The Lord of the Rings Online™

The Lord of the Rings Online™

Returning player; lots of issues, cant play
So I have an AMD 6800XT and playing on a 2k monitor.
I havent played LOTRO in about a year.
I re-install the game and just about everything you can think of is messed up.
First off on the login screen I cant change all settings including resolution etc.

When I get into the game is where the magic happens:

All my quests are completely gone. I know I had a ton of quests. All gone.
All of my dropdwon settings are blank. And when I chose somehting and hit accept, nothing happens.
My icons for my abilities all gone
ALL my abilities are gone from the game! Even the icons gone. Nothing to drag. What worries me hear is I can click on these empty boxes.
Tried some other characters and they have abilities on the bar but all other issues remain. Quest log is empty and even shows 0/40 yet on map quest locations are there.
Chat channels gone, cant even join world chat.
When I change reoslutions, it doesnt change.
Little sliders like contrast and brightness have no effect when sliding them over.

Steps Taken:

I reinsitalled twice now, rebooted and tried deleting my config file and starting over.
Deleted my LOTRO folder in Documents.
I checked my config files and made sure they werent read only.
UI also made LOTRO start with Administrator.
I also tried DX9

Something is seriously wrong with my game. I think my account is messed up.
Last edited by Dark Wombat; Jul 9 @ 4:49pm
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sounds like you logged in on a different account if all your quests are gone.

if you deleted the lotro folder in Documents, then the UserPreferences.ini file should be gone which was using your settings from a year ago.

maybe go to folder
c:\users\yourWIndowsLogin\appdata\local\the lord of the rings online
several log files there. maybe one of them have an error or something to tell you what is or is not going on.

check windows event viewer and also windows reliability history.
might be a game error and system related errors.

or maybe the game client did not update and your yr old game client is talking to the updated servers and receiving data it cannot handle. this sounds more likely - explains all the graphic and content errors.

in the launcher instead of logging in, hit the down arrow icon then options then repair. see if that helps.

or if you have the download speed, delete the steam lotro folder then steam verify game files. that way you can be sure the latest version is downloaded.
Last edited by cheshirm; Jul 9 @ 5:43pm
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