Thank you reviewers!
Appreciate all of you that purchased the game and provided helpful reviews. I was hoping this was more like a super hero X-Com game with a story rather than a puzzle game. You guys saved me some money and the pain of disappointment. Here's to hoping there is a new game in that style or an alternate mode in this one in the future. Cheers!
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
Penta  [developer] Jun 10 @ 5:04am 
Heyho, Sniglefritz (awesome name, btw)

It might interest you to hear, that we are looking into this situation, and try to loosen the challenges and "restrictions" that make you feel that way:
Last edited by Penta; Jun 10 @ 7:33am
Just saw this, thanks for the reply, will keep my eyes peeled for future updates, appreciate taking the time to read and reply in this tough business.
Cheeseness  [developer] Jun 27 @ 5:10pm 
Originally posted by Sniglefritz:
Just saw this, thanks for the reply, will keep my eyes peeled for future updates, appreciate taking the time to read and reply in this tough business.
That update is landing this weekend - if you're interested, here's a rundown on what's coming
Last edited by Cheeseness; Jun 27 @ 5:10pm
This is a AWESOME update! Now I can get back to the game.

Please clarify what changed in the difficulty settings? What is different about the new normal now, as opposed to Challenging which used to be normal?
Cheeseness  [developer] Jun 28 @ 5:55pm 
Originally posted by FroBodine:
This is a AWESOME update! Now I can get back to the game.

Please clarify what changed in the difficulty settings? What is different about the new normal now, as opposed to Challenging which used to be normal?
Edit: The post hadn't yet gone live at the time I replied here. The more detailed changelog/discussion of changes is over here.
Last edited by Cheeseness; Jun 28 @ 10:06pm
I read through that, but it doesn't specify what makes the new "normal" difficulty easier. Please clarify, or point me to the section in that news post that explains it completely.
All it says is - recommended for players familiar with tactics games. That doesn't explain what is different about the new normal difficulty mode as opposed to how it used to be.
Cheeseness  [developer] Jun 28 @ 6:00pm 
Yeah, sorry for the confusion. We wrote a more detailed post during the week that goes into specifics and explores why we made the changes we made. I'm not sure when that why that isn't up yet, but hopefully it'll be available soon!

The gist is that the difference between old normal/challenging and new normal is lower requirements on some optional objectives and fewer enemies in some levels.
Last edited by Cheeseness; Jun 28 @ 6:01pm
Cheeseness  [developer] Jun 28 @ 10:06pm 
The post with a more detailed change log/discussion of changes is up now! You can find it here. Sorry for the wait!
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