The Lord of the Rings Online™

The Lord of the Rings Online™

Rings of Power season 2 trailer

inb4 i don't think there should be problem if we talk about the show in the forum just for a bit, it's same universe, its lord of the rings etc just like people talked about Fallout Show in Fallout 4 forum or Castlevania netflix series in Castlevania forums or Resident evil movies in re4, re5 steam forum etc

- Ok somehow Sauron is back and now the lord of gifts is an Elf, something that Annatar was able to do so i guess this is +1 for amazon.
- There's a scene where the bridge of kazhad dum seems to be destroyed or its a similar bridge, maybe the balrog has awoken and dwarfs tried to block the path.
- The 180° shot to show all the "fellowship" of brave warriors led by galadriel was cringe, kinda like some "avengers" thing an overused cinematic shot ive seen multiple times in action movies etc maybe even in fast and furious.

- there's some kind of siege in Numenor
- I think "Adar" is now played by a different actor and its no longer Joseph Mawle, you can cleary see some kind of evil elve leading orcs in the trailer but that's not Joseph (Adar)
- No hobbitses in the trailer i mean, harfoots :steamfacepalm:

anyways looks interesting although trailer is being bombed, seems like people are not happy at all. The only reason why im going to watch it is cuz i enjoy LOTR, the rings of power season 1 was truly mediocre so i just watched that season once and no desire to watch it again, lets hope s2 is different and amazon learned something from its previous mistakes with season 1.
Last edited by Berries and Cream; May 17 @ 2:33am
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Showing 1-15 of 44 comments
NavFamG May 15 @ 5:52am 
"Amazon has learned from any of their past mistakes", not sure why you think they would now.

Frankly if past posts about the show are an indicator, you're not going to find a lot of RoP fans here.
Last edited by NavFamG; May 15 @ 1:01pm
Big surprise, it looks awful.
Adriel May 15 @ 7:54am 
I see it as expensive fan fiction so I don't cry about it like so many others. It's an average to above average show in season 1, season 2 looks even more interesting. :)
ThomasKR May 16 @ 10:56pm 
Show will be awful just as what 3 or 4 episodes i stomached from the first season
that tv show is the worst thing i ve ever seen and i love middle earth
The trailer barely shows anything worth to be excited for.
There is a siege of some random town, the party of Galadriel is maybe attacked but so far she had zero struggle so who cares, there is an elf who causes mayham- oh wait thats Sauron as by the trailer.
I guess there is trouble brewing in the dwarf hold with the king being in a cave in. And a random water monster. There's also a random cavalry charge at the day (the siege was at night so.. no relevance really.)
And thats about it.

That was maybe the most bland trailer I've ever seen, and I've seen mobile ads that had more of a hook than this trailer.

Like imagine if they showed Thaons doing the snap in Avengers Infinity War trailer. Thats the equivilant of revealing Sauron as the presence that is glowing and the random elf that was around for evil stuff for this.
What is even there to be excited about really?

And I watched the first trailer, and man that one is just way better than this trailer. I have a lot more questions (despite already knowing the answers) than for this piece of hot garbo of a trailer

If anything. Amazon learned nothing at best, and forgot even the littlest of good parts at worst
Because this trailer, was godawful at being a trailer
i'm proud of this community :happystar2022:
karthunk May 22 @ 4:53pm 
I would say it's "fan fiction" but that would imply that the show was put together by actual fans.
Maranatha May 24 @ 6:59pm 
Woke dog dookie. :cozycastondeath:
I'm looking forward to it. A lot of the people crying about the show never actually watched it and are just following the vocal minority online. Outside of the toxic children on the internet it was pretty well received.
NavFamG May 25 @ 2:40pm 
Originally posted by patrick68794:
Outside of the toxic children on the internet it was pretty well received.

Are you sure about that?

From the article: "turns out that a mere 37% of people who started the show actually ended up finishing it." Doesn't sound like it was well received after all.
Last edited by NavFamG; May 25 @ 2:41pm
Wolverine May 29 @ 11:51am 
Originally posted by patrick68794:
I'm looking forward to it. A lot of the people crying about the show never actually watched it and are just following the vocal minority online. Outside of the toxic children on the internet it was pretty well received.

Viggo Mortensen gets hit with an actual sword in the face during one fight scene, chips a tooth, and still keeps on filming. Sean Astin stepped on something during the lake scene, got his foot stitched after they were done filming. Probably more stuff we haven't even heard of.

Morfydd Clark: "I needed therapy to survive violent scenes."

I'll watch the first episode of season 2, then write an honest review, did the same with the first season, and that's all they're going to get from me.

Anyway, i also started watching Discovery of Witches, a bit slow, but overall a better show then RoP.
Originally posted by Wolverine:
Originally posted by patrick68794:
I'm looking forward to it. A lot of the people crying about the show never actually watched it and are just following the vocal minority online. Outside of the toxic children on the internet it was pretty well received.

Viggo Mortensen gets hit with an actual sword in the face during one fight scene, chips a tooth, and still keeps on filming. Sean Astin stepped on something during the lake scene, got his foot stitched after they were done filming. Probably more stuff we haven't even heard of.

Morfydd Clark: "I needed therapy to survive violent scenes."

I'll watch the first episode of season 2, then write an honest review, did the same with the first season, and that's all they're going to get from me.

Anyway, i also started watching Discovery of Witches, a bit slow, but overall a better show then RoP.

Viggo broke his toe kicking a helmet lol and legolas got a broken rib

LOL and guyladriel in RoP said she needs therapy to survive violent scenes? :lunar2019crylaughingpig::lunar2019laughingpig:
Torgrim May 30 @ 11:36am 
Tolkien arre turning in his grave, the show are so bad I find it hard that people actually like it.
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