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inDirection Games  [developer] Sep 11, 2023 @ 8:52am
Demo Changelog
Here is a changelog over updates to the demo version of Horticular.

- Adds additional error report information.
- Makes launcher show easier-to-understand messages depending on the issue.
- Fixes overzealous crash detection on exit by only doing it with the "-detailed" flag, intended for troubleshooting.
- Fixes crash when trying to open the creature action UI in some circumstances.

- Removes version from window title to make game capture easier.
- Made launcher more robust and with more error reporting.
- Fixes missing zone buy assets on Linux.
- Fixes issue where launcher could allocate "infinite" memory.
- Fixes crash in nectar trading screen if the player has negative money.

Note: 3.0.0 was skipped

Large update about improving existing gameplay systems and making them more fun, easy to use, and prepare them for how the game will work when it's full of content in the future launch of Horticular.

The main changes:
  • Upgrade system has been overhauled to support a wide variety of unlockable species, focusing on gathering energy to allocate for upgrades instead of having specific species. In particular, this makes sure you aren't punished for going with your favorite animals while adding prioritization between animals based on their energy value.
  • Creature collecting experience has been overhauled, adding mastery of creatures, dedicated UI, and letting you earn animal information from visiting guests.
  • World interaction has been overhauled, letting you make higher item stacks and move individual items between stacks. The game also only highlights the item/creature/object that will be interacted with instead of everything on the tile. Finally, lifting creatures doesn't require an exact tile but also checks the current cursor position, making it much easier to do, especially on gamepad.
  • Lots of work has gone into the first 15 minutes of the game to make the introduction easier for new players. This includes overhauling all tutorials and making sure the initial tutorial quests make sense and aren't in the way of getting introduced.

See the full list of changes here.

- Sorted an issue with keepers getting stuck in the evening, seemingly "laughing", if they are trying to collect nectar/heal/banish.

- Fixes not being able to buy anything at Mercury's from after 2.2.1. Nothing to see here...

- Crash in merchant screen fixed.
- Added missing Japanese translations.

- Added a new animal.
- Added Japanese language (99% translated).
- Added new animal traversal and animation systems. Certain creatures (including keepers) now traverse multiple mediums, such as water and land.
- Added creature swimming particle effect.
- Reworked all existing animal assets to be in line with the overal aestethics. This includes new idle animations to add more life.
- Ground cursors polished to be more distinct.
- Removed traversal overlay.
- Fixed rare path-finding crash.
- Fixed incorrect granite fact.

- Tiny update that fixes one spelling mistake and prepares for upcoming translation.

- Fixed crash when settling animals.
- Polished some text strings.
- Removed medium check on habitat items, fixing confusion when items weren't counted. Especially noticable with Frogs.

- Intro panning on a new game is now skippable.
- Entity home details polished for better readability + an addition of creature names.
- Habitat analyzer now shows which items will be included for properties with an outline.
- Fixed crash when holding an item and hovering a tile outside the outer garden limits.

The major theme of this update is to address feedback from the previous demo and continue building the tech and features towards the final release.

This version is not compatible with saves from the first demo. Should you want to go back, you can still play the first demo using the Beta branch called "demo1".

Steam cloud sync has been enabled!

See the full list of changes here.

Compatibility changes preparing for Demo 2.

- Fix: Mouse panning only working in two directions.
- Fix: Spelling error.

- Fixed some crazy earthquake settings where it could be as much as every 5 minutes.
- Made lightning strike slightly less frequent.
- Made keepers better at tending to your garden before it starts decaying.
- Set a ceiling for the amount of corrupted spawning.

- Nectar sticks around longer before vanishing.
- Free magic tier is quicker to charge.
- Council cottage starts on a patch of grass.
- Updated the overlay selector a bit visually
- Added additional ways to retrieve error logs. Notable change: Crash error is now written to console if you need it (e.g. Horticular.exe > mylog.txt)
- Slightly lowered alert notification SFX

- Fix: Bug where digging unfinished ground would make surface numbers erroneous.
- Fix: Items not being sold when selling a plot of land.
- Fix: Underground soil not rendered when buying/selling a plot of land.
Last edited by inDirection Games; Oct 15, 2023 @ 6:17am