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Doombunny-NL Jul 21, 2023 @ 3:13am
Habitat placement
Is it possible to move a habitat to a location the player desires? The game now chooses the best location for you, but I'd like to relocate the inhabitant after changing the garden.
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Showing 1-15 of 24 comments
inDirection Games  [developer] Jul 21, 2023 @ 11:48am 
Originally posted by Doombunny-NL:
Is it possible to move a habitat to a location the player desires? The game now chooses the best location for you, but I'd like to relocate the inhabitant after changing the garden.

Ish. You can not move a habitat per se, but if you have another one available, you can re-settle the creature in that one. So:

1. Create a new habitat somewhere else.
2. Move the creature to it (same mechanic as settling it in the first place).

If you completely destroy the old habitat, your creature will automatically move into any available ones. If there are no available, it will quickly get very upset! :)

I hope it helps!
Last edited by inDirection Games; Jul 21, 2023 @ 11:49am
DocShroom Aug 15, 2023 @ 4:16am 
I think having a feature to adjust the placement of habitats is essential. Having them just "appear" once you fill minimum requirements means that the player's intended design is basically invalidated. This runs contrary to one of the games core features - build the garden you want, how you want it.
Montague Aug 15, 2023 @ 7:34pm 
One of the things I got from extended play was the chance to understand better how the game determines the placement of a habitat. I still do not have a 100% understanding of how that works, but I do have much of it figured out, and can certainly predict and somewhat control the placement of at least the simpler creatures. I hope that between more information that might come out before release, and from more gameplay that I can predict/control even better.
BonOeil Aug 26, 2023 @ 4:36am 
Originally posted by DocShroom:
I think having a feature to adjust the placement of habitats is essential. Having them just "appear" once you fill minimum requirements means that the player's intended design is basically invalidated. This runs contrary to one of the games core features - build the garden you want, how you want it.
I agree with that. Once you plan a 5x5 grass to have a bee and the habitat is setup at the border, it's frustrating. The plan was to have the habitat at this location, not 2 tiles away.
@inDirection Games it's kindof a showstopper. I stopped to play to the demo due to that missing feature.
Last edited by BonOeil; Aug 26, 2023 @ 4:38am
inDirection Games  [developer] Aug 30, 2023 @ 2:56am 
Cheers for the feedback! I can't give a guarantee straight off, but I have noted this down to look into before launch.

The habitat placement is, indeed, a bit heavy-handed. I'd prefer if the game succeeded in choosing the intended location, but if that's not doable for some reason, then maybe some kind of nudging functionality is needed.

Do you have any suggestions for how this could work practically? As in how you envision doing it.
The best way IMO woukd be to design a tool that lets players move the habitat via drag and drop. There's already a check in place that says "invalid location" sometimes so using the hospitability overlay can make this easier.
inDirection Games  [developer] Sep 21, 2023 @ 6:38am 
Originally posted by A tubn Senf:
The best way IMO woukd be to design a tool that lets players move the habitat via drag and drop. There's already a check in place that says "invalid location" sometimes so using the hospitability overlay can make this easier.
This is what I am leaning towards myself as a potential change. Maybe even trying to merge the overlay into the tool.
Last edited by inDirection Games; Sep 21, 2023 @ 6:39am
Moduxus Sep 21, 2023 @ 4:19pm 
Originally posted by inDirection Games:
Originally posted by A tubn Senf:
The best way IMO woukd be to design a tool that lets players move the habitat via drag and drop. There's already a check in place that says "invalid location" sometimes so using the hospitability overlay can make this easier.
This is what I am leaning towards myself as a potential change. Maybe even trying to merge the overlay into the tool.

Sounds sweet!
M. Havoc Oct 9, 2023 @ 2:59pm 
Seems like this could be an amazing game. Playing the demo and finding the inflexibility of habitats to be a deal breaker though. If habitat placement is manageable in the full game then this is a definite buy.
Bouwjaar1983 Oct 10, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
this game has so much potential! but i agree.. the game is good but would be better with habitats u can place yourself. keep up the good work
swightly Oct 15, 2023 @ 5:38am 
Yeah habitats need to be more flexible, I honestly dont understand why my habitats arent filled to the brim with frogs by now. Would be easier to just give us a numerical value of needed traits. Do the animals just reject the habitat if one trait stat are too high? I dont know from looking at the habitat viewer either
CrazyDragy Oct 24, 2023 @ 8:44am 
Myeah, the habitat placement being random is really annoying, I've planted a 5X5 patch of flowers before and instead of picking the middle it'd pick a corner piece... I've honestly resorted to just placing things, hoping a habitat decides to pop up and then improving it without caring at all about how it looks, there's only a couple of plants you use and for some reason the bees literally prefer 25 blocks of the same flower bush instead of variety so it looks silly as heck anyway
Shazzamon Dec 2, 2023 @ 12:32am 
Just jumping in with a +1 on the suggestion for dragndrop/area tool for Habitats, would definitely make tidying things up easier.
Doubling down on this. I'm in the process of creating a preview for the game's launch and I spent 30 minutes arguing with the interface trying to move my bumblebee to the 5x5 flower area I had created. If I'm reading the above right, I can't move the initial bumblebee habitat?
Last edited by Dad's Gaming Addiction; Jul 5 @ 8:59am
inDirection Games  [developer] Jul 5 @ 5:16pm 
Originally posted by Dad's Gaming Addiction:
Doubling down on this. I'm in the process of creating a preview for the game's launch and I spent 30 minutes arguing with the interface trying to move my bumblebee to the 5x5 flower area I had created. If I'm reading the above right, I can't move the initial bumblebee habitat?

Hmm. With the new Habitat tool it should conform to wherever you place the marker. Unless the habitat is occupied by a creature.
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