Magical Delicacy

Magical Delicacy

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Skaule  [developer] Feb 4 @ 9:26am
Demo Feedback
Hey everybody,

Thank you for playing the demo of Magical Delicacy. Feel free to share any feedback about the game, including general feedback, questions, wishes, or ideas. I'm happy to look at everything and am intrigued to see your thoughts! I'm working hard at finishing the game as polished as possible, so any feedback is highly appreciated.

What did you enjoy, what didn't you like, what's your favorite character so far? Did you get stuck or have any accessibility concerns?

Alternatively, feel free to fill out the Demo feedback form:


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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
To be brutally honest, I felt like the demo was way too short to really get a feel for the game. It felt like just when things were starting to get interesting it suddenly ended. What is in the demo feels like a tutorial and it's hard to judge the game based on that.
I also feel like it was short, but I am hopeful.
i only had time to play a little bit of the demo but everything is so cute so far! im not sure if i missed this, but is there a way i can see a map of the place? it was hard sometimes finding where i needed to go. the vibes and everything were very cute though and i hope to play more of the demo!
It feels like Battle Chef Brigade, but less polished.

Not sure why there's mouse detection integration if mouse button detection isn't integrated; being able to move the cursor around with the mouse but then being forced to use the keyboard to actually interact with the game is really counter-intuitive.
Originally posted by sailor mars:
i only had time to play a little bit of the demo but everything is so cute so far! im not sure if i missed this, but is there a way i can see a map of the place? it was hard sometimes finding where i needed to go. the vibes and everything were very cute though and i hope to play more of the demo!
There is a character who looks like a cat-woman you can encounter and she will give you a map :)
I have a dumb question - how do I "install" new kitchen equipment? I saw the tutorial text come up when I got back to the shop after buying a cutting board but I accidentally dismissed it right when it popped up so I didn't get to read it, now I'm lost as to how I can install the cutting board so I can use it.
Skaule  [developer] Feb 6 @ 12:36pm 
Originally posted by L0STinNARNIA:
I have a dumb question - how do I "install" new kitchen equipment? I saw the tutorial text come up when I got back to the shop after buying a cutting board but I accidentally dismissed it right when it popped up so I didn't get to read it, now I'm lost as to how I can install the cutting board so I can use it.

You can go to the upper floor and interact with the floorplan, that lets you edit the store :)
Really love the game and vibe! the town and the character are gorgeous. I felt a little lost on how to get from raw ingredients (Grain) to needed one (flour) though i did figure it out for flour with more than few failed attempts :D Also is the demo soft locked with the oven? I couldn't find how to get it and thus couldn't get the princess her sweets. I think the only thing i would like is something like a ingredients book or a hint system that lets me know where items might be located? Thank you for the experience and excited for release!!
I had a generally nice time with the game but it felt lacking in some areas. The experiences I enjoyed most were mostly tied to menu-ing. Having the list of orders on the left, being able to pull up the recipes of my choice in the menu, and having to remember what ingredients I need on my "shopping list" made exploring the town more worthwhile. And pulling up the recipe right before preparing dishes but not having it open during added a casual challenge to making the dish, it is just remembering 3 ingredients but it felt diegetic/organic and fun. The main things holding the experience back is, unless the villagers get a LOT more dialogue and a more involved social mechanic, I will have no motivation to keep playing. Lastly, not having anything to do while waiting for ingredients to prep or cook was also not pleasant.

I do also really want to praise the design of the town. I love whatever aesthetic you would define it as, and I want to see more of it.
It might be just a me thing. I don't get full blown motion sickness, but feel a little uneasy moving around. Idle animations seem fine.
Preske Feb 8 @ 8:31am 
thank you for the accesibility options. As someone with a bad hand this helped!
Cute game!

It would be good to have an option to disable the foreground elements, I found myself loosing sight of collectables on the ground and platform locations. Plus, the game feels a little claustrophobic with how much is in the foreground.
I've gotta be honest, it's great that you're including accessibility options but the microscopic text size for UI elements like the guide, the controls in the bottom right or the task list on the left - even at maximum UI scale - feels like a huge oversight. At this size, this game is going to be barely readable on steam deck and on televisions.

I know as a developer you tend to spend time sitting in front of your computer a lot but it's really important to test whether your text is still readable from across the room on a couch, or on a tiny deck-sized screen, because if you don't think about that now you're going to get a lot of complaints later on release.
Skellytons Feb 12 @ 12:23am 
The pixel art was the main draw for me. The demo was a bit short to grasp why the platforming was there, and I often felt confused about where I was going in the town, I assume you have bigger plants for said platforming. If it's there to make traveling from your kitchen to your customers a challenge it feels a bit unnecessary.

The cooking system was solid, but going back and forth to the map to edit your kitchen also felt strange, ideally for me there would be an "exit edit mode button". Good potential. I will be following to see how this goes & wish you all the best of luck!
ザ ル Feb 12 @ 7:23pm 
I loved everything about the game but the platforming..

The way the game is designed around this aspect i dont think theres a way to have an accessibility option to just fast travel to places.

To me it felt more like a hassle than a cool mechanic, im sorry but it really ruined the experience for me.

Wish you guys all the best!
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