MACHI KORO With Everyone

MACHI KORO With Everyone

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Will there be rule variants?
Me and my friends are expert Machi Koro players when we are able to get together in real life. This game makes us really happy that we might be able to play online.

Played the demo and it works well, but it's the vanilla rules, which are fine. There are 3 official rule variants that are provided with the original board game.

Will you be providing the rule variants as well?
Last edited by Vapok; Jun 28 @ 7:13am
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Hello Vapok,
Thank you for playing MACHI KORO.
We're delighted that a expert like you is interested in MACHI KORO With Everyone.
The answer is YES!
Besides the basic rules, you can enjoy two variations: the 10 establishments and the 5/5/2.
MACHI KORO2 is available with basic rules only.
We hope you enjoy the digital version, too.
There was two expansions to Machi Koro (Harbour and Millionaires Row). Does the initial release have them? If so, how do I access them?
Last edited by refuseresist; Jul 4 @ 9:03am
Hello refuseresist,
I'm sorry. Harbour and Millionaire's Row are not included.
We are considering adding cards in a future update.
We haven't set a specific date for the update yet, but we'll be sure to let you know as soon as we have more information.
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