoyable.
Skyward Sword motion controls are good when they're working. But since it uses the motion plus, you do have to recalibrate it with D-pad Down often. Its not a big deal since its instant, but still something to work around. Other than that, sword fighting with it was a good twist on giving the series more interesting combat, which BOTW also realized was needed by increasing the difficulty.

Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy probably has the best Wii motion controls. Simple, effective, doesnt have to be recalibrated. Fits in with the goal of those games with immersion.
Originally posted by mdesaleah:

Metroid Prime 3/Trilogy probably has the best Wii motion controls. Simple, effective, doesnt have to be recalibrated. Fits in with the goal of those games with immersion.

The Conduit is a contender for that title, same with Madworld.

Conduit was a FPS, but having motion controls tied to weapon gimmicks was fun.

And Madworld is just... Madworld.
Originally posted by Iron Maiden:
Originally posted by KaosReigns:
The GBA version was bad, like really bad. The HD version is FAR superiour regardless of anyone trying to say otherwise.

Every single aspect of the HD version is better. There is nothing, not ONE THING besides nostalgia, the GBA version provides.

This isnt a Skyward Sword, thats for sure. That games HD version is hard to play due to the controls.

Any clown that says the HD version of Chain Of Memories is better than the GBA version has either not played the GBA version or is monumentally brain and needs his a*s removed. The GBA version is far more fun than Re Chain and it also somehow looks better as well.

Shhh non Owner. Your opinion means nothing, especially when its a bad take.

Here, I will give you a chance. Name something better in the GBA version. Dont say graphics, because that is entirely subjective. If you think GBA craptastic graphics are better, than so be it. That is objectively wrong, but im not about to argue that kind of thing.
Last edited by KaosReigns; Jul 9 @ 6:57pm
Originally posted by KaosReigns:
The GBA version was bad, like really bad. The HD version is FAR superiour regardless of anyone trying to say otherwise.

Every single aspect of the HD version is better. There is nothing, not ONE THING besides nostalgia, the GBA version provides.

Agreed. I've played both, and I much prefer Re:CoM to the original. And this isn't some "older games are worse, hur" thing; there are plenty of GBA games that I still love playing even now.

The battlefields are easier to navigate in 3D than the 2.5D ones the GBA game had, and you can actually tell where the damn enemies' hitboxes are. They gave us a ton of new cards, tied into having game clear data from KH2 on your save card, which was hella cool both from a tech perspective and a story one. There are new sleights, new room types, new enemy actions, and updated cutscenes. We got a fight with Zexion. WE GOT A FIGHT WITH ZEXION, the only unfought Org member at that point! And it's a rad as hell fight!

Aesthetically, I will at least say the GBA has some very nice spritework. I always appreciate that sort of thing. But the remake looks gorgeous as well, with some great environmental details in the various worlds and excellent animations for the characters. Also, voice acting! While the line delivery gets kinda anime at times thanks to having to match the lip flaps, I think the actual casting choices were great and they did a solid job with the material.

TL;DR, Re:CoM is a straight upgrade from CoM and I don't understand all the people in the discussions here reeee-ing about it.
DarthDub Jul 9 @ 11:37pm 
The GBA version has more charm, due to being pixel art. I wish more games used that artstyle.
Soren Jul 9 @ 11:49pm 
I loved the art style or more accurately the pixel art of the GBA version to be honest. The pixel art was unique. Meanwhile switching over the PS2 game's style of graphics when Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 did it better was the mistake. As a GBA game it stood out on it's own. As a PS2 Kingdom Hearts game it is the worst looking one of the bunch.

I think mechanically, the GBA version is the more broken version and that's why I understand when people say the PS2 version is superior. You can just sit there spamming stuff like "Ragnarok (beam charges up) GOTCHA" and it hits like half the screen on top of doing insane damage when you're playing the GBA version. A lot of techniques are like that where you dominate most the screen with a simple skill combo.
Last edited by Soren; Jul 9 @ 11:51pm
square should just give us the gba version.
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