 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Penta  [developer] May 31 @ 10:45am
Heyho everyone,

It's been now 48 hours (roughly) since we released Capes and even though we enjoyed your enthusiasm and support in the early hours, it is obvious that there are a few things we still have to fine-tune. Even though Spitfire Interactive consists only of a small team of 4 developers and this is no Early Access title, but a finished product - we still are working further on Capes to "make it right" in the end - yesterday's first patch was just the start,

Additionally to fixing bugs or technical issues, here are our future plans:

Game Difficulty
We plan to introduce numerous level specific balance changes to address feedback raised by players.

Also, we will add new difficulty levels to allow players to focus on the areas of the game that are important to them.

Player Freedom
We will be limiting the number of character specific optional objectives, allowing players to have more choice in how they approach missions.

Continuous Bugfixing

Thanks again for your feedback and support - Please keep it coming, here on Steam or on Discord[]. Now it's on us to funnel that into the best version Capes can be.

Best Regards,
Daedalic Entertainment & Spitfire Interactive
Last edited by Penta; May 31 @ 11:48am
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Rodi May 31 @ 1:52pm 
I was hoping for additional missions when I read "Roadmap" :D
The game is fun, I would definitely like DLC with more content.
Penta  [developer] May 31 @ 2:00pm 
Originally posted by Rodi:
I was hoping for additional missions when I read "Roadmap" :D
The game is fun, I would definitely like DLC with more content.

This is what is on our list for now - there is always the chance that the list will get bigger - but i can't make any promises or general statements about additional content right now.
Azteca Jun 1 @ 5:19am 
Great news, very happy to read what is coming for Capes
Kudos to development team
I just finished the game on normal with all optional objectives and it didn't seem that difficult. I'd rather see some new missions.
It's go news for me because, the start of the second act is pretty unplayable. Difficulty is too hard in normal.
Just finished the game. I honestly don't get why people complain about difficulty. I got it maxed out and almost everything on the first try. The game is fun and I don't get the difficulty complaints at all.

I would gladly pick up any future DLC that adds more stories\missions\characters.

That being said, here are my 2 cents:

1) The manual delay could use a bit of rework. There are many times where I would rather wait for my heroes until all enemies take their turns, because they can't get to me anyway.
It's tedious to go "click delay, confirm delay, wait for enemy animation and rinse and repeat" especially in missions when there are a lot of enemies.

How about just let us drag the character icon in the turn order until when we want to delay?

2) Worst mission in my opinion: Home Target. I'm surprised not much complaints about it.
You have a mission with only a single target, insane amount of enemies and an unkillable tank. It's not hard at all, but it's just one massive waste of time. You have no tactics or strategy in the mission.

You literally stand in place and just click the same buttons for an hour. There are so many enemies that the animation takes forever (even when you speed it up). It's just a time waster.

The bonus objective missions are also things that just force you to waste actions. So pointless.
I'd honestly suggest you make this much shorter.

3) Challenges are a fun part of the game, but you can't look at them during missions! It would be great if we can have something to help us track them during missions.

Overall, a really great game.
FroBodine Jun 15 @ 10:48pm 
Hello - any news on when this update will be released with the difficulty settings and player freedom enhancements, please?
Last edited by FroBodine; Jun 15 @ 10:48pm
Warlok Jun 22 @ 3:37am 
More control over difficulty and making the game less "crackerjack" in Mission layout would be good. If possible only via a New Game, that might be a thing that makes me restart. Otherwise, I suspect Mission futures may anger me...

:O :)

I Updated my Review to reflect the bulk of my concerns.
Warlok Jun 22 @ 3:40am 
Mouseover errata on the Mission objectives would be great in-Mission to give us more specific info on how to actually achieve them. For example, I don't know how many times I did indeed push enemies off edges, or disarm them, and at Mission end I look and see I failed them all.

That is aggravating.
Cheeseness  [developer] Jun 22 @ 4:26am 
Originally posted by Warlok:
More control over difficulty
In case you didn't know, you can change between the three difficulty modes in the current version of the game from the Gameplay options menu (must be done between missions, but you can change it without starting a new game).

Originally posted by Warlok:
Mouseover errata on the Mission objectives would be great in-Mission to give us more specific info on how to actually achieve them.
This information is already shown in-mission in the upper left of the screen. Do you see something different?
Eg: "Knock enemies off ledges (2/8)" as seen in this screenshot, indicating I have already gotten two ledge KOs of the eight needed. Completed objectives are marked green like the Disarm objective in this screenshot.
Last edited by Cheeseness; Jun 22 @ 4:27am
Warlok Jun 22 @ 6:34am 
Originally posted by Cheeseness:
Originally posted by Warlok:
Mouseover errata on the Mission objectives would be great in-Mission to give us more specific info on how to actually achieve them.
This information is already shown in-mission in the upper left of the screen. Do you see something different?
Eg: "Knock enemies off ledges (2/8)" as seen in this screenshot, indicating I have already gotten two ledge KOs of the eight needed. Completed objectives are marked green like the Disarm objective in this screenshot.

Honestly have never seen those! Is there a key that toggles such on and off?

EDIT: Yep - the data next to the objectives was something I had never seen in my previous run.
Last edited by Warlok; Jun 22 @ 7:08am
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