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Possible auto-defense against corruption attacks?
I realize that the point of the game is to give the player things to manage, and that the corruption attacks are an aspect of that just as much as curing sick animals is.

But I've played to the available late game twice now, and I generally lose all will to keep going for that session once I start getting a lot of attacks. They're fiddly, you can easily hit your own people by accident, there's no change of side-indicator for if the particular attack instance is about to spawn or has spawned already, and generally it interrupts my train of thought on making some area host more creatures.
I don't want to upgrade my banish because it's easier to accidentally kill my own stuff, but I also want to to make the attacks faster to get back to what I was doing.

It just kills it for me, and makes me want to come back later if at all. However this should not be construed as my saying that anything else about this game has not caused me to binge it for hours at a time, and being sad that I can't unlock all the other stuff not in the demo.

...Okay two other things:
1. You can't complete the "collect a sample" quests for granite and basalt, but it gives them to you anyway. That's annoying and feels bad.
2. I can't complete the "spend 175k in the shop" quest, there's nothing left to buy. I assume this was due to buying things on sale, but uncertain. Also feels bad, especially since if it WAS the sales, then it punishes the player for getting those rn.

I dunno, I started this post going "oh can we have an auto turret function that'd be nice", but I think it'd be far less annoying if the above things were addressed. Also it might be better to just give the keepers a way to slow down the enemies or otherwise help out in ways that aren't just repairing stuff.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
DanPos  [developer] Jul 8 @ 2:03am 
Hi thanks for the feedback!

For the corrupted, what mode are you playing on was this on balanced or relaxed?

Thanks for letting me know about the quests, this is likely just due to being the demo and the stuff in the shop being limited. In the full game there is way more items to spend your hard earned gold on so this wouldn't be an issue. I'll pass the feedback on though, if they're not achievable in the demo maybe they shouldn't be IN the demo.
Triss Jul 8 @ 3:29pm 
I believe I played on relaxed before the recent update, and then balanced after. Both times the method of fighting back and the notification issues were the grating things; not just *having attacks as a concept* which by itself is fine.

I genuinely feel like just not having banish hit your own gnomes and animals would help immensely, since then there's no reason to not upgrade your banish, which then also fixes the issue of each enemy taking three casts to remove while trying to not kill your own people even if you accidentally hit them.

I think the demo stands well enough on its own (in terms of making people want to come back) without having quests that are mechanically un-complete-able yeah. Would agree that removing or segmenting those quests (into Demo-available and Not) seems reasonable.
Triss Jul 8 @ 3:33pm 
...Thinking about it, other solutions or interesting ideas might include gnomes and animals running away from the enemies by like... a 3 tile radius? That would mean you have to wait a moment for them to get away but would still negate the situation of an animal being right on top of an enemy space.
And also maybe instead of multiple waves of the same enemy, add some variation later on with bigger and slower ones, or something. Maybe a worm or something that slowly walks across your garden and rots plants along the way, so that now you actually want to spend your essence on upgrades to and casts of the repair spell?
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