Magical Delicacy

Magical Delicacy

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Will there be a Post-game/Replay Value?
Heya, played the demo and despite it being short I loved the gameplay and especially the art. I can see myself playing for a long time just for the atmosphere, but I'm a little worried about the post-game.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Skaule  [developer] Jun 7 @ 9:57am 
Hey, there is some replay value in the game and how it is structured, even though it's a fairly linear experience. Also, keep an eye out for future plans closer to release.
Originally posted by Skaule:
Hey, there is some replay value in the game and how it is structured, even though it's a fairly linear experience. Also, keep an eye out for future plans closer to release.
I see, that's nice to hear! Will do!
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